"Now you have three minutes to decide whether to live or perish. You can choose for yourself."

As soon as yebufan's voice fell, there was a moment of silence. Everyone who followed him to the Qin family's ancestral home also looked at him dumbfounded and silly.

What did king ye say?

He said that the Qin family had cut off his wealth, so the Qin family must compensate him for his losses?

Ten million yuan?

Settle down the Qin family without paying?

what the fuck.

what the fuck.

what the fuck.

In an instant, everyone was shocked.

Six law enforcers are no exception.

They thought yebufan was taking Qin Ming home to calm things down.

But he didn't want to come to the Qin family to claim compensation.

Ten million yuan.

This is NIMA.

The blackmail of red fruit.

A cruel man deserves to be called a cruel man.

Still so arrogant.

Still so domineering.


For this reason, he will be his idol from now on.

Many people thought in secret.

Qin Ming was shocked, but there was only a blank in his mind.


Also at this time, in the ancestral home of the Qin family, a roar of anger rang out.

Then, an old man in green shirt suddenly appeared in front of the Qin family's ancestral home, and also appeared in everyone's sight.

Not only that, the Qin family also ran out of the house one after another, and stood behind the old man in green shirt.

The old man in green shirt glanced at Qin Ming and qingniu. After half a second, he fell on yebufan and shouted, "who are you?"

"It's easy to say. I'm the leader of the best stronghold in the world, yebufan, King Ye."

The best stronghold in the world?

Stronghold leader King ye?

Never heard of it.

The old man in green shirt frowned and pointed to Qin Ming and qingniu who were dying on the ground. "Did you fight?"

"Of course."


"Because he ruined the king's business and cut off his wealth."


The old man in green shirt frowned.

Yebufan opens his mouth again and tells the cause of the matter in detail without hesitation.

There is no half exaggeration.

There is no half false.

After that, yebufan looked at the old man in green shirt and said, "so, do you think the Qin family should compensate the king for all his losses?"


The old man in green shirt twitched at the corners of his mouth.

The other people present were all messy and speechless.

I have seen shameless people.

But I have never seen such shameless.

Dig a hole to cheat.

You still have a reason?

The next second, the old man in green shirt looked solemn and said, "I don't think Qin Ming was wrong. After all, he just told the truth."

"So you Qin family don't intend to compensate the king for his loss?"

"If it is the Qin family that caused your loss, we are naturally willing to compensate, but in fact, the loss you call is not caused by the Qin family."

"Not you?"

Yebufan sneered: "if it weren't for your old Qin family to dismantle the king's platform, the king's Dragon and snake would not be sold?"

"But you were lying."

"What's wrong with deceiving people? I cheat people by my ability. I'm in charge of your Qin family's shit. I need you to mind your own business?"

Can it be so reasonable to cheat people out of money?

Can you still order a face?

The old man in green shirt is messy.

Yebufan said, "come on, don't fret about it. Just tell me. Will the Qin family compensate for the king's loss or not?"

"Little friend, be reasonable."

If ye Bufan's background and origin were not clear, and ye Bufan's arrogance made the old man in green shirt afraid, he might have already taken action to suppress ye Bufan with the momentum of thunder. How could he talk nonsense with ye Bufan here.

However, the old man in Qingshan was afraid, but yebufan didn't.

"Be reasonable?"

Yebufan rebuked coldly: "you Qin family cut off the king's wealth first, and don't want to make compensation later. Now, you have the face to tell the king to be reasonable?"

"OK, the king will reason with you."


As soon as the voice fell, yebufan's momentum changed and he shot in vain.

Great wilderness stele hand.

A 72 fold increase.

The sky covering hand presses the old man in green shirt.

"Not good."

The old man in green shirt changed his complexion and hurriedly said, "all of you, back off."

He didn't think that yebufan would make a sudden move.

He didn't think that yebufan's' easy 'strike was as good as the Holy Spirit's Ninth Heaven.




The Qin family did not hesitate at all. As soon as the old man in green shirt said something, they had already dispersed.

Not only they, but also others around them.

The old man in green shirt struck with a fist and shook yebufan's hand.

In an instant, fists and feet collided.


A great roar sounded.

The energy shock of terror swept all directions.




The gate of the Qin family's ancestral home and the surrounding walls collapsed instantly.

The old man in green shirt retreated three steps in a row.


Seeing this, everyone at the scene could not help taking a breath.

They didn't expect that ye Bufan shot in an instant, which not only made a huge noise, but also beat the old man back three steps.

You know, Qin Feng, an old man in green shirt, is not only the current owner of the Qin family, but also the strong one of the nine heaven of the Holy Spirit.

A blow to repel him?

Is that at least the Ninth Heaven of the Holy Spirit?

King Ye is also the Ninth Heaven of the Holy Spirit?

How old is he?

Everyone was shocked.

Qin Feng, too, looked straight at ye Bufan and said, "who are you?"

At this age.

Such cultivation.

The other party can't be nobody.

Can be biased.

Have you never heard of each other?

Things go wrong for a reason.


Yebufan doesn't respond, and the hand of covering the sky is photographed again.

"I am special..."

The old man in green shirt is messy and crazy.

He could not help but want to scold his mother.

What is this place?

This is his ancestral home of the Qin family.

The two holy spirits, the strong ones of the Ninth Heaven, are fighting here to destroy his Qin family's ancestral home?

But yebufan has already made a move, and Qin Feng has no choice at all.

After all, if he avoids the war, yebufan's palm will directly hit the Qin family's ancestral home. At that time, it is estimated that half of the Qin family will be in ruins.

But it can't go on like this.

"Take him down."

Qin Feng shook ye Bufan's hand and shouted.

Regardless of yebufan's identity and origin, the only way to capture him is to protect the Qin family's ancestral home.




Qin Feng's words came to an end. All the strong spirits in the Qin family took action. There were more than 100 of them, including seven in the Ninth Heaven of the Holy Spirit.

Great power.

The smell of terror.

All the people around immediately backed away in fear.

The six law enforcers also turned pale.

Yebufan was completely unafraid: "since you want to fight, the king will accompany you to the end and dismantle this place for the king."




At the command of yebufan, twelve dragons and snakes roared up to the sky.

Their terrifying ferocity shook the earth.

Especially the first two dragons and snakes of the nine heavens of the Holy Spirit. The breath released by them made even the strong men of the nine heavens of the Holy Spirit in the Qin family feel palpitation.

This is also normal.

The dragons and snakes in the holy spirit realm have turned into real dragons, and they are also the second royal family in the small thousand realm of Tianyuan. Within the same level, they have unparalleled combat power and can be called invincible.

Of course, even so, ye Bufan can't defeat the Qin family. After all, the Qin family has more than 100 strong people in the holy spirit realm.

Too many ants can kill elephants.

What's more, these heavenly kings of the Qin family are not ants.

But so what.

Can't fight?

If I can't beat you, I will tear down your ancestral home first.

As for others.

Anyway, with the support of the divine Pavilion, can you kill the king?

You dare.

You should also ask whether the divine Pavilion agrees.

In the face of the monstrous power of the twelve dragons and snakes, more than 100 strong spirits in the Qin family lost their gods in an instant.

Yebufan doesn't stop.

It's done.

He went straight at the old man in green.

Twelve dragons and snakes were also killed after ye Bufan.

A battle is imminent.

All the people around me were stupid.

They didn't expect this to happen.

This is the battle of the Holy Spirit.

Do you want to destroy the entire ancestral city?

"Stop it."

Also at this time, in the ancestral home of the Qin family, a breath of terror suddenly swept over the audience.

Yebufan's body stagnated and his eyebrows coagulated.

Qin family, demigod?

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