
I am a demigod.

Even a demigod of the same level can't just take three steps backwards, just like yebufan?

Is he the power of God's realm?


Even the power of God's realm will be suppressed to the level of demigod in the realm of nothingness.

But why?

Jia Bujia was confused and crazy, and he couldn't figure it out.

But yebufan said, "old man, are we going to continue?"


Son of a bitch.

This is provocation.


This is the shame of red fruit.

Uncle can bear it.

My aunt couldn't bear it.


Jabujia was so angry that he turned into an angry old lion.


A blow fell.





One punch after another.

Jabujia did his best, and the terrible attack hit yebufan.

It is like a flowing river.

It is also like a wild and fierce beast that destroys the heaven and destroys the earth.

One time.

Heaven and earth change color.

Spatial oscillation.

Everyone in Yong City trembled with fear.


Five minutes later.


Looking at the intact yebufan in front of him, jabujia was about to despair and collapse.

More than five minutes.

He acted like an innocent man.

Look at yourself.

DUT is getting tired to death.


Are you really a demigod?

Or is it that I have made a mistake all the time and I am just a fake demigod?

For the first time, jabujia questioned his own strength.

This is the case with jabja.

This is especially true of other people in Yong city.

What did they see?

They saw that the seven elders of Shenge and the half god level Jia Bujia attacked ye Bufan madly for more than five minutes, but he didn't even hurt his hair. Instead, he tired himself into a dead dog?

Can you believe this NIMA?

It's too fake.

But jabujia doesn't look like a fake.

But at this time.




People came rushing from afar, but in an instant they had already reached the sky over Yong city.

No one else, just the other 29 demigods of the Terran.

As soon as they arrived, they directly locked ye Bufan.

The elder Mo Chou said firmly, "boy, I've been waiting for you for many days. You've appeared. This time, I'll see where you can go."


The elder's words fell, and before yebufan responded, jabujia couldn't help drawing at the corners of his mouth.

That's what he said before.

What happened?

As a result, he is now on the verge of collapse.

Other people in Yong city also had a disordered face.

"Oh, really?"

Yebufan smiled and said, "in that case, let's follow the old rules. I will let you do a thousand tricks alone."

what do you mean?

Old rules?

One more person let us do a thousand tricks?

All the demigods were stunned.

Elder Mochou is no exception.

But soon, the eldest elder Mo Chou took the lead in returning to God, and shouted loudly: "this boy is scheming. Don't talk nonsense with him. Go up with him and take him directly."

Thirty demigods captured a yebufan.

Although it's a bit of a fuss.

Although some bully.


The elder can't manage so much.

Just like the saying goes, "eat a thread and learn a lesson.".

Having suffered a loss in yebufan's hands, she is absolutely not allowed to suffer a second loss.

Then the elder directly attacked and killed yebufan.

The other demigods also came back to fight.

Five minutes later.


The elder was stunned.

All the demigods were confused.

Looking at the intact yebufan in front of them, all they had left in their mind was "???".

Why doesn't he have anything at all.

And we're tired to death?

This is not scientific.

Is it difficult that he is the demigod, and we are just a group of fake demigods?

Before the great elder and other demigods thought more, yebufan looked at them and said with a smile, "are you finished? How about surprise? Are you surprised?"


The demigods are in disorder.

That's really not worth beating.

More special.

Suddenly, the elder narrowed his eyes and said in a harsh voice: "your body? And you have reached the demigod level? No, even the demigod level body can not reach this level, can't you..."


Yebufan smiled and said, "in fact, it's not important. What's important is that I regret to tell you that from now on, my king is invincible within the boundaries of nothingness."

Elder: "...."

Demigods: "...."

Yongcheng owner: "...."

Although they want to refute, they don't know how to refute.

After all, the 29 demigods attacked King ye for more than five minutes without any defense, but king Ye was unhurt.

This is what everyone has seen with their own eyes.

This is invincible.

Without waiting for everyone to think about it, yebufan spoke again and said leisurely: "so from now on, the king has the final say in the boundless world. I believe... You should not object?"

From now on, you have the the final say in the realm of nothingness?

The demigods were stunned.

Everyone in Yong city was also shocked.


A moment later, the eldest elder Mo Chou gave a sharp rebuke and said, "I admit that your defense is unparalleled, but how can you defend even stronger? We can't help you. You can also..."


Before the elder's words fell, yebufan had already struck out his palm.

Great wilderness stele hand.

A 72 fold increase.

The hand that covers the sky.


A terrible blow struck.

The elder's face changed: "unbridled."

She greeted her directly with her palm.


Two palms collide.

The sonic boom exploded.

A wave of terror swept across the country.

"Da Da..."

The elder retired seven steps in vain.

Yebufan did not move.

The confrontation between electricity, light and flint.

Everyone turned pale.

Yebufan looked at the elder and said, "does it hurt?"

The eldest elder drew at the corner of his mouth.

Although she didn't say anything.

But it really hurts.

"Ha ha."

Yebufan smiled: "the unparalleled defense is absolutely invincible, because you can't even break the king's defense, but the king can consume you alive."



The destruction of yebufan red fruit.

The demigods were oppressed.


The next second, yebufan's face sank and he said in a stern voice, "so from now on, within the boundary of nothingness, all things are up to the king the final say. Who agrees and who opposes?"


Everyone trembled and their faces changed dramatically.


The elder was impatient and said, "although you are invincible, don't forget that you still have these men. They don't have your strength and the defense that the demigod can't break."

While talking, the elder had pointed to twelve dragon snakes, Lengfeng and other God killing guards.

"Are you threatening King Ben?"

Yebufan asked coldly.


The elder did not deny it.


Yebufan thought for a while and wondered, "brothers, have you heard that the old woman threatened my king with your life and death? You said... What should I do?"

"Stupid thing."

"Fuck you."

"Come and kill me."

The murdering guards immediately shouted and scolded and angrily attacked the elder.

"To die."

The elder was instantly furious.

Before she could do it, a murderer guard drew his sword out of its scabbard, looked directly at her, and shouted: "old woman, you are so old that I won't bother you to do it. I will die first to respect you."

The words fell, and the long sword in the killer guard moved.


Separation of man and head.

The corpse of the killer guard fell directly from the air.


Seeing this, the eldest elder was stunned directly, and other people present were no exception.

What is this operation?

Without waiting for them to think more, another god killing guard came out;

"Is one enough?"

"Not enough?"

"I'll give you another one."


Words fall, draw a knife, cut off one's head, and commit suicide.


The eerie picture made everyone present look foolish.

The elder drew at the corners of his mouth.

At this time, she remembered that the other nine subordinates of yebufan had committed suicide in front of her own face after the three clan big match.

Combined with the scene in front of us.

Nima is a group of psychopaths who are not afraid of death.

Use them to coerce ye Bufan?

I'm afraid I have a hole in my head

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