
The blades collided, and there were ferocious gaps in yebufan's common kitchen knives, but it did not affect his attack.

The battle was heartily fought.

Although Liu Xun was a martial artist in the dirty environment, he was beaten by yebufan and had no ability to fight back. Because of yebufan's terrible speed, his strong fighting power was suppressed by at least 30%.

The martial arts of the divine level are really extraordinary.

"Whew -"

Yebufan shot out again with a knife. Liu Xun's long knife instinct soared, and his body shape suddenly retreated. It seemed that he had become Liu Xun's instinct to fight, defend and retreat for countless times.

His forehead was sweating and his face was ferocious.

The old force has faded, but the new force has not yet been born.

"Whew -"

Yebufan stabbed him again.


The blades collided.

The two face each other and look at each other.

"Liu Xun, are you curious and surprised? Yes, the young master is really not a fool, but a genius of martial arts. You know, I haven't done my best since just now." Almost close to Liu Xun's cheek, yebufan said softly in a voice that only he and Liu Xun could hear.


Liu Xun, who was already highly concentrated, heard the speech, and a roar sounded in his mind, as if it were a blank.


Looking at yebufan, liuxun was shocked.

One side, Ye Wang, who had never done anything, flashed a light in his eyes at this moment, and his hand holding the knife was also tight.

"Right now."

"Whew -"

Lift the knife and Ye Wang stabs it out.

Liuxunsi was not aware of it.


The sharp blade instantly pierced the flesh and blood. The cold blade directly penetrated Liu Xun's body, and the scarlet blood dripped from the blade.

Liu Xun trembled and looked down instinctively.


The bright red and cold tip of the knife made his pupils shrink.


Looking at yebufan with startled eyes, Liu Xun felt that his vitality was rapidly dissipating, and the pace of death was approaching infinitely, which made him hesitate infinitely.


Yebufan smiled and whispered in Liu Xun's ear: "in fact, this young master made all these arrangements for you tonight. The guards of Tianhuang City fought with hundreds of people. Liu Xun, the leader of the guard of the city master's residence, was hacked to death by random knives. How about? Hehe..."

Liu Xun's soul trembled when he heard the speech.

Yebufan continued: "you know what? In fact, the young master should thank you. Remember when you and Liu Yong kidnapped the fool and framed the Ye family, you knocked him unconscious? The fool's vulnerability is beyond your imagination. You not only knocked him unconscious, but also directly killed him."

"And I am no longer him."

"You are the first and only one to know this secret in this world."

"I will kill you tonight. The next one is Liu Yong."


Liu Xun trembled at the words.

Completely stunned.

Yebufan's right hand kitchen knife was suddenly raised and slid across Liu Xun's neck.

Knife, blood, death.


Ye Wang took the long knife back from Liu Xun, and a touch of scarlet liquid shot out of the wound.

Liu Xun's body fell to the ground slowly.

At his neck, there were ferocious wounds, red blood 'Gulu Gulu' coming out, and his eyes were wide open. Some of them were shocked, frightened and unwilling

Liuxun, dying in peace.


Looking at Liu Xun, ye Bufan sneered.


In an instant, he put the pair of kitchen knives full of gaps and stained with blood into the artifact space, and replaced them with two identical kitchen knives again.

This kind of kitchen knife is common in the Ye family's kitchen. Yebufan had only a few handy knives before. Even if a few were missing, no one would care.

Later, yebufan pushed towards the side of the scuffle, and yewang did not stop at all. He directly joined the scuffle and could stay away from Liu Xun.

They have a very tacit understanding.

When things are over, you can brush your clothes and hide your skills and fame.

On the ground, only liuxunna's cold body was left.



At night, the torches brought by the soldiers of the city Lord's residence were scattered on the ground. The weak light of the fire made the light in the whole space flicker. The melee between the soldiers of the city Lord's residence and hundreds of people was still going on. The scene was extremely chaotic, and the metal fighting sound of weapons collision continued to ring.

If it were not for the silver armor on the soldiers of the city Lord's residence, the two sides would not be able to distinguish between the enemy and us two meters away.

Night, fighting, fighting.

The two sides have been engaged in a scuffle for a long time, each of them has been injured, and even there are 178 people on the ground wailing in pain, but there is no death yet.

Both seem to have reservations.

But I don't know that Liu Xun, the leader of the guard of the city Lord's residence, has quietly died.

Suddenly, in the huge yard in front of us, there was a weak fire from all directions. In an instant, the lights of the whole Ye family were bright, and all the lanterns were lit.

"Stop it all."

Ye Fu stood on the platform opposite to the main gate, and his dignified eyes scanned the whole battlefield, as if looking for something.

The same is true of the Ye family behind Ye Fu.


Hearing Ye Fu's words, everyone was stunned.

Subsequently, the residents of Tianhuang city stopped one after another. As soon as they stopped, the soldiers of the city master's residence naturally stopped fighting back, and the scuffle between the two sides immediately stopped.


Among the crowd, Ye Wang could not help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw this scene.

Now he finally knows why his young master should make a quick decision. If they had been a little slower just now, it would be impossible to kill Liu Xun now.

Not to mention being undetected.

Yefu doesn't know what yewang thinks. At the moment, all he cares about is yebufan's safety. As the saying goes, caring is chaos. If it wasn't for ye Shuang's warning, he is still looking for yebufan like a headless fly, rather than stopping the scuffle between the two sides.

"Find the young master right away."

Ye Bufan was not found in the crowd, and ye Fu immediately shouted.

"Whew -"

He jumped off the platform.

The same is true of the Ye family.

In the courtyard, hundreds of residents of Tianhuang city and the soldiers of the city master's residence were stunned when they saw this scene, and they quickly reacted.

Young master Ye joined the battle?


Everyone could not help taking a breath.

"Hurry, hurry, hurry to find the eldest young master."

Among the crowd, startling voices sounded, and everyone began to look for the whereabouts of yebufan, even the soldiers of the city Lord's residence. Everyone knows that the residents of Tianhuang city are all aiming at ye Bufan. If he has a chance, it is a question whether these people can get out of the Ye family.

At the moment, they can only hope that yebufan will be all right.

"Here, here, the young master here..." suddenly, a voice sounded at the edge of the crowd, instantly attracting everyone.

Follow the prestige.

Yebufan was lying beside the rockery in the yard, his eyes closed, as if he were asleep, and twoorthree drops of blood were splashed on his face.

This scene surprised everyone.

"Young master!!"

Yefu and others immediately ran up.

"The young master is fine. He just fainted." Ye Shuang squats down, holds ye Bufan in her arms, checks and says.


Hearing the speech, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, ye Bufan woke up with a start.

"Blood, blood, a lot of blood..."

The voice of trembling came from his mouth again, and even ye Bufan's body was still shaking and trembling.


The scene left everyone speechless.

There is no doubt that ye Dashao was stunned by the blood.

"Shuang'er, take the young master back to his room and comfort him." Seeing this, Yefu immediately said that although yebufan was all right, Yefu didn't want him to be frightened again.


The leaf frost answered.

"Commander Liu."

"Commander Liu."

"No, no, commander Liu is dead. Commander Liu is killed." At this time, a cry of surprise suddenly rang out.


Hearing the speech, all the people present were shocked.

Liutongling? Liu Xun? Dead?


Immediately, the startled eyes followed the prestige one after another. At the center of the previous battle, a soldier of the city Lord's residence fell to the ground. There was a man lying in front of him. Who could it be but Liu Xun.

Scarlet blood flowed from the neck, and the cold body did not move.

The bloody scene stunned everyone.

Liuxun is dead?

Everyone knows that Liu Xun, as the Guard commander of the city Lord's residence, has entered the dirty refining realm with all his accomplishments and is definitely the strongest presence.

He's dead?

Who killed it?

Who can kill him?

It can be said that it is possible for anyone present to be killed, but Liu Xun's murder is too strange and unimaginable.

Ye Fu also frowned. He instinctively looked at Ye Wang in the distance.

Ye Fu clearly remembers that ye Wang provoked this scuffle, and if he remembers correctly, it was Liu Xun, who was also ye Wang's opponent at that time.

Ye Wang killed Liu Xun?

This possibility does not exist at all.


Yefu was thinking, but the soldier next to Liu Xun's body suddenly shouted: "hurry, hurry, report this to the city master immediately, and the rest of the people will guard the gate. From now on, no one is allowed to leave here."

The killing of the leader of the guard of the city Lord's residence is too big for anyone to bear the responsibility. As ordinary soldiers, they can't make up their minds. They can only be decided by the city Lord Liu Yong.

"Whew -"

A soldier turned and left the Ye family and went straight to the city master's residence.

Tonight, no longer calm.

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