Linglong chamber of Commerce, one of the three drunken dragon pavilions.

As the most luxurious, famous, delicious and expensive restaurant in Wucheng, zuilong restaurant can never see the overcrowding scene of other restaurants. In particular, it is still a long time before noon. The whole zuilong restaurant is deserted and there is only one guest in the hall.

This man is none other than Qiu Shaofeng.

As one of the seventy-two gangs of the sky martial arts academy, and a member of the flower seeking court, the whole members of the flower seeking court now think that qiushaofeng has fallen, and he has also fallen, and they despise his behavior.


The purpose of the flower seeking court is to be a free man, soak up all the beauties in the world, and never hang from a tree. But it happened that Qiu Shaofeng, after meeting the girl Dongling, resolutely abandoned his old brother.

He 'betrayed' his former brother.

He broke his promise.

He 'broke' his original oath.

Now, the flower seeking court has issued three warnings to qiushaofeng, one of which was from ye Zhiqiu, one of the three elders. The content of the warning is very simple. If qiushaofeng continues to degenerate like this, the flower seeking court will no longer tolerate qiushaofeng and can only expel him.

But qiushaofeng didn't care about it.

At this moment, Qiu Shaofeng is sitting at the door of Zui long Xuan, facing the counter. In front of him, there is a simple plate of hot and sour potato shreds on the table. This is a special dish that Zui long Xuan recently launched for Qiu Shaofeng alone, and it is also the cheapest dish on Zui long Xuan's menu.

Hot and sour potato shreds, selling price: 1.88 million yuan.

This is definitely a price that is insane to despair and even collapse. However, Qiu Shaofeng didn't care at all. For him, the dishes in Zui Longxuan are nothing more expensive. As long as there are people he wants to see here, and as long as he can see them here, it's enough.

Holding his chin in his hands, Qiu Shaofeng sat there quietly, like a stone carving, motionless. His eyes looked at the counter in front of him.

In the counter, there are four young girls of the same age, but they are wearing four different colors of purple, green, white and blue, with different lasting appeal.

It has to be said that qianduoduo's animal has paid a lot of money to attract customers. All the four girls are the best in their country. I believe most men will feel a surge of blood when they see them.

Among the four girls, the girl in white is 17 or 18 years old, with dark long hair draped over her shoulders, clear and bright pupils, curved willow eyebrows, long eyelashes trembling slightly, white and flawless skin showing a touch of pink, thin lips as delicate as rose petals, and a warm smile as spring breeze on her face.

Tall, long legs, hips, breasts

Her name is Dongling. She is not the most beautiful of the four girls. Even if she insists on ranking them, she can only rank third with Dongling's beauty.

But even so, Dong Ling still occupied Qiu Shaofeng's whole attention at the moment.

She is heaven, she is earth.

In qiushaofeng's eyes, she is the world.

From a certain moment, Qiu Shaofeng found that his heart had been firmly occupied by the girl in front of him, and his mind was full of her shadow, lingering and unable to extricate himself.

As long as you can see her every move and hear her every word, it seems that everything else is no longer important to Qiu Shaofeng.

Having a female Dongling is everything.

In the counter

"This nerd..."

The girl in purple on Dongling's left glared at qiushaofeng fiercely and scolded: "every day when we open the door, he comes and orders the cheapest dish. Then he sits down until we close the door. During this period, he doesn't do anything or say anything. He just looks at our Dongling so foolishly."

"Dongling, what do you mean? What do you want?"

"I don't know."

Dongling bowed her head and looked shy. She didn't dare to look at Qiu Shaofeng at all.

"Hello, hello..."

At this time, the girl in blue on Dongling's right smiled and said, "it goes without saying that this stupid boy has a crush on our Dongling family." While talking, the girl in blue bumped Dong Ling gently: "yes, Dong Ling."

"Don't talk nonsense."

Dong Ling glared at the girl in blue, but her face was more shy.

"Yo... We Dongling are shy. If he doesn't like you, why are you shy?" The girl in blue looked at Dong Ling and said with a smile.

Dongling is very shy.

I believe that the vast majority of women are looked at like this by a man, and for seven or eight days, every day, at the moment, they will be the same as Dongling.


But at this time, the girl in purple snorted angrily, and said, "even if he has a crush on our Dongling, should he also show a little? What is this now? He just runs around like this every day. Look, we are talking about him now, but he doesn't respond at all."

"Maybe they are shy?"

The girl in purple said, and the girl in blue smiled.

"Shy egg."

The girl in purple angrily scolded and said, "look at his eyes. Our winter spirit's eyes are straight. Is that shy? I think he is ill and needs treatment."




Including Dong Ling, the three girls were speechless.

"Dongling, why don't you ask?"

At this time, the girl in green who kept silent suddenly said, "I have already inquired for you. This boy is qiushaofeng, the second young master of the Qiu family. He is about the same age as you, and he is not bad. Why don't you follow him? Anyway, the Qiu family is also a first-class family. It's good to marry to the Qiu family."

"Right, right, right."

Hearing the words, the girl in blue immediately said, "Dongling, go quickly. I think the boy likes you very much, or else he won't. since he doesn't take the initiative, let's take the initiative."


Dong Ling was speechless directly, and then she gave three women a white look: "if you want to go, I won't go." While talking, she couldn't help looking at Qiu Shaofeng secretly.

"What did you say? Then I'll go. If he is abducted by me, don't regret it." The girl in blue blinked and smiled.

"Right, right, right." The girl in purple also said immediately: "I'll go too. This boy is stupid. If he becomes a pro in the future, I won't let him bully him. Hee hee..."

"Don't you two think about it." At this time, the girl in blue turned pale and said, "don't you realize that he hasn't even looked at us these days?"

"Alas, our Dongling is still very attractive."

"Sobbing, why can't I meet such a crazy man? People want to marry..."


Dongling was speechless.


Outside the drunken Dragon Pavilion.

Qian Rumeng took ye Bufan's arm, and they walked slowly, but stopped outside Zui Longxuan. It's not that ye Bufan doesn't want to go in, it's really... Ye Bufan has never forgotten the scene that he was thrown out by the semi Saint old man. If he goes in at this time, there is no doubt that he will be thrown out again.

They stopped outside Zui long Xuan, but looked inside. Qiu Shaofeng was sitting at the door, and yebufan saw him at first sight.

However, just one glance, yebufan was stunned and stupid. Then he looked stunned and said, "he, what is he doing?"

Money like a dream is also messy: "should, should be in a daze?"


Ye Bufan could not help drawing at the corner of his mouth.

Although qiushaofeng was sitting at the door, he was not facing the door, so yebufan could still see his side and side face. At the moment, Qiu Shaofeng is sitting on the table with a plate, his chin in his hands, and his eyes are staring at a girl in the counter.

The atmosphere was dead.

The picture is strange.

Yebufan's heart is extremely messy and crazy.

Is this the so-called pick-up girl?

This is the so-called dish. Can you eat it from morning till night?

Nima, at this moment, yebufan suddenly has an impulse to roar up to the sky. Just like Qiu Shaofeng, you can eat a dish less for ten years. No, you can eat it directly to death.

Why don't you marry me?

Your uncle, qiushaofeng, you are waiting to die alone all your life. No, you are waiting to send this Dongling girl out of the cabinet and marry her!!!

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