The dawn wakes up all things. A new day begins. The Taigu forest is full of sunshine. Ye Bufan lives on a huge tree. His eyelids tremble slightly and he wakes up leisurely.


In the distance, a loud noise suddenly sounded, and even the earth seemed to tremble.

"What sound?"

Yebufan was startled.

Then there was another metal crash.


Yebufan frowned, and the whole man stood up, holding the trunk to look in the direction of the distant movement.


The sound of metal collision came from far to near. In the blink of an eye, more than ten martial artists appeared in yebufan's sight, and then formed a confrontation ten meters away from the giant tree where yebufan was located.

Yebufan was startled.

"The heart of the zither is bound and hidden."

Yebufan dared not have the slightest carelessness. He immediately said to Qin Xin in his heart, who knows who these people are and what they are doing. The three star beast land, at least, is also the marrow washing state, and even the martial artists above the marrow washing state. God knows what will happen to them after they find out.

Human beings are no more dangerous than wild animals.

Yebufan's words fell, and a purple light appeared on his body, and then disappeared. It seemed that nothing had happened. In fact, Qin Xin had already arranged a small border around yebufan with an artifact to hide all his breath.

On the imperial jade, the original silver '100' has now become '99'. Each time you open the enchantment, you will consume a share of blood essence, which will last for half an hour.


Ten meters away.

More than a dozen martial artists were divided into two teams of seven and eight, facing each other. Their sharp swords came out of their scabbards. In a group of seven, a middle-aged man holding a war knife frowned slightly, looked at each other and said, "Huang San, what do you mean?"

"Hahaha, what do you mean? Marongxuan, the treasure of heaven and earth, you have a share." Wu Zhe, who is called Xu Huang San, sneers. His eyes are full of greed. He knows the value of the things in this package.

Ma Rongxuan's face was black and blue, and he raised his sabre in his hand: "it's shameful. You followed us and made a sneak attack. But what did you say? I tell you, my brothers and I bought these spiritual fruits with our lives. If you want, take your lives."

Lingguo is a treasure of heaven and earth. Those who concentrate on the martial arts can increase their vitality after taking it. Even the lowest level of Ningyuan martial arts can advance once taking one. However, the growth conditions of the spirit fruit are extremely harsh. At present, it is only available in the Taigu forest. Moreover, most of the spirit fruit trees are occupied by the barbarians. It can be said that it is very difficult to obtain a spirit fruit.

A holy fruit, worth 300 gold coins.

Even so, once lingguo appears in the market, it will be bought immediately, and 300 gold coins are only the base price. Once someone competes, the final transaction price may exceed 500 gold coins.

For ordinary people, this is absolutely sky high. For all families, although there are a lot of 500 gold coins, it can enable the family's descendants to improve the Ningyuan realm without any influence. It is also absolutely worth the money.

This time, Ma Rongxuan and his party got a total of six holy fruits, worth between 1800 and 3000 gold coins, which is higher than their annual income. How could Ma Rongxuan give half of them to Huang San and others for nothing.

He would not, nor would his brothers.

Looking at Ma Rongxuan, Huang Sanmei frowned: "Ma Rongxuan, are you serious about not paying? I don't ask very much. I only want half of all the spiritual fruits you get."

Marongxuan sneered.

"Half? Huang San, don't say half. You can't even think of one. For these spiritual fruits, we lost one Ning yuan realm, one refining dirty realm and three changing tendons realm, a total of five brothers. If we give these spiritual fruits to you for nothing, how can I face them after my death?"

"You -"

Looking at marongxuan, Huang San's face changed and he didn't hurry to start.

He is a three-star Ningyuan, and Ma Rongxuan is also a three-star Ningyuan. At the moment, eight of them and seven of them are still injured.

Once you start, you have a good chance of winning.

However, if he could not do it, he still hoped that he would not do it. After all, although they had a certain advantage, if they really started, the seven members of Ma Rongxuan's party would fight with death. In the end, even if they won, they would suffer heavy losses.

The best thing is to force Ma Rongxuan to hand over some holy fruits, and then go his own way.

Unfortunately, marongxuan didn't know what he thought. Looking at Huang San's uncertain face, he frowned, When even he said loudly: "Huang San, stop pretending and give you half of the holy fruit? Hum, don't think I don't know what you're thinking. From the moment you started, you've made up your mind that you won't let us leave Taigu forest alive, because you know very well that you people can't stand our revenge. Killing people is the best choice. So even if I give up half of the holy fruit, you won't give up. Am I right? Today It is doomed that either you or I will die. In that case, why do you talk nonsense? Let's start. "

Ma Rongxuan's words startled Huang Sanxin fiercely. A flash of horror flashed in his eyes when he looked at Ma Rongxuan.


Previously, he saw that Ma Rongxuan and his party had obtained several spiritual fruits and suffered heavy losses. He had greed in his heart, so he was in a hurry to start. He didn't think about it at all. Now, Ma Rongxuan's reminder made him afraid for a while.

Ma Rongxuan's revenge?

He simply can't afford it.

In that case——


Huang San didn't hesitate any more.

There is no turning back when you bow.


Huang Santi fought with his sword. The remaining seven brothers around him did not hesitate. They knew what Ma Rongxuan and his party had got. The holy fruit was what many martial artists had dreamed of. It was even more valuable. As long as they killed Ma Rongxuan and his party, they could have all the holy fruit. It was definitely an unprecedented harvest.

People die for wealth, birds die for food.


Ma Rongxuan did not hesitate at all. He waved his Sabre and shouted loudly.

"Whew -"

A word fell, and he had already killed.


The six people around Ma Rongxuan did not stop.

If you want me to die, I won't let you live. In an instant, in the three star barbarian area of the Taigu forest, a group of 15 martial artists fought together.


Yebufan still lives in the tree, squinting at Ma Rongxuan and Huang Sanyi, who are fighting in a melee 10 meters away.

"Qin Xin, what is lingguo?" Thinking of the previous dialogue between the two groups, yebufan immediately asked Qin Xin. What can make 15 martial artists fight with their lives is definitely not ordinary.

"Lingguo is a kind of treasure. After taking it, those who concentrate on the martial arts can increase their vitality and save a lot of cultivation time. Especially for those who concentrate on the martial arts of the Yuan Dynasty, a lingguo can help a person who focuses on the martial arts of the Yuan Dynasty to improve a small realm under normal circumstances." Qin Xin explained as if nothing had happened. As an artifact, Qin Xin was even more powerful at the peak level. He was used to seeing all kinds of top-level things against the sky. Qin Xin simply ignored lingguo, the lowest treasure of heaven and earth.

Yebufan was surprised.

"One holy fruit can raise the Ningyuan realm to a small level, which is so awesome? That young master is only in the skin refining realm now. If you take these holy fruits, you will break through several small levels in a row?"

"You think too much." Qin Xin rolled her eyes and said.

"What do you mean?"

"Tiancai and Dibao are made by absorbing the energy of heaven and earth. The reason why the people who cultivate the martial arts in the yuan realm can improve a small realm after taking them is that the spiritual fruit contains a large amount of the energy of heaven and earth. Taking the spiritual fruit by the people who cultivate the martial arts in the yuan realm is equivalent to indirectly absorbing the energy of heaven and earth. The energy contained in a spiritual fruit is enough to make a breakthrough in the yuan realm. However, the people who transform the martial arts in the yuan realm just temper their bodies and can't absorb and use the energy of heaven and earth at all, Therefore, even if you eat the spiritual fruit, you will not improve your accomplishments. At most, you can restore your own life consumption and let the martial artist practice martial arts several times a day. "

"Restore HP and increase the number of martial arts cultivation?" Yebufan was a little stunned, and then his heart was full of joy.

What does yebufan lack most now?

Yebufan can grow up quickly if he is given a certain amount of time to inherit his martial arts against the sky. However, it is Qi and blood that restrict ye Bufan's cultivation speed. Even though ye Bufan's speed of cultivating divine level martial arts is 30 times faster than that of cultivating human level, ye Bufan can only cultivate once a day.

HP limits cultivation. Cultivation affects growth.

Yebufan needs time.

But as long as we have this spiritual fruit, all the problems will be solved. At that time, as long as ye Bufan takes the lingguo, he can continuously cultivate his martial arts skills regardless of the consumption of life. He can increase the terror of three kilograms of power with his divine level martial arts skills at one time. As long as he has enough natural materials and earth treasures, ye Bufan can cross the world and enter into concentration in the shortest time.

Thinking, yebufan looked at the fight between Ma Rongxuan and Huang San in the distance, and his eyes became more and more hot.

"The fisherman, my young master, has made up his mind."

"My young master is sure to get this spiritual fruit."

It's just that you haven't met such a treasure. Since you have met it, if you give up again, it's definitely not yebufan's personality.

All treasures are surnamed Ye.

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