
The three words are deeply engraved in yebufan's mind. Even if long Xiaobao has left, even if Hao Pang and his party have disappeared, yebufan is still unable to recall for a long time.

At the age of 11, with a basic strength of more than 90?

Eleven years old, second grade pulp washing?

At the age of 11, all the martial arts skills have been accomplished, and two skills have been completed?

Eleven years old, that mind, that thought

Although yebufan doesn't know how talented the martial arts academy is, he is sure that these so-called talents will be eclipsed by long Xiaobao.

Eleven, he is only eleven.

Yebufan even suspected that he was an old monster reincarnated and reborn. His strength, mind and everything did not match his age. However, this idea was quickly rejected by Qin Xin. The theory of reincarnation does not exist.

The more so, the more shocking ye Bufan is.

If there is no artifact inheritance, I will be a scum in front of long Xiaobao.


After taking a deep breath, ye Bufan looked at Ye Wang and said, "ah Wang, find a chance to inquire about these people, especially the Dragon Xiaobao. Also, find out what happened to the missing girl."

"Yes, sir."

"Let's go. Lead the way. We'll go back to the yard you bought."

"Young master..."

Yebufan's words fell, but yewang hesitated slightly.


Yebufan couldn't help looking at yewang.

"Young master, i... I'm lost. I don't know how to go." Ye Wang said weakly with his head down.



Zone 3, an alley in the southwest.

"Boss, who was that man just now? Do you know him?" Hao Pang followed long Xiaobao. His small eyes looked at him curiously and asked him. It was the first time he had seen his boss talking so much to anyone except himself.

"Yes, there aren't many people in the city who don't know him."


Hearing the speech, Hao Pang was a little stunned. A flash of amazement flashed in his eyes as he looked at longxiaobao: "who is he?"

"Xiaopang, that's all for now. Don't ask any more questions in the future. Do you understand? Everyone has his own secrets, and so does he." Longxiaobao glanced at Hao Pang and said that he had promised yebufan to keep it secret, so he would keep it secret.

"I see."

Seeing this, Hao Pang answered weakly.

"Also, what we need to do now is to find a way to catch the philanderer. The uncles, uncles and aunts in the third district are kind to us. Now that they are in trouble, we must not stay out of it. Even if we lose our lives, the three lost sisters will see people in life and dead in death." Immediately, long Xiaobao said again. His face remained the same, his voice was firm, and his eyes were full of murders.

At the age of eleven, he had a clear distinction between gratitude and resentment.


"Today is the seventh day. According to the previous practices, the philanderer will certainly take action at midnight tonight. You will go to Uncle Zhang to order some fireworks later. We don't have much money, so the fireworks don't need to be beautiful, as long as they can hit the sky."

"Well?" Hao Pang was stunned. He looked at longxiaobao with a blank look on his face. "Boss, what do you do with fireworks? Besides, isn't Uncle Zhang a blacksmith? Can he make fireworks?"

"He will." The two simple words showed absolute confidence. Then he looked up at the sky and said: "as for fireworks, we have already counted them before. There are 13 sisters aged 15 and 16 in the third district. We don't know who the next target of the philanderer is, so tonight we are waiting for the hare, one-on-one."

"Once found, fireworks are the letter, and everyone is surrounded."

Hao Pang realized in an instant.

"Shall we ask the uncles and uncles in the third district for help? After all, there are so many people who can do things easily. With our strength... It's still too thin."


Haopang said, but long Xiaobao immediately refused.


"Do you know who the philanderer is? Are you sure he is from district two and district one, not someone from district three?"


"It's easy to frighten the snake when cutting grass. We must not act rashly until we are sure who the philanderer is. Only our people know this. Once we have the target, it's not too late to ask the uncles and uncles in the third district for help."

While talking, long Xiaobao looked solemn.

Tonight, I will catch the philanderer.


"Hoo... Here we are, young master." Yewang points to an independent courtyard in front of him and looks at yebufan and says. In an hour, they finally walked out of the winding alley and returned to their original position. It was really not easy.

Then ye Wang pushed the door in again.

The courtyard faces south.

Several low buildings with a wall, the center is a yard of 50 square meters, two unknown trees, and the ground is covered with weeds.

Simple, simple and shabby.

Yebufan looks at the yard in front of him. Although it can't be compared with the Ye family residence, it definitely meets yebufan's needs.

Later, yebufan ordered yewang to buy some good wine, and he developed his martial arts in this small courtyard.

The emergence of longxiaobao not only brought great shock to yebufan, but also unprecedented stimulation to him.

At the age of 11, he has a basic strength of more than 90. He is the second grade of marrow washing. Long Xiaobao has no artifact assistance. He can be such a monster on his own. He has artifact assistance and has the unparalleled heritage of ancient power. If this is not as good as long Xiaobao, he will not have to mix up.

Besides, who can guarantee that there is only one dragon Xiaobao in this world?

The world is like our generation.

No matter where you are, there are never few geniuses, and there is no shortage of strong ones. You must have absolute strength if you want to gain a foothold in the world, win a place, or even dominate everything.

Most importantly, ye Bufan didn't have much time in three years.

Practice, practice, practice again.

Try, try, try again.

Three years, seven stars return to yuan.

"Bang bang!!"

One fist and one foot. In the courtyard, yebufan is like a tiger and a leopard. He is arrogant, domineering and ferocious. His fists and feet are incomparable.

Refining skin, meat and marrow. Now yebufan has reached the state of marrow washing. With the cultivation of "tiger and leopard thunder strength", it seems that bursts of thunder are heard in the marrow bones.

Wash marrow and harden bone.

Now yebufan uses the five level earth treasure fruit to help cultivate martial arts. He can cultivate martial arts 11 times a day. This is the reason why he tried his best to control it. Otherwise, he could continue to cultivate martial arts.

Eleven times, thirty-three kilograms of force, one day.

Marrow washing environment, three days of perfection, four days of breakthrough.

Last night, after yebufan untied the third seal, he had reached the third grade of marrow washing with a strength of 373 kg.

It will take another two days. On the third day, you can advance to easy tendon.

The speed is absolutely terrible.

With the practice of martial arts, yebufan seems to be in a selfless state. Even yewang doesn't know that he is coming back. Of course, the bigger reason is that ye Wang didn't bother to see his young master practicing martial arts, but just watched.

However, the more you look at it, the more frightened Ye Wang becomes.

Once, twice, three times

When yebufan practiced his martial arts for the second time, yewang was completely able to accept it. After all, he already knew the existence of Qi tonifying and blood enriching liquid, and it was normal to practice his martial arts twice.

The third time, Ye Wang could barely accept it. His young master was extremely talented. Others could cultivate it twice. It's OK for him to cultivate it three times.

However, when ye Bufan practiced for the fourth time, Ye Wang was shocked.

Fifth, sixth

Yewang was shocked.

Seventh, eighth

Ye Wang was stunned.

Ninth, tenth

Yewang is numb.


Yebufan took a deep breath and finished his work.

At this moment, the sky is already dark. Eleven times of martial arts cultivation have increased yebufan's strength by 33 Jin again, reaching the sixth grade of marrow washing, and only four Jin from the seventh grade.

Without waiting for ye Bufan to think about it, he found that ye Wang was standing at the door like a statue. There was a jar of wine on the ground on his left and right sides, while Ye Wang was a man with a grown mouth and a dull face.

He was like a demon.

Yebufan smiled and stepped forward to push yewang.

"Ah Wang?"


Yewang suddenly wakes up.

"Young master, you, you, you..."

A jumble of voices rang out.

Eleven times, a shocking figure broke all ye Wang's previous and present knowledge. He never thought that there were people in the world who could practice martial arts eleven times a day, and this person was no other than his own young master.

"Isn't it just the number of times you practice martial arts? Don't worry, you can do it right away." Looking at yewang, yebufan patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile. As long as the idea of spirit wine is successful, Ye Wang and others can practice martial arts crazily in the future.

"Me, me too?"

Yebufan's words stunned yewang.

Martial arts training?

Everyone knows that the cultivation of martial arts requires the consumption of Qi and blood. Everyone's life is limited and can only be cultivated once a day. This is one of the reasons why the martial arts practitioners in the world are slow to cultivate. It is also the reason why Ye Wang was shocked when he saw the formula for supplementing qi and blood.

Now, his young master even told him that in the future, he could not only practice twice a day, but even ten times, countless times. How could he not be shocked.

It was like a dream.

Yebufan ignored Ye Wang, but put the two jars of wine Ye Wang bought back into the artifact space. The spirit wine can also be prepared at Ye's home, but the cultivation is different.

"Yewang, come and fight with the young master." Later, yebufan raised his right hand, looked at yewang and said with a smile.

Invite Zhan yewang.

At this moment, he just wants to test a long-standing idea in his heart.

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