After learning a series of secrets about transcendence, the way of heaven, and the Lord of the world from Daoling, yebufan did not continue to walk the streets, but returned to the God Pavilion.

The news was too sudden and shocking. Yebufan needs to calm down and digest the information.

As for collecting Dao Yuan.

There are still 21 days before the start of the three clan Dabi.

There is plenty of time.

There is no need to rush.

In Cuiwei garden.

More than three hours have passed now.

Yebufan's mood has basically calmed down.

Yebufan also had some ideas about Taicang Xueji and ye Langwang.

What is demigod?

Above the Holy Spirit, half step God.

Although the Tianyuan xiaoqianjie was broken and reborn, it has not been fully formed, or it is still in a forbidden state.

In this case, it is impossible for a strong man in the demigod realm to be born in the small thousand boundaries of Tianyuan.

That is to say, whether Taicang Xueji or ye Langwang, they must have been summoned by themselves and be in Hongmeng world.

Among these creatures.

Apart from those who are familiar with each other, there are only those people of qianduoduo Tianyuan chamber of Commerce, generals of Tiangong, and Taicang dragons and snakes.

Add the names of both.

Taicang Xueji.

Leaf wolf king.

The answer is clear.

In the name of Taicang.

This Taicang Xueji must be one of many dragons and snakes.

And the leaf wolf king.

Apart from the wretched blood wolf demon king, ye Bufan can't imagine who would take 'Ye' as his surname and 'wolf king' as his name.

In addition, it was the little fairy in the holy prison who took away the blood wolf demon king and the dragons and snakes in the Xingyue forest, which made this possibility more real.

So yebufan is basically sure that Taicang Xueji is one of the dragons and snakes, and Yelang king is the snow wolf demon king.

Their sudden promotion to demigod must have something to do with the little fairy.

As for how the little fairy did it.

Yebufan doesn't know or need to know.

The mood has calmed down.

All Daoyuan have also been transformed into world power by Ye Bufan, so that ye Bufan now has more than 1.1 million world power.

Of which.

The Qin family is 300000.

The nies are 300000.

Shenge 300000.

Yuwen family: 200000 yuan.

There are also some odds and ends when others buy dragons and snakes.

A total of 1.1 million.

These world forces are enough to support ye Bufan to attack the demigod.

But not enough.

Yebufan needs more world power.

Yebufan needs to be absorbed in the three races' big competition.

Night fell.

Yebufan got up and left the room.

Then he took twelve dragons, snakes, Lengfeng and others to the outer city of Zucheng.

As for nanrentong.

It has long disappeared.

It is said that I went back to the forty-three regions.

But in yebufan's opinion, something is false. I'm afraid that nanrentong is scared by himself, so he has to avoid himself from afar.

Of course, yebufan didn't care what caused nanrentong to suddenly leave Shenge and return to the forty-three regions.

outer city.


Looking at the empty street with all the shops closed, yebufan could not help looking at the cold front nearby in a dazed and absent-minded way:

"What happened?"

"Where are the people?"

"Don't these people in the ancestral city have nightlife?"


In the face of yebufan's inquiry, Lengfeng was also confused and distracted.

If he hadn't witnessed the prosperity and excitement during the day, Lengfeng would even think that the ancestral city was a ghost city.


I can't even see a person on such a big street.

Is there anything special about the night in Zucheng?

Leng Feng thought.

Ye Bufan was confused.

In the end, they had no choice but to return to the God Pavilion.

no way out.

There is no one on the street.

Nobody, who?

forget it.

Wash and sleep.

the second day.

At the first light of the day, yebufan hurried to the outer city of Zucheng with twelve dragons and snakes and a group of killer guards.

However, they still see:

A deserted street.

Shops with closed doors.

There is still no one in the huge outer city of the ancestral city.


Yebufan was directly angry.

No one at night.

There was no one in broad daylight.

What do you mean by that?

Hiding from King Ben?

what the fuck.

Can't you really avoid me?

The more yebufan thinks about it, the more likely it is.

This is NIMA.

What do you mean by that?

Is your majesty so terrible?

Want to hide?

Do you think that if you hide, my king will have nothing to do with you?


You have underestimated the king.


With a wave of his big hand, yebufan took Lengfeng and others straight to the situ family, one of the eight powerful families.

More than ten minutes later.

In front of situ's ancestral home.




At the instigation of yebufan, Lengfeng constantly knocked on the gate of situ's ancestral home.

However, the situ family did not respond at all.

Yebufan is angry.



Under the command of yebufan, Leng Feng directly broke the door with huge profits.

Situ's home.

All the people inside the door are disorderly and angry.

All the people in the city have already known that yebufan blackmailed Qin and Nie families.

They have all disappeared.

But I didn't want to. The goods didn't stop. They broke into the house directly.


Is there any reason?

Is there any royal law?

Without waiting for the situ family members to think about it, yebufan had already marched into the situ family with twelve dragons, snakes and cold front, and looked directly at the situ family members in front of him. He looked cold and hard-working and said decisively: "hand over the king's mount."


"What mount?"

All the people in front of us were confused.

"Don't pretend to be stupid here with me."

Yebufan angrily scolded, "my king saw my king's Mount run into your house. Now, immediately, hand over my king's mount."

God mount.

You saw it with your own eyes?

Meet your sister.

You obviously want to blackmail and blackmail situ family.

All the people are in a bad mood.


The semi divine ancestor of situ family looked at he Tianling and said angrily, "He Tian, is this your so-called way?"


He Tian's mouth twitched.

He did not expect that yebufan would go so far.


He really didn't expect yebufan to be so lawless and unscrupulous.

The whole city has avoided being seen.

The goods even broke through the door.

Still riding.

Mount your sister.

Suddenly, He Tian looked at the semi divine ancestor of situ's family, and said with some helplessness and embarrassment: "why don't you just give him 300000 yuan to send him away, and after the big competition among the three families, the God Pavilion will come forward to help you get the 300000 yuan back?"

"Get out."

The semi God ancestor of situ family scolded angrily, "I will give it to the God Pavilion. Anyway, I will not give it to situ family, and I have no money to give it."


He Tian is messy.

The semi divine ancestor of the situ family said: "in addition, we had a discussion last night. From now on until the end of Dabi, we can avoid him according to the meaning of the Shenge, but we will never give him even a Dao Yuan. If the Shenge wants to force us, we will split up at once. All the four families and eight giants will move away from the ancestral city."

"Absolutely not."

He Tian refused directly.

All the four families and eight powerful families moved away from the ancestral city?

That's OK.

If the demon clan or half demon invades.

God Pavilion alone can't stop it.

"In that case, you can find a way to send him away. If not, don't blame me for being rude."

The situ family's semi divine ancestor was determined, and there was no room for discussion.

Three hundred thousand is not much.

But don't the four big families and the eight big families have to face up?

It's just a robbery.

Why should they give in and compromise.

Yesterday, the Qin Nie family's affair was just too sudden. They didn't give God's Pavilion face.


Want more money?

you must be dreaming.

Do you really think that their four families and eight powerful families are made of mud?

Or do you really think they have no temper?


The situ family's ancestors said nothing, but he Tian stopped talking.


It's just a robbery.

Why should they make the four families and the eight giants compromise.

Is it because that boy is about to win the first of the three races for the human race?

Stop teasing.

Even if yebufan wins the first place among the three families, it will only benefit the Shenge directly, not the four families and the eight giants.

Unless the God Pavilion gives them profits.

But is it possible?

He Tiandan is hurt and sad


Yebufan looked directly at the situ family and said angrily in a cold voice, "what do you mean? What are you waiting for? Hand over the king's mount."

Although ye Bufan clearly knew that this was just an excuse to blackmail the situ family, there was still a middle-aged man among the situ family who couldn't help saying: "King ye, you must have made a mistake. Your mount didn't run into our situ family at all."


Yebufan was furious: "I saw it with my own eyes. How could it not be? Or did you kill my king's mount and eat it?"


Everyone in situ's family is disorderly and crazy.

Are you really coming here with your mouth open to frame up?


Without waiting for them to think, yebufan said again: "look at you, you really ate the king's mount. In that case, you should lose money."


Everyone in situ's family twitched.

In the backyard, the semi God of situ's family spurted fire with his eyes. He could not bear it anymore, so he shouted angrily: "get out!"

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