Soul searching!!

The words "Qian Duoduo" made everyone present tremble and look shocked.

It is said that in ancient times, there was a special secret method that could forcibly read other people's memories by some means. This method is called soul recovery.

Anyone who has been spirited must become an idiot.

This secret method is absolutely cruel and vicious, but it has been lost for a long time. However, I didn't expect that Qian Duoduo would be able to use this soul searching secret method.

Looking at Qian Duoduo, the middle-aged man looked frightened. Although he was a demon, he had also heard of the secret method of this human race. It can be said that in front of those who practice this kind of secret method, anyone is like taking off his clothes. There is no secret at all.

"You -"

The middle-aged man panicked.

He wanted to run away, but he wanted to commit suicide. But at the moment, his body was completely imprisoned, and he could not run or commit suicide. "

"With blood essence as the medium and spirit as the medium, you can go against Yin and Yang, confuse the five elements, chase the soul - capture the soul!!" Qian Duoduo ignores it, and a fierce drink rings out.

In an instant, strange runes flashed in his eyes.


The next second, Qian Duoduo was covered with a dark blood mist, which was gloomy and evil. Without the slightest hesitation, these blood fog gathered together on the palm of the hand, and immediately poured into the middle-aged man's head.

"Ah -"

A middle-aged man screamed.

Pain, struggle.

All the people present trembled uncontrollably.

But there is no sympathy.

Although soul capturing is a cruel, vicious and even extremely evil secret method, it is undoubtedly the best choice to deal with the demon clan at this moment.

Can the demon clan parasitize the human body?

It's a matter of great importance. We must make clear the cause and effect.


Suddenly, Qian Duoduo looked solemn and frowned.

However, this scene stunned all the people present. They looked at Qian Duoduo with puzzled eyes - what's the matter?

"Whew, whew, whew -"

At this time, seven figures rushed out of the crowd. They were so fast that they turned into seven residual shadows and went straight to the stage.

But the goal is not a lot of money, but yebufan.

It's an earth shattering attack.

The sudden scene surprised everyone.


Seeing this scene, yebufan scolded in his heart. The seven people made it clear that Qian Duoduo was sure to use his secret method. They couldn't help him for a while, so they suddenly took the initiative.

The strong man in the universe can fight the universe in one second.

Dare not have the slightest hesitation.


Yebufan pedals on the ground with his right foot, and the nine steps of the dragon of the divine level in the Dacheng realm are performed to the extreme. His body seems to disappear out of thin air. He reappears ten meters away.

"Bang bang!!"

The fierce attack of the seven powerful people in the seven heavenly realms came late, and the seven fierce and domineering forces instantly fell on the previous position of yebufan.

The tables and chairs were shattered and the space trembled.


In an instant, the whole stage collapsed.

A sudden attack was made on him.


When the seven strong people in the seven heavenly realms saw that the seven of them had failed and the target had disappeared, their eyes narrowed and a cry of surprise broke out.

There was a dead silence.


Qian Duoduo can't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

But it was just a moment.

It was unexpectedly that someone made a sneak attack when he was practicing his secret arts. Seven strong people in the universe also made a sneak attack at the same time. If yebufan hadn't been able, he would have been seriously injured if he hadn't been alive.

At this point, Qian Duoduo became extremely angry.

"To die."

He shouted angrily, took his right hand back from the middle-aged man's head, and the blood mist dispersed. The next second, he waved his right hand to the seven strong men.

The seven people wanted to run and avoid, but they found that their bodies could not move at all. They could not help but shrink their eyes and tremble.

The realm of saints.

The seven strong people know that there is only one chance. At this moment, they have no chance to make another move.

"Bang bang!!"

In the next second, seven dull and thick voices sounded, and the seven strong people in the heaven only felt a huge force crashing into their chest.

"Ka Ka!!"

The sound of broken bones was clearly audible.

"Poof -"

The red blood splashed out, and the seven strong people in the heaven fell out at the same time. Tens of meters away, they fell heavily to the ground.

"Poof -"

Then, another mouthful of blood essence spurted from their mouths.

They were shocked, they were scared.

The power of saints is as vast as the stars.

Qian Duoduo did not pay any attention to the strong man of the Seventh National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party. His cold eyes scanned the whole audience, and he shouted angrily: "Tu Sancai, from now on, whoever makes a rash move will be killed."

Never mind what you say.

Whoever it is?

How dare you kill the vice presidents of the three martial arts academies and the elders of the top families?

"Yes, president."

Tu Sancai didn't hesitate at all. When he shouted, he was even more shocked. Who would have thought that after the middle-aged man, there were still people who dared to attack in front of the saint Qian Duoduo.

The most important thing is that the other side almost got it.

Because of carelessness, so relax.

Because of slackness, it almost led to disaster.


In the next second, Tu Sancai's terror suddenly broke out, swept the audience, and firmly locked everyone.

Those who make a rash move will be killed.

'hiss -'

Feeling Tu Sancai's terrible breath, everyone could not help but take a breath, and a storm was set off in their hearts.

Tu Sancai, semi saint.

A saint, a semi saint, the inside information of the exquisite chamber of commerce is powerful and frightening, and it makes people's scalp numb.

Qian Duoduo ignored it. He stepped out and glanced at the seven strong people lying on the ground in the distance.

Extend your right hand.

"Whew -"

In an instant, one of the strong people in the world came to Qian Duoduo out of control. Like the previous middle-aged man, Qian Duoduo directly grabbed the other person's head without hesitation, hesitation or pity - soul searching.

The blood mist suddenly appeared.


In just a few seconds, Qian Duoduo hesitated about one thing and threw the strong man directly to the previous middle-aged man.

Two people, like dead dogs.

Qian Duoduo ignored it.


He caught another man.

Second, third, fourth, Fifth

Qian Duoduo didn't stop. He grabbed the seven strong people one by one, and then searched them one by one. The speed was extremely fast. Each one was only about threeorfour seconds. It was shocking to see everyone present.

Soul searching secret, so simple?

They didn't know what memories Qian Duoduo had read from these people's minds, but they found that Qian Duoduo's face became more and more ugly, his anger in his eyes became more and more intense, and the killing became more and more intense.

At this moment, the money was so abnormal and strange, but there is no doubt that this time, the fat man was really angry.


Qian Duoduo also threw out the last strong man in the world. With the previous middle-aged man, there were eight strong men in the world.

The eight gathered together, looking scared.


Qian Duoduo fell on the strong man of the eight heavenly realms. His eyes twinkled. For a moment, the strong man of the eight heavenly realms felt his soul tremble.

"You -"

"Demon clan, what a big hand."

The middle-aged man's trembling word just sounded, but he was ignored by qianduoduo and interrupted by qianduoduo. Looking at them, Qian Duoduo's eyes flashed across linglie's killing machine: "the eight demon gods dare to enter our Terran territory. Do you really think that our Terran can be bullied?"


Qian Duoduo's voice just fell, and the whole audience was shocked.

Eight demon gods?

Aren't there eight demon emperors?

Look at Qian Duoduo and the eight strong people who were thrown together by Qian Duoduo. Everyone has a look of consternation in their eyes.

Yebufan also frowned.

"Come on, how do you want to die?" Suddenly, Qian Duoduo glanced at eight people again and said coldly.

The strong man of the 8th National Congress of the Communist Party of China immediately trembled.


The middle-aged man snorted coldly, and looked at Qian Duoduo with a determined eye: "kill if you want to, and don't talk nonsense. Although our task......"

"Shut up."

The middle-aged man was just halfway through his speech when one of them suddenly snapped, looked at Qian Duoduo and sneered: "he wants to cheat us. He doesn't know anything at all."


Everyone was shocked when the strong man said something.

How much money can cheat you?

Qian Duoduo, what don't you know?

That's bullshit.

Do you think soul searching is casual?

The strong man in Zhou Tianjing ignored it. He looked at Qian Duoduo and laughed with disdain: "if you succeed in soul searching, if you succeed in reading our memories, why are we still good now?"

"The only answer is, you, soul searching failed."


The strong man in the Zhou Tianjing spoke, and everyone was stunned. Although they can't search for souls, they know that anyone who is searched for souls will inevitably become an idiot.

But there were no eight people in front of us.

For a moment, everyone looked at Qian Duoduo in astonishment. Did Qian Duoduo fail to search for his soul, as the demon clan said?

Qian Duoduo frowned and glanced at the man who was strong in heaven: "you are very smart, but smart people die early."


As soon as Qian Duoduo's voice fell, the man who spoke suddenly burst into a fog of blood.

Bloody, ferocious, no bones.

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