"In exchange for fruit?"

Hearing this, yebufan was stunned.

"That's it."

"Little sparrow" disappeared into the palm of yebufan's hand and appeared again. She had already landed in the open space in front of yebufan. In an instant, in the sight of yebufan, a pile of red fruits appeared in front of the 'little sparrow'.

Level 9 earth treasure, earth rock fire fruit.


At one glance, yebufan could not help taking a breath. "Little sparrow" took out more than 100 Diyan fire fruits.

Yebufan was in a mess.

Nima, this is a nine level treasure, not Chinese cabbage.

After wandering around the Wangyao mountain for more than an hour, he only got more than 200 pieces, but the little guy was so good that he took out more than 100 pieces at once?

Really, people are more than demons, which makes people angry.

However, thinking of the identity of 'little sparrow', yebufan was relieved that she had a demon Saint level mother, the real demon second generation.

"Uncle, Huo Guo is also very delicious. Will Huo Er exchange it with you?" At this time, 'little sparrow' looked at yebufan and begged.


Yebufan's mouth was pulled out and disordered again.

Jingyuan pill for level 9 local treasure?

Nima, this is a pie in the sky. Change, change, must change, who doesn't change is a fool, who doesn't change will be struck by thunder.

"Well, since Huoer wants to change, uncle will change with Huoer." Yebufan squats down and looks at the 'little sparrow' with a look of wonder. Then, his right hand fell on the rock fire fruit on the ground: "so... Do these fire fruits belong to my uncle?"


The little sparrow nodded.

Yebufan didn't stop. He immediately collected more than 100 earth rock fire fruits in front of him into the artifact space. Only then did he feel completely at ease.

"Little sparrow" did not care at all.

Level 9 Dibao, Diyan Huoguo?

She eats it every day and is tired of it. Moreover, although the vitality of heaven and earth contained in the nine level earth treasure is far more than that of the Jingyuan pill, it is far less pure than that of the Jingyuan pill. This is also the reason why 'little sparrow' says that the Jingyuan pill is delicious.

Immediately, 'little sparrow' couldn't wait to look at yebufan and urged: "uncle, uncle, Jingyuan pill, Huoer wants Jingyuan pill."


Yebufan answered with a smile, then his right hand reached out to the 'little sparrow', took out five essence pills and said, "here you are."

Five Jingyuan pills for more than 100 Diyan fire fruits?

God damn it, you should be struck by thunder.

Fortunately, the little sparrow's mother Youming Xuefeng is not here. Otherwise, she would definitely tear yebufan apart.

Of course, if Youming Xuefeng were here, he would have killed yebufan. Where would he talk nonsense with him, and would not give him a chance to cheat his daughter.

"Little sparrow" doesn't care.


Five Jingyuan pills were eaten by "little sparrow" in the blink of an eye, but she still looked at yebufan: "uncle, uncle, Jingyuan pill, fire wants Jingyuan pill."

"No more."

Yebufan smiled.


The little sparrow was stunned.

"Yes, you can only exchange these essence pills for those fire fruits. No more." Yebufan stood up and said helplessly.


The word "little sparrow" sounded.

Obviously, it was hard for her to accept so many fire fruits for a long time. How could she replace them with Jingyuan pill?

However, she is still in her infancy, so she will not think too much.


So she answered weakly.

A lost face.

"Sin, sin."

Looking at the lost look of 'little sparrow', yebufan suddenly felt that he was sinful. He thought to himself: "Huo Er, Huo Er, you can't blame your uncle. If you are satisfied with your food, you will go with your uncle? Rest assured, as long as you leave the Wangyao mountain, you can eat as much as you want."

Thinking in his heart, yebufan looked at the 'little sparrow' and said: "that, fire, uncle is leaving."


"Little sparrow" was surprised: "where is uncle going

"Uncle will go far, far away."

"Is that uncle back?" Before yebufan could answer, "little sparrow" added, "when my mother comes back, Huoer asks my mother for a lot of Huoguo. Will you exchange Jingyuan pills with my uncle?"


Ye Bufan could not help but feel the cold.

If your mother comes back, Ben Shao will die if she comes back.

"Uncle is not coming back."

Immediately, ye Bufan shook his head and said.


The sound of 'little sparrow' was startled and lost.


Yebufan hesitated a little. He just wanted to say, 'why don't you go with uncle?' but he was suddenly interrupted by 'little sparrow'.

"Uncle, wait for the fire."

Yebufan was stunned and puzzled: "wait for you?"

"Huoer will be right back."

"Whew -"

As soon as the voice fell, 'little sparrow' disappeared in place.

"Hey, you..."

Yebufan still wanted to stop her, but the speed of 'little sparrow' was too fast. In the blink of an eye, there was no shadow of her.


Yebufan could not help cursing.

Run away?

Seeing her like that, it doesn't seem like running away. Otherwise, I wouldn't let myself wait for her here. Did she find her identity, so she deliberately let herself wait for her, and then she went to the depths to find other demon families to kill herself?

Shook his head, yebufan immediately denied this idea. A little fart boy, how could he have such a serious idea.

"Maybe she wants to go to Di Bao Lai to exchange essence pill." Then yebufan gave a deep thought. In his opinion, this is the most likely.

"Forget it, wait for her."

"Hey, I knew I had brought the heavenly burial palace with me. Otherwise, I could have cheated the little guy into the heavenly burial palace just now. How could it be so troublesome."

"Blunder, blunder."

He shook his head, and yebufan felt infinite regret.

There are still more than 20 minutes left before the appointed time, but yebufan is not in a hurry. He has made a decision. He will pass the son and mother Zhenyuan stone and ask Qian Duoduo to wait a little longer, or let them leave from the ground first. A young Youming blood Phoenix is worth waiting for yebufan and taking a risk.

Of course, yebufan won't wait too long.

Ten minutes passed in the blink of an eye, but the little sparrow fire still disappeared.

Eleven minutes;

Twelve minutes;

Thirteen minutes;

Yebufan almost counted the time and waited.

"That little girl's film should not be playing with little books. Haven't you come back for so long?" Fifteen minutes later, Huoer, the little sparrow, still didn't come back. Yebufan began to get a little impatient and couldn't help complaining.

"Bang bang!!"

Suddenly, the earth trembled slightly. In front of yebufan, a dense and thick sound came from the depths of the demon mountain.

The sound quickly approached yebufan from far to near.

Yebufan was startled: "what is the situation?"


He looked straight ahead.


In an instant, yebufan uttered a cry of surprise.


Without the slightest hesitation, he turned and ran without even thinking about it.

The speed is extreme.

For nothing else, just because 'a large group' of monsters are charging ahead, with extreme speed, dust and menace.

In this case, can it be done without running.

Unfortunately, yebufan is fast. Some people, no, a demon is faster than him. 'little sparrow' has already landed on yebufan's shoulder while breathing: "uncle, uncle, don't go. Didn't you say you want to wait for the fire?"

"Shit, if Ben Shao doesn't go again, he will be beaten up by you." Yebufan couldn't help scolding in his heart.

"Little sparrow" didn't know what yebufan was thinking, so he immediately said, "uncle, wait a minute. My little friend also wants to eat Jingyuan pill."


Hearing the speech, yebufan was stunned.

The next second, he paused, turned to look at the 'little sparrow' standing on his left shoulder, and said in astonishment: "your little friend? Change the essence pill?"

"Yes, yes, they are all behind."‘ "Little sparrow" answered.


Without waiting for ye Bufan to think more, a strong wind came behind him.

Yebufan was stunned and turned instinctively.

In an instant, he was stunned.

Huang Ji's red soul lion the size of a wolf dog, the silver ring blood scale bear less than two meters, and the wild holy dragon with a cute face... All these guys in front of us, without exception, are young monsters, and many mouth corners are drooling.

Little sparrow's buddy?

This NIMA, the second generation of a group of demons.

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