"Since it's so interesting, why don't I start a gambling game? I don't know... What do you think?"

All the people present were stunned by the sudden accident. They looked at qiushaofeng and were slightly distracted, fighting and gambling?

Qiu Shaofeng ignored it and glanced at Chu Yuan's way: "Chu Yuan."

"Bang bang!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Chu Yuan immediately took out the tables and chairs he had already prepared from xumijie.

"All right."

Qiushaofeng sat down, looked at more than 5000 students and said with a smile: "now you can bet. You can buy Ning yuan territory with a odds of 1:1. You can buy tuofan territory with a odds of 1:2. You can bet Yuan Stone and credits."


Qiu Shaofeng's words stunned everyone again.

Really gambling?


On the martial arts platform, yebufan gave a deep thought and looked at the thin man: "let's start."

"What did you say, boy?" At this time, Chu Yuan pointed to ye Bufan angrily and said, "if you have the guts, say it again?"

"Boring, Ben, what can you do?" Yebufan looked at Chu Yuan and disdained to say, "no one else is allowed to seek profits in this small challenge arena."


Chu Yuan was in a hurry.

Qiu Shaofeng stood up slowly, looked at yebufan and said in a deep voice, "boy, are you crazy?"

"What about Ben Shao? What does it have to do with you?" Yebufan sneered and disdained.

For a moment, the atmosphere was dead.

Yebufan and qiushaofeng are facing each other from a distance. They are at war. Everyone present can clearly feel the full smell of gunpowder.


Suddenly, Qiu Shaofeng slapped his hand on the table, then pointed to yebufan and said angrily, "boy, what are you? A genius? A demon? You're not shit."

"What did you say?"

Yebufan roared angrily and his eyes were cold.

"Say what?"

Qiu Shaofeng sneered: "you, surnamed ye, don't think you can be arrogant if you have a better talent. Young master, I tell you, this is the martial arts academy, Lao Tzu's territory. Here, you are the dragon and you are the tiger. You have to lie down for me."


"That's my young master's patent. You're not qualified."

"It's great to enter the rosefinch yard?"

"I tell you, my grandfather is the vice president of the martial arts academy. The young master plays with you every minute. Do you believe it?"

"Now, you give me an honest fight. If you don't obey me, the young master will be rude to you."


Yebufan clenched his teeth and clenched his fists. His face was ferocious. No one could see his anger at the moment.

"You what you?"

Qiu Shaofeng angrily scolded and sneered: "the wilderness City, the Ye family? It's just a ninth rate family. Believe it or not, the young master let it disappear from the world every minute."

"You dare!"

Yebufan roared angrily.

Qiu Shaofeng sneered: "do you think I dare?"


Yebufan trembled slightly.

Qiu Shaofeng said sternly, "don't talk nonsense. Don't you want to challenge the genius of the martial arts academy? I won't embarrass you, young master. How was it just now? How is it now? You play your duel, young master, I open my gambling game. It's irrelevant."

"But if you give up the fight or deliberately admit defeat, don't blame me for being rude."

"Although the martial arts academy can't fight privately to cripple people, let alone kill people. But if the young master wants to punish you, there are ways. Do you believe it?"

After his words, Qiu Shaofeng ignored yebufan. He swept away the students and said with a smile, "well, you can bet. The fight will begin soon."


For a moment, everyone was silent.

The atmosphere was dead and strange.

"Why, no one is betting? Or is there no money? You can't miss the chance. Don't blame me for not giving you a chance." Seeing that everyone was silent and delayed in betting, Qiu Shaofeng began to remind him.

"Qiushaofeng, what the hell are you doing?"

In the crowd, a young man in royal guards came out and asked qiushaofeng in a deep voice.

"Yo, Prince Cong, your boy has also returned from the war department. How are you doing? Have you got anything?" Looking at the young man in royal guards, Qiu Shaofeng joked.

"Shao te changed the subject for me and said, what are you doing? Are you working with that kid on the martial arts platform to cheat people and steal money?" Wang Zicong said with a deep face.


Qiu Shaofeng was furious at the speech, clapped his hands on the table, stared at Prince Cong angrily and said, "Prince Cong, what do you mean? Make it clear, how did I deceive people?"

"Isn't it?"

Wang Zicong sneered, "otherwise, what kind of gamble are you going to have?"

"I... you..."

Qiushaofeng was in a hurry, disordered, and could not laugh or cry: "Wang Zicong, have you been kicked out of your mind by the demon clan? Gambling is a lie? Is it all a lie for your Wang family to open so many casinos?"


Wangzicong was stunned and said nothing.

Qiushaofeng continued: "besides, even if I want to cheat, how can I cheat?"

"Is that boy my man?"

"Why don't you think about it? People came to the martial arts academy yesterday, and today they have something to do with me?"

"Ten thousand steps back, even if that boy is my man, is he stupid or are you stupid? The relationship between the martial arts academy is complicated, and there are so many people here. If he collaborates with me to deceive you, he will have good fruit to eat?"

"I'll be fine, but what about him?"

"NIMA, a genius of the rosefinch academy, teamed up with me to cheat you for a few credits? A few yuan? How stupid is he? Or how stupid is he?"


Wangzicong was speechless for a moment.

"Well, well, if you want to bet, you can bet. If you don't stop, you can get away. Don't stop the young master from making a fortune." Qiu Shaofeng pushed Wang Zicong away, and then looked at more than 5000 students. His attitude changed 360 degrees directly, and he smiled to welcome humanity: "anyone who wants to make a bet should hurry. After a while, there will be no chance to fight."

Everyone is silent.

Wangzicong said again, "qiushaofeng, even if what you just said is true, do you have money to gamble? I know that your old man is strict with you. You only pay 500 yuan a month for living. What do you gamble with?"

"Mom, Wang, you are sincerely against me, aren't you?" Qiu Shaofeng glared at Prince Cong angrily.

"So what?"

Wang Zicong shrugged: "your grandfather is the vice president, and my grandfather is also one of the eight vice presidents. Your Qiu family is a first-class family, so is my Wang family. We are in the same situation, so you can't threaten me."


Qiu Shaofeng was in a hurry: "are you afraid I have no money to pay?"


Wang Zicong, with a cruel look on his face, said without any denial, "if you take the money and run away, what should we do if we bet? Isn't it a heavy loss?"

"Wang Zicong, I'm worried about you. I haven't seen you for months. I didn't expect your IQ to drop to this level." After disdaining Wang Zicong, qiushaofeng continued, "this is the martial arts academy. There are so many people here. Where will I go?"

"Besides, if you can run away from the monks, you can't run away from the temple. My Qiu family is also a first-class family in the Wucheng of the sky. For a few credits and a few yuan stones, can you still move your family and escape from the Wucheng of the sky?"

"Are you really stupid or fake stupid?"

"And who told you that I had no money?"

Wangzicong was stunned. He looked at Qiu Shaofeng with complicated eyes and said in a deep voice, "are you rich?"

Actions speak louder than words.

Qiu Shaofeng didn't talk nonsense either. With a big hand, a pile of Yuan stones appeared on the table in front of him.


Wangzicong was stunned.

Qiu Shaofeng sneered and said, "there are at least hundreds of thousands of yuan here. Is that enough? If not, there is more here."


After that, Qiu Shaofeng directly patted a Sumi ring on the table: "there aren't many yuan stones in it. With the stones on the table, it's just 20 million yuan."


Wang Zicong gave Qiu Shaofeng a strange look: "I don't believe it."

"Don't believe it?"

Qiu Shaofeng sneered: "if you don't believe it, you can see for yourself." With these words, he pushed xumijie to wangzicong. He was not afraid that he would seize the money.

Wangzicong glances at Qiu Shaofeng and hesitates. Then he takes xumijie on the money table and checks it.

A moment later, Wang Zicong trembled.

He looked at Qiu Shaofeng and said, "no, it's impossible. Why do you have so many stones?"


Qiu Shaofeng sneered. He snatched xumijie from Wang Zicong's hands and said with a smile, "it doesn't hurt to tell you. Young master is lucky. He found a small relic on the battlefield. There are not many things inside. Twenty million yuan of stone accounts for only one third of the total price of all items."

"Small relics?"

Wangzicong was stunned and murmured.


Qiu Shaofeng said with a smile, "now do you know why I want to gamble, young master?"

"Young master, I've never had so much money. I want to have fun. Even if the twentymillion yuan is lost today, the young master still has other things worth 40million yuan."

"What am I afraid of?"

"Rich, willful."


Qiu Shaofeng's words fell, and everyone present could not help but draw a corner of his mouth.

Rich, wayward?

You are a black sheep.

Wang Zicong's face was even more livid. This was chiguoguo's face. He felt that he had been slapped by Qiu Shaofeng. His face was burning.

But there is no alternative.

Qiushaofeng ignored him. He directly ignored Prince Cong and looked at more than 5000 students present and said, "well, if you want to bet, you can bet. If you don't want to bet, you can start the fight in ten minutes."


As soon as qiushaofeng's voice falls, Prince Cong suddenly claps a Xumi ring on the table.

Qiushaofeng glanced at him.

Prince Cong said, "for threethousand yuan of stone, you can buy congealed yuan to win."

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