"Yebufan, what else do you have to say?"

Nie Ziyi's words stunned yebufan. He was a little confused for a while.

The law enforcement team lied and cheated their student orders. Then nieziyi came, and brought the six black and blue songguanghui with him. As soon as they met, they set up their own teachers to ask questions?

What happened?

When yebufan was confused, Nie Ziyi said in a cold voice again: "yebufan, do you really think the college is a place where you can mess around? Rob and hurt people. This time, you have nothing to say."


Nie Ziyi's words fell. Yebufan was stunned at first, then looked at her, frowned, and said in a deep voice: "rob, hurt people? Who did you rob less? Hurt..."

In the middle of his words, yebufan was suddenly stunned and looked at the six men of song Guanghui.

Wounding, robbing?

That's not them, is it?


At this time, Prince Cong gave a cold snort, pointed to yebufan and scolded, "yebufan, it's ok if you robbed us 500 million credits. You beat us like this. Anyway, we are also a college. Do you need to be so cruel?"

"Now there are both witness and material evidence. You can't argue."

"That's right, Dean Nie. This boy is too bad. You must make decisions for us." Yekui's anger echoed the Tao.

Songguanghui, Prince Jing, Gu Santong and Liu Yunxuan also looked at yebufan with an angry face.


Yebufan's words were confused in an instant.

Ben robbed you 500 million credits? Ben beat you into pig heads?

Son of a bitch!!

Next second, yebufan pointed to song Guanghui and his party and angrily scolded, "when did Ben rob you?"

"Do you still want to argue?"

Wangzicong angrily scolded and said, "do you know why Dean Nie wants to get your student order? It's just to prevent you from hiding your student order and refusing to admit it."

After a pause, Prince Jing continued, "there are more than 35 billion credits here. Apart from the less than 200 million you cheated and the 34 billion you cheated from Hong Yunfei, there are still 500 million left. If you didn't rob us, where did you come from?"

"Can such a large number of credits still appear out of thin air?"

"I tell you, when we borrowed the $500 million from Hong Yunfei, we wrote an IOU. If you want to deny it, just ask him. It's clear."


Yebufan drew at the corner of his mouth: "what's so special? You don't know how Ben Shao got the $500 million? It's obviously what you gave him. Now it's said that Ben Shao robbed you? You're shameless?"


Yebufan's words fell, and Prince Cong angrily scolded and shouted: "who knows the whole college? Who doesn't know? The six of us don't deal with you, and even hate you to the bone. We will give you 500million credits for nothing? Are we sick, or do you think NIE is easy to cheat?"

"Yes, you dare to do it. Yebufan, are you still a man?"


Ye Bufan's mouth began to draw again and again.

The most humble person is invincible.

These six people are so shameless that they even designed to frame Ben Shao.

Why did Ben Shao let lard get confused at that time and believe you? Now it's ok


It's useless to explain. Looking at Nie Ziyi's eyes, it's clear that he won't believe Ben Shao.

"I can testify."

At this time, money raised his hand like a dream and said, "you sent 500 million credits yourself."


"We'll give it to him?"

"In the college, who doesn't know that your money is like a dream and this boy is a gang, your words can't be trusted."

"Yes, you lied."

Song Guanghui retorted in an instant.


Money stamped his feet like a dream, and he was in a hurry.

Son of a bitch!

Yebufan angrily scolded, playing a rogue. If you want to play a rogue, I've never been afraid of anyone.

At this point, yebufan took a deep breath, looked at the six people and said: "Mengmeng's words are not believable, can your words be believable? Who doesn't know that the six of you are a group, and it is clear that you are working together to frame Ben Shao."


"Yebufan, can you be more shameless? Frame you? Who do you think you are?"

"Yes, you can't deny it."

Songguanghui and his party angrily retorted, and yebufan sneered: "if you didn't frame Ben Shao, why is your 500 million branch here?"

"Nonsense, of course you robbed it."


Yebufan pointed at six people and scolded: "are you all rubbish? Three Zhou tianwu people can still be robbed by Ben Shao's one star divine yuan? If you want to frame Ben Shao, would you mind? Are you testing the intelligence of vice president Nie?"

"You can't, but your emperor's red soul lion can. It's a demon God. How can we be his opponent?"

"Huang Ji red soul lion? Where? Where? Where? Why didn't Ben Shao see it?"


"What am I? You said that Ben Shao robbed you with the emperor's red soul lion. Then you find him and confront him with Ben Shao. Who believes the empty words

"You have hidden the emperor's red soul lion. How can we know where he is?"

"Hide? Come on, come on, hide a book. Look at it. Where can I hide it for such a big guy? If you don't believe it, just search it. I won't cooperate."


Song Guanghui's six people were in disorder.

"No more words?"

Yebufan said indignantly, "Ben Shao is a five good young man with good character and law-abiding. You have framed Ben Shao. No, Ben Shao wants to sue you for slander."

After that, yebufan looked at Nie Ziyi and said, "Dean Nie, you have to make a decision for Ben Shao. They are framing a case. Ben Shao's young mind has been seriously hit, which will certainly affect his future cultivation. They are killing the talents of the college and the pride of the murderer."

"Dean Nie, please punish them severely."

"Son of a bitch, can you be more shameless?" Songguanghui and his party were instantly furious.

"That's enough."

But at this time, Nie Ziyi shouted angrily.

She glanced at yebufan, then at Song Guanghui and his party, and frowned slightly.

Although nieziyi has always wanted to expel yebufan, it is not a personal grudge, but in her opinion, yebufan's stay in the martial arts academy is only bad, not good, because this boy can cause too much trouble.

In fact, yebufan never lived in an'sheng during his time in the Academy.

She can play some "tricks" to fire ye Bufan, but she won't confuse black and white for firing ye Bufan.

Nie Ziyi saw the situation clearly and understood that whether it was yebufan or songguanghui, they seemed to have their own reasons, but one of them must be lying.

As for which side, Nie Ziyi was not sure.

It would be a bit far fetched to assume that what song Guanghui and his party said is the truth just because of the credits of student yebufan's order.

But if not, who did song Guanghui and his party fight? Their injuries were examined by Nie Ziyi. They were definitely not left by themselves.

I don't know why, Nie Ziyi believes that ye Bufan is a little more than song Guanghui.

At this point, Nie Ziyi looked at yebufan and said, "you said they framed you?"

"Of course."

Yebufan glanced at songguanghui and others and said angrily.


"Ye, can you be more shameless? Do you dare to do it or not? Are you still a man?"

"Son of a bitch, you have to be shameless."

Yebufan's words fell, and songguanghui and his party were angry.

"Shut up."

Nie Ziyi shouted angrily. Song Guanghui and his party were silent. Nie Ziyi looked at them and said, "you said he hurt you and stole 500 million credits?"

"That's right."

"That's him."

"Dean Nie, you have to decide for us. This boy is absolutely lawless."

As song Guanghui and his party spoke, Nie Ziyi ignored them. She glanced at them and said slowly, "since you don't want to tell the truth, it's simple..."


The crowd was stunned.

Nie Ziyi waved his hand and said angrily in a cold voice: "catch it and put it all in the demon sealing yard!!"

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