Task No.: 327531145

Task content: beat people and target yebufan.

(yebufan, male, sixteen or seventeen years old, is a one star Shenyuan who came to the martial arts academy for the first time. His combat effectiveness is comparable to that of two stars and three stars. Beat him, beat him, beat him hard, and keep him out of bed for at least a month.)

Task remuneration: 15739 credits.

Task Publisher: yekui.

Looking at the task in front of him, yebufan was stunned and stupid. It was only a long time. Ben Shao was offered a reward by yequina animals??

Yebufan found it. Qiushaofeng and others also found it. For a while, their strange eyes fell on yebufan. Less than a day after they entered the martial arts academy, they went to the task hall and were offered a reward. Looking at the three martial arts academies, yebufan was definitely the first person in history.

"Ye Shao..."


As soon as qiushaofeng began to speak, he was interrupted by yebufan's angry voice: "this is worth 15739 credits? Is there any zero or whole


Qiushaofeng and others couldn't help but twitch at the corners of their mouths.

Ye Shao, how heartless are you?


The next second, Qiu Shaofeng coughed softly and said, "Ye Shao, that... I'm afraid it's all the credits Ye Kui and his gang have added up. Otherwise, ye Kui won't even add up three credits. He's putting all his eggs in one basket."

"All credits?"

Yebufan couldn't help but be stunned and disdained to say, "he is a Shenyuan martial artist. There are so many people around him. All of them add up to more than 15000 credits? That's too little."

"Ye Shao, in fact, there are a lot of them. Like me, my whole body adds up to only 9 credits." Qiu Shaofeng smiled and looked embarrassed. Later, he added: "after all, we usually need to exchange credits for some yuan stones and other cultivation items, which is also the main purpose of the college to give us credits."

"Can credits be exchanged for Yuan Stone?"

Yebufan was stunned.

"Of course."

Qiu Shaofeng replied: "not only yuan stone, Dan medicine, martial arts, martial arts formula, natural materials and earth treasures can be exchanged with credits. In the college, credits are money."

Yebufan Yixi: "can the Yuan Stone be converted into credits?"

Qiu Shaofeng shook his head. "No way."


Yebufan is messy: "credits can be exchanged for Yuan Shi. Why can't Yuan Shi be exchanged for credits?"

"Ye Shao, think about it. If Yuan Shi can be exchanged for credits, what will each martial arts academy family do?" After a pause, qiushaofeng continued: "take me for example. If Yuan Shi can be directly converted into credits, the family will certainly do its best to help me raise credits and exchange them for holy soldiers. After all, the value of holy soldiers can not be measured by Yuan Shi."

"This is exactly what the martial arts academy wants to see."

"Saint soldiers and so on. Students can exchange them, but they should rely on their own efforts. In the final analysis, the purpose of the martial arts academy is to train students."


Ye Bufan could not help drawing at the corners of his mouth.

Originally, he also wanted to exchange yuan stones for credits, and then exchange some holy soldiers for fun.

It seems that this method is not feasible.

After thinking for a while, yebufan said again, "since you can't exchange it, you can buy the head office directly from other students. You don't mean that the credits between students can be traded. What proportion do you exchange your credits for yuan and stone? It's twice as much."

"Ten credits can be exchanged for a yuan stone, but..." after a pause, Qiu Shaofeng said, "Ye Shao, you can't buy a lot of credits."


Yebufan was puzzled.

Qiushaofeng said, "there are three kinds of people in the college. The first one is like me. Not only does the college get the same credits every month as others, but also there is family support, so I don't lack family resources at all. Therefore, in addition to the regular tasks that the college must arrange once a year, I won't do the tasks."

"The second is similar to my situation. However, they are more ambitious than me. They all stare at the heavenly soldiers and holy soldiers of the college. Therefore, they can do tasks and have a large number of credits. However, their credits are prepared to exchange for the items they like, so they will not be sold. Moreover, they do not lack money."

"Third, these people come from various empires. Without much support from their families, they can only rely on themselves to a certain extent. Therefore, they usually rely on doing tasks, earning points and exchanging resources they need."

"Of course, they depend on each martial arts academy family, and they will also get certain resources, but how many can they have?"

"Therefore, most of the credits they get from doing tasks have been used for daily practice, and there will not be too much surplus, and they may not be able to sell them."

"To put it bluntly, it's easy to want Yuan Shi, but it's hard to want credits."

"If ye Shao only wants to buy a small part of the credits, it is not difficult. But if ye Shao wants to buy a large number of credits and exchange them for holy soldiers, it is unrealistic."

Qiu Shaofeng's words fell, and yebufan was stunned: "how did you know that Ben Shaofeng wanted to exchange for a saint soldier?"

"Ye Shao, you are not the only one who has this idea. To put it bluntly, those who hoard a lot of credits go for the holy soldiers." Qiu Shaofeng smiled.


Yebufan answered and said, "by the way, how many credits does it take to exchange for a holy soldier?"

"Ye Shao, come and see for yourself." With that, Qiu Shaofeng had already walked to one of the counters.

Yebufan did not stop, but directly followed Qian Rumeng. From beginning to end, Qian Rumeng was like a good baby, holding yebufan silently.

In front of the counter.

"Look here, ye Shao."

Qiu Shaofeng pointed to the half man high wooden counter in front of him and looked at yebufan path.

Yebufan follows qiushaofeng's expectation.


However, when yebufan saw the counter, he was stunned.

Qiu Shaofeng said with a smile, "in fact, the counter top is the same as the task release stone over there. It is said that it is all part of the holy soldier."

"Of course, the fact is that only the three presidents of the three martial arts academies know. As one of the eight vice presidents of the heaven martial arts academy, my grandfather doesn't know what this thing is, hehe."

"Holy soldier? I'm afraid it's an artifact."

Qiu Shaofeng's words fell, and yebufan murmured in his heart.

Does the paladin have this ability?

Yebufan doesn't believe it.

However, it doesn't have much to do with him. After all, holy soldiers and artifacts belong to the martial arts academy. Ye Bufan thinks he doesn't have the ability to rob the martial arts academy.

Then he looked directly at the counter.

Although the counter in front of us is made of sandalwood, the table top is just like the task release stone, like a crystal. Rows of data are displayed on the table top, which is also divided into several areas.

Dan medicine, martial arts, Tiancai, Dibao

Yebufan is not interested in these, but looks directly at the equipment area, which is divided into weapons and armor.

Yebufan looks at the weapon zone.

Xuanbing, Dibing, Tianbing and Shengbing are the four major categories of weapons. Yebufan directly targets the Shengbing.

1. Jiulong soul snatching gun (500000 credits)

2. Taixu emperor sword (300000000000 credits)

3. Soul hunting and God killing bow (1500000000 credits)


15. Taichu Xuanyin Piano (50000000000 credits)

Fifteen holy soldiers, including knives, guns, swords, bows, harps and shields, are complete in all kinds of weapons. The exchange price of the worst Taichu Xuanyin zither is 50 billion credits, and the best Jiulong soul grabbing gun is up to 500 billion credits.

Yebufan looked silly.

This is the so-called holy soldier. Can you meet him or not?

This is the so-called holy soldiers rarely seen?

This is called


Yebufan heard a word in his heart: the three martial arts academies, the holy land of the human race, NIMA, this rich flowing oil.


The next second, yebufan slapped his palm on the counter. He looked determined and shouted as if there were no one else: "I have made up my mind. One day, I will give the three martial arts academies a pot."

"Holy soldier?"

"There are so few books in this area!!"

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