Is this to buy me off?

Tianxin Pavilion leader was shocked directly.

So do Nan Ren Tong and an Ruyan.

Openly bribe the six Pavilion leaders of Shenge to pit the other Pavilion leaders of Shenge.

This fat man is really, really, really don't know how to describe him.

A moment later, the unintentional Pavilion leader narrowed his eyes, looked at Qian Duoduo and said, "you are so unscrupulous, even unscrupulous. Aren't you afraid that I will kill you?"

"Afraid? Why should Lord Qian be afraid?"

Qian Duoduo looked calm and calm: "however, Lord Qian also saw that you really didn't go along with the other cabinet leaders. In addition, we are in laws. In this way, Lord Qian told you a secret."

"Secret? What secret?"

"Lord Qian died."


The Lord of Tianxin Pavilion frowned and said, "what do you mean?"

"Don't you understand? Lord Qian died, but he still stands in front of you intact. This shows that... Lord qian can't be killed."


Tianxin Pavilion leader directly scolded.

The fat man is simply getting more and more ridiculous.

Can't kill?

How can there be someone in this world who can't be killed.

"Don't believe it?"

Qian Duoduo smiled and said, "if you don't believe me, ask Dean Nan."


The leader of Tianxin Pavilion immediately looked at nanrentong.


Nan Jen pulled at the corner of his mouth and said, "he really died once."

"No way."

The surprised look and disbelief on the head of Tianxin Pavilion.

At this time, an Ruyan also said: "master, I, I have seen some people under fan come back from the dead."

"What? Have you seen it?"

The startled eyes of Tianxin Pavilion leader immediately looked at an Ruyan.


An answered softly like smoke.


The leader of Tianxin Pavilion is messy.

He was completely ignorant.

How can there really be undead people in this world? And more than one?

"How about it? Do you believe it now?"

Qian Duoduo smiled calmly and said, "if you don't believe me, you can kill Qian now and see if qian can come back from death."


"Lord Qian never talks and laughs. Of course, you can kill him, but you have to pay him. Well, for the sake of our in laws, Lord Qian will give you a discount of 100000 yuan a time. As for how many times you kill him, you can do it."

One hundred thousand, kill at will?

I killed your sister.

The leader of Tianxin Pavilion is crazy.

But he basically believed that Qian Duoduo could not be killed.

But not because of a lot of money, but because of an Ruyan and an rentong.

He believed that the two men would not deceive themselves, nor dare they deceive themselves.

However, how could it be? How could there be someone in this world who could not be killed?

Tianxin Pavilion leader is terrified.

Qian Duoduo said, "if you want to kill your in laws, you should give me a word."

"Otherwise, Lord Qian will give you a discount of 50000 yuan at a time?"

Five, your sister.

The Lord of Tianxin Pavilion hated secretly and said, "don't kill."

"All right."

Qian Duoduo answered with some loss and regret, and then said: "what about the 250000 yuan? Do you want to lose money? Or use the small world to offset it?"


The leader of Tianxin Pavilion is about to cry.

Why did I come to forty-three regions?


If you don't come here, you won't meet this despicable and shameless man in front of you, and you won't owe the huge sum of 250000 yuan and the interest that can't be paid off.

It's alright now.

This fat man is nothing but a brown candy.

I can't shake it off.

Kill, kill not dead.

The most abominable thing was that he even shouted one by one.


Have you ever treated your in laws like this?

The leader of Tianxin Pavilion is sad and angry, even desperate.

Finally, he gritted his teeth and said, "I want half."

Lord Tianxin's idea is very simple. Even if he doesn't participate, Qian Duoduo will still do so.

Moreover, he had no choice at all.

In that case, give yourself more benefits.

Most importantly, Qian Duoduo is right in saying that if he Ming and other cabinet leaders were not greedy, they would be punished?

Obviously not.

This time, we should let he Ming and other cabinet leaders pay for a lesson.

Anyway, he could not see the selfishness of those cabinet leaders.


When Tianxin Pavilion leader's words fell, Qian Duoduo shook his head: "in laws, you can't be too greedy. It's 30% and most of Chengdu can't."


The Lord of Tianxin pavilion was impatient: "either half or no talk."

"All right."

Qian Duoduo sighed lightly: "Lord Qian never tries to force people into difficulties. Let's lose money."


Tianxin Pavilion leader is sad and angry.

I really want to hit people.


I really want to kill him.

But what if he doesn't die?


Took a deep breath.

The leader of Tianxin Pavilion said: "you won and you will achieve 30% of your success. But I want to see that boy."

"He's not here."

"No? Doesn't that mean he has returned to the forty-three regions?"

Tianxin Pavilion leader looked at nanrentong in dismay.


Nan Ren pulled at the corners of his mouth.


The leader of Tianxin Pavilion suddenly realized.

It turned out that the moment I set foot in the forty-three domains, I was already in the trap.


Who are these people.

So desperate.



The boundary of nothingness.


This is one of the twenty-one cities controlled by the Terrans.

All 21 cities belong to the Shenge. However, the Shenge never participates in the management of these cities. Instead, it leases the management of these cities to the major forces of the human race, including the four ancestral families and the eight giants.

The management of Jingcheng belongs to Ouyang family, one of the eight powerful families.

The city Lord Ouyang Qingyan, the Holy Spirit of the Ninth Heaven.

As for demigods.

The demigod never participated in the management of the city.

Even the strong at the level of demigod will not step into the realm of nothingness.

This is true of Terrans, demons and half demons.

This is a tacit understanding among the three ethnic groups.

After all, if the demigod acts, it is a disaster for the Holy Spirit.

So, what's the point if you kill me and I kill your ten saints?

It's just consumption.

At this point.

Li Ming has just passed.

Over Jingcheng.




The twelve dragon chants broke through the sky, from far to near, and arrived in an instant.

On the streets of Jingcheng, everyone instinctively looked up and saw that twelve holy spirit level real dragons were driving a luxury car across the sky of Jingcheng, and more than 300 men in black were separated on both sides.


Seeing this scene, all the people in Jingcheng were slightly absent-minded.

More than 300 Taoist robbers said it was OK.

After all, there is no shortage of martial arts in the realm of nothingness.


Twelve dragons pulling a cart?

This card can't compare with the powerful travel of the Lord of God??

Who is in the car? What a big deal, what a big formation?

Countless people surmised.

Also at this time, a startling cry suddenly sounded in the street: "Twelve dragons pull a cart. This is king Ye's honor guard. Isn't it King Ye sitting in the cart?"


Is this king Ye's guard of honor?

Is king Ye sitting in the car?

The whole city was shocked, shocked, and then couldn't help being excited and excited.

Who is king ye?

That is a wanted felon offered a reward by the divine Pavilion.

Anyone who can capture King ye and hand him over to the divine Pavilion can get a reward of 500000 yuan from the divine Pavilion.

Half a million dollars.

Ninety nine percent of the people will not earn a huge amount of wealth in their whole life.

Now as long as you capture King ye and hand him over to Shenge, you can get 500000 yuan. From then on, you will become rich overnight and reach the peak of your life.

This is a pie from heaven.

The most important thing is that King Ye is just a robber, not even the Holy Spirit.

So, what are you waiting for.

Take down King Ye.

Earn God Pavilion 500000 yuan.


However, before the people in Jingcheng started to fight, the pressure of the Holy Spirit of yebufan broke out and immediately enveloped the whole Jingcheng.

After that, ye Bufan's cold voice followed: "looting!!"

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