"Well, Wang Shao, my brother has made a clear account of twomillion yuan. Would you like to write an IOU for Ben Shao first?"

Yebufan's sudden words stunned everyone instinctively. After seeing it, they all looked at Wang Zicong. Wang Zicong did the same. He frowned and said with a smile, "yes, yes, after all, twomillion yuan is not a small amount."

After that, Prince Cong directly picked up the pen and paper on the table where Qiu Shaofeng had previously written a note, and "brushed" down a note for twomillion yuan.

"Arnold, send it to Ye Shao." He handed the debit note to Arnold, Prince Cong said.

"Yes, Wang Shao."

Arnold answered, took the note and ran to yebufan on the Wudao platform.

I got the debit note.

Yebufan glanced at Qiu Shaofeng and said, "what are you waiting for? Take the note quickly. This is a big deal of tens of millions of yuan."


Qiushaofeng was too angry to speak.

Yebufan ignored it, turned his eyes to wangzicong and smiled: "Wang Shao, everyone is from the martial arts academy. There are so many brothers under you, so help Feng Shao. Look, when will Feng Shao be busy with so many people?"


Wang Zicong laughed: "Arnold, Xiao Hei, come on, let's help Feng Shao."

With that, Prince Cong directly grabbed the student order from qiushaofeng, looked at the audience and said, "come on, those who want to make bets should hurry up. Feng Shao is a banker. He collects yuan, stones and credits, and takes all the bets. He is not afraid of you buying, but afraid of you not buying. Chu Yuan loses 0.5, and ye Shao loses 10."

"Arnold, you take Yuan Shi. I'll take care of my credits. Remember, look carefully and count clearly. This is fengshao's business. Xiao Ling and Xuefei, don't be idle. Give us a bill and let fengshao sign it."

Wang Zicong immediately became busy.

"Ye and Wang Zicong, you two wait. Qiu Shaofeng has written down this account. Sooner or later, you will be able to repay it ten times or a hundred times." When the cold voice sounded, Qiu Shaofeng sat down on the chair: "come on, write a gambling note. I can only sign tens of millions. I can afford to lose, and my Qiu family can afford to lose."

"Ha ha, the wind is light and refreshing."

On the martial arts platform, yebufan laughed: "you guys, in that case, what are you waiting for? Bet."

"Don't worry. The 60 million yuan stone will compensate you first. Ben Shao and Wang Shao will naturally go to the Qiu family."


Yebufan's words fell, and the audience was boiling.

Ten times the odds, a sure bet, where would more than 5000 students hesitate.

Bet, bet.

Yuan Shi, credits, how much pressure, less pressure is sorry for yourself.

The crowd surged.

"Line up, line up, all line up, one by one, no one can fall behind." looking at the chaotic scene, Prince Cong immediately maintained order.

Naturally, people dare not refuse.

With the help of Wang Zicong and his party, the speed of accepting bets was much faster. In only half an hour, everything was done. Five thousand students, a total of three million eight hundred and seventy-nine thousand six hundred and sixty-six yuan stones, and two million six hundred and twenty-seven thousand six hundred and thirty-three credits.

"The wind is less. This is all the bet. You can make a lot of money this time. Take it." After all the bets are collected, Wang Zicong forces the student order and a Xumi ring into qiushaofeng's hands, laughing and saying.

Big money?

Wangzicong's words almost made the students in the audience laugh. This is not a big profit, but a big loss. They have lost all their money.

"Bang bang!"

Qiushaofeng holds the student order and xumijie that Wang Zicong forced into his hands. His face is blue and twisted, but his heart is beating violently.

3879666 yuan stones, 2627633 credits?

Although the Qiu family is a first-class family, and he is the second young master of the Qiu family, Qiu Shaofeng thinks he has never been exposed to such a large amount of wealth since childhood.

Especially more than twomillion credits, which can't be bought with money, but now

As for the threemillion yuan stone that yebufan took out, Qiu Shaofeng directly ignored it. It was yeshao's money. It was all the same. Fortunately, he left an IOU.

Prince Cong?



Qiu Shao snorted coldly, calmed his mind, looked at Prince Cong, and then looked at yebufan. He looked bad and said, "now, what do you want?"

"Ha ha!"

Qiu Shaofeng's words fell, and ye Bufan laughed: "Feng Shao is really interesting. Now that your gambling is finished, it's natural to start a competition with Ben Shao. Otherwise... What do you think we should do, Feng Shao?"

"Does Feng Shao lose money directly?"

"That's so bad. It makes us look like robbers. Ben Shao is a civilized man. I believe the same is true for all of you here. A gentleman loves money and takes it wisely."

"If you win, you will lose less money."

"If you lose, you will earn more with less wind."

"Do you think so?"


Yebufan's words fell, and the whole audience of more than 5000 students drank in unison. The sound was like nine days of thunder.


Yebufan faced qiushaofeng and spread his hands: "Ben Shao said that everyone is a civilized person and a gentleman."


Qiu Shaofeng gnashes his teeth.

"Rest assured, I will never let you down. Although nine star Ning yuan is very strong, I may not be able to win." ignoring qiushaofeng, yebufan looks at the crowd and speaks seriously.


At this moment, some students could not help laughing.

Nine stars are strong?

If you try your best, you may not win?

damn you.

This is face beating and bullying. You can't deal with a nine star Ning yuan as a Shenyuan warrior?

At this point, everyone couldn't help looking at Qiu Shaofeng. They could only say that he was unlucky to meet Ye Shao.

Sure enough, Qiu Shaofeng's face became more and more ugly.

Yebufan stopped talking and looked at Chu Yuan on the martial arts platform in front of him: "boy, aren't you arrogant and arrogant? Do you still want to waste this book?"


Chu Yuan drew at the corner of his mouth.

Yebufan rolled up his sleeve and continued: "come on, I'll give you less opportunities. I'll give you three moves. After three moves, don't blame my subordinates for being merciless."


As soon as yebufan's voice fell, everyone could not help but draw at the corners of their mouths.

Didn't Chu Yuan just say that?

At this moment, every student present can't see that ye Bufan is absolutely the one who will take revenge if he has any revenge, and he is also the one who will take revenge immediately.


But at this time, a laugh suddenly rang out in the crowd: "Ye Shao, I really can't help it. Yuan Shi and credits have been obtained, so we don't have to play?"


The sudden sound makes people stunned. Yuan Shi and credits have been obtained, so we don't have to play?

what do you mean?


In an instant, everyone followed the prestige.

Qiu Shaofeng??

Seeing that the person who spoke was qiushaofeng, and that he had changed his previous anger and frustration, and had a happy smile on his face, everyone was stunned again.

They are ignorant and stupid.

What the hell is going on?

On the martial arts platform, yebufan shrugged his shoulders and smiled: "well, I don't want to pretend."

"Chu Yuan, let's start."


Yebufan's words fell, and Chu Yuan snapped at them. In an instant, he stepped out and attacked yebufan.


In front of yebufan, Chu Yuan punched.

Wild and fierce!

When Chu Yuan's fist was less than three inches from yebufan's cheek, yebufan suddenly said, "don't admit defeat."

Chu Yuan's offensive stagnated.

Yebufan said with a smile, "you won!"

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