"Two law enforcers, that bastard yebufan is so inhuman. He beat us like this and robbed us of 500 million credits. It's simply lawless..."

"Ask the law enforcement team to decide for us!!"

"Ask the college to seek justice for us!!"

Prince Jing's words fell. Not only the two law enforcers, but also the five men of song Guanghui, looked at Wang Zijing in horror. Their eyes seemed to say: "our injuries were obviously fought by hongyunfei and mu CHENFENG. How did they become ye Bufan's masterpiece in your mouth? You lied without blinking?"

However, songguanghui and other people were not so good. They immediately understood Wang Zijing's intention. Anyway, they had already been beaten, and they could not go to find mu CHENFENG and their troubles. It's better to frame up than to swallow it.

Yebufan beat them and stole 500 million credits from them.

be perfectly logical and reasonable.

At this point, songguanghui and others no longer hesitate:

"Yes, law enforcers, look, look, our injuries are all caused by yebufan. However, we have nothing to say because our skills are inferior to those of others. However, he shouldn't have robbed us of our 500million credits."

"500 million, that's 500 million, and we borrowed it to buy cultivation items. We have to pay 15 million back just the interest every month. Now, he robbed it all. This guy is a bandit, a robber."

"Ask the law enforcement team to make decisions for us, and the college to preside over justice for us."

"Ask the law enforcement team to make decisions for us, and the college to preside over justice for us."

"Ask the law enforcement team to make decisions for us, and the college to preside over justice for us."

Songguanghui and his entourage jointly denounced yebufan, which made the two law enforcers stunned. Then they looked at each other and drew corners of their mouths.

They naturally know who ye Bufan is. In the words of their vice president Nie, this boy is an evil star and a disaster. As long as he appears, something will happen. He is now one of the most troublesome people in the law enforcement team.

And this guy has a criminal record.

At this point, the male law enforcer couldn't help asking, "you said that ye Bufan beat you and robbed you 500million credits?"


"That's right."

"That's him."


The six songguanghui people immediately gritted their teeth and said.

They are firm and resolute.

Although the person who beat them was not yebufan, the 500 million credits were indeed yebufan's hands, but this was enough.

It's not him, it's him.

Looking at the six men of song Guanghui, the male law enforcer frowned: "500 million? How did you get so many credits?"

"Didn't you just say that you borrowed it from Hong Yunfei?"


Hearing the speech, the male law enforcer drew his lips and thought that, in addition to hongyunfei, who can take out so many credits at once in this college.


The male law enforcer looked at Song Guanghui with strange eyes.

How dare you borrow 500 million credits? The monthly interest rate is three cents. Can you afford the interest of fifteen million credits a month?

Of course, it has nothing to do with him.

Looking at songguanghui's six people, the male law enforcer didn't continue to think about it, but slowly said, "you six should come with us. Dean Nie has already told us that everything related to yebufan should be handled by her."

"Nie Ziyi?"

The six men of song Guanghui were stunned at first and then overjoyed.

Who is Nie Ziyi?

One of the eight vice presidents of the Academy of martial arts, the only successor of the future president, and she is also the leader of the law enforcement team. Most importantly, she doesn't like yebufan at all.

If yebufan falls into her hands, can she have good fruit to eat?


Songguanghui and his party were delighted.

Yebufan, you are dead.


Rosefinch 222 yard.

Yebufan twitched slightly at the corner of his mouth. He looked at Qian Rumeng with a messy face and kidnapped you. However, he blackmailed your father? Thanks to you.

However, this is indeed a good idea.

As for how Qian Duoduo got the Jiulong soul snatching gun, that's his business. He doesn't have to worry about stealing or robbing.

If you want to find a wife, you should find someone like Rumeng.

Before ye Bufan could speak, Qian Rumeng added: "however, before kidnapping, we must solve a problem."


Yebufan asked.

Qian Rumeng looked up, then pointed to the sky with his right hand and whispered, "she can't know."


Yebufan was stunned and looked up.


Then he looked at Qian Rumeng with stunned eyes: "who is he? God?"


Qian Rumeng said, "she is a saint sent by my father to protect me. Since she is kidnapped, of course, she can't let her know. If she knows, my father can't know? I know that my husband kidnapped me, and my father won't give a ransom."


Yebufan drew his lips and worshipped him directly.

There are saints secretly protecting you. Didn't you say so earlier?

Do you think that in the presence of a saint, God might bind you unknowingly?

It's impossible.

What's more, the sage may have heard your 'plan' clearly. In the future, he may think that you and Ben Shao conspired to defraud your father's money.

"Husband, what's the matter with you?"

Looking at ye Bufan's messy face, Qian Rumeng couldn't help asking.


Yebufan responded casually, shifting the topic and said: "Mengmeng, how much do you think the entry quota of a god demon cemetery is worth?"

"How much is the quota in the God and devil cemetery worth?"

Money is like a dream.


Yebufan responded and said, "let me tell you something. If we put up the quota of the divine and demon cemetery for public auction, then... How many credits do you think the sky martial arts academy, or the major families, are willing to spend on bidding?"


Suddenly, money was in a mess like a dream. She rolled her eyes and said, "husband, do you have a quota in the God devil cemetery?"


"How many do you have?"



Qian Rumeng was shocked instinctively: "how can you have so many places?"

"Isn't there fivehundred places in the heaven martial arts academy?"


The money was as messy as a dream. He said in silence, "husband, it belongs to the martial arts academy, not yours. How can you auction it?"

Yebufan smiled: "Although I have no quota, I have few Huangji red soul lions. There is no rule that war pets are not allowed to participate in the competition for the divine and demon cemetery. Ningyuan, Guiyuan, Shenyuan and Sunday, the divine and demon gods have not swept all the way directly. Even if there are some who can defeat the Shenwu realm, there will not be many. At that time, before the competition starts, I will auction the battle right of Huangji red soul lions, which is equivalent to auctioning the quota of the divine and demon cemetery?"

"Is that all right?"

Qian Rumeng widened his eyes and looked shocked.

Yebufan smiled nonchalantly. He believed that once the quota of 500 God and demon tombs in the sky martial arts academy was auctioned, he would make a lot of money.

Compared with the opportunities and inheritance in the God and devil cemetery, just a little credit counts. You know, the God and devil cemetery is only opened once every 50 years, and only martial artists on or below the Sunday can enter it once.

For the students of the martial arts academy, the opportunity to enter the God and devil cemetery is only this time in their life. If they miss this time, they will have no chance in this life.

Of course, thanks to Qian Duoduo. After all, he came up with the idea. Yebufan thought he would never have thought of such a way to 'make money'.

But whose idea doesn't matter, as long as it works.

36 billion credits?

As far as ye Bufan is concerned, there is no difference between the 36 billion credits, whether they are available or not, because these credits are far from enough to exchange for a holy soldier.

We must find a way to earn more.

And the competition for the God and devil cemetery is the best opportunity.

Yebufan believes that once the battle right of Huangji red soul lion is auctioned, it will inevitably attract competition from countless people. At that time, he can take the opportunity to make a lot of money.

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