"Wounding, swindling, robbing... That's OK. Now you're trying to destroy the competition in the God and demon cemetery. Yebufan, you are scum and scum."


In No. 001 courtyard of Zhuque, Nie Ziyi clapped his palm on the table in front of him, gnashing his teeth and becoming angry.

In front of Nie Ziyi, Zhang Changfeng and Gong Qingxue were helpless and messy. Now yebufan is not only a thorn in Nie Ziyi's heart, but also a headache for the whole law enforcement team. Nie Ziyi wanted to expel him, and all the members of the law enforcement team were like that.

Shaoqing, zhangchangfeng hesitated for a moment, looked at Nie Ziyi and said, "Dean, why don't we just throw this boy into the demon sealing Academy. Didn't you say that he will stay in the Academy for two months? He will be released when the demon cemetery is opened."

Shut up in the enchanted house?

Nie Ziyi didn't want to put yebufan in the demon sealing house, but she also had her own concerns in her heart.

From Nie Ziyi's point of view, Qin Hehuan is really disgusting. It's OK to stay in the demon sealing house. But what if ye Bufan gets in and Qin Hehuan's animal runs out in case of an accident?

With yebufan's troubled personality, this may not happen.

If you let yourself "face" Qin Hehuan all day, nieziyi would rather ye Bufan cause trouble in the college every day.

With a frown on his brow, Nie Ziyi said: "no, even if you put him in the demon sealing house, it won't solve the problem. Don't forget that money is like a dream. If you put yebufan in the demon sealing house, he can't let money be like a dream to preside over the auction for him? At that time, with money as a dream, you can't tell what will happen."



Nie Ziyi's voice had just dropped, and Zhang Changfeng and Gong Qingxue were speechless.

They really forgot the money like a dream.

Little witch of the martial arts academy, that is definitely not a false name, but after yebufan came to the sky martial arts academy, Qian Rumeng "kept a low profile" a lot

Immediately, Zhang Changfeng said, "Dean, put them both in the demon sealing yard, and let them out when the God demon cemetery is opened."


Nie Ziyi's mouth suddenly twitched.

Nie Ziyi didn't even think about putting money like a dream into the demon sealing house. She didn't dare, but couldn't. Others don't know about Qian Rumeng, but Nie Ziyi knows very well, nine Yin Xuan body. If Qian Rumeng is sent to the demon sealing house, it will be like sending sheep into a tiger's mouth.

Money like a dream is nothing, but how much money?

Do you really think a lot of money is just greedy? It is not impossible for him to kill all the human saints. Yetianxiong stresses morality and takes the overall situation into consideration, but Qian Duoduo will never have so many concerns.

The dragon has an adverse scale. If you touch it, you will die.

Money like a dream is the inverse scale of money.

He has kept his accomplishments under control for years because money is like a dream.

Once Qin Hehuan could not control his third leg and "ate" the money like a dream, the world would turn upside down at that time. Qianduoduo was bound to be mad.

At that time, it will be a human catastrophe!!


As soon as he read this, Nie Ziyi said decisively: "don't mention the matter of sealing the devil's house."

Zhangchangfeng was stunned.

Later, Gong Qingxue said, "president, in that case, why don't we cancel Zhan Chong's qualification to play? In this way, his auction of Zhan Chong's right to play would be meaningless."

"Although our Terran war pet is very rare, it is also a part of our own strength. Why should we cancel the war pet's right to fight? What's more, that boy is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Once he suddenly cancels the war pet's right to fight, he will make use of the topic to point out what will happen." Nie Ziyi frowned. Based on her understanding of yebufan, she was afraid that yebufan would cause chaos in the martial arts academy. This was definitely not what Nie Ziyi wanted.

Zhang Changfeng and Zhang Changfeng were stunned, but they fell into silence. It was unrealistic to cancel Zhan Chong's right to fight.


A moment later, Nie Ziyi frowned, then smiled at the corners of his mouth and said: "although we can't cancel the right of Zhan Chong to fight, we can change the venue of the competition..."

"Change the venue?"

Zhangchangfeng and Gong Qingxue were stunned. They looked at each other, puzzled.


Now, ye Bufan auctioned Zhan Chong's right to fight and the fight for the quota of God and devil cemetery has almost spread all over the martial arts academy. For a while, the martial arts academy was shocked and countless students took action. Their goal was only one, credit.

As long as they have credits, they can participate in the auction in ten days. Once they get the right to fight once, they can enter the God and devil cemetery.

Once every 50 years, there is an unparalleled inheritance inside. Who is willing to give up such an opportunity.

Madness, madness

All the students rushed frantically to the task hall in order to raise the most credits in the shortest time.

There are 500 seats in the sky martial arts academy.

The number of places is not too many or too few. At that time, families will definitely compete frantically, and the price will reach a terrible value. This is not what ordinary members can participate in and are qualified to participate in.

But no one can guarantee that there will be accidents. Snipes and mussels will compete, fishermen will make profits, and families will compete frantically. Once their credits are exhausted?

That was their chance as ordinary students.

Better safe than sorry

Even if such a situation does not occur, the credits they earn can be reserved for other purposes without any loss.

However, when these students came to the task hall, they found that there were no tasks here.

"What's going on?"

"What about the task?"

"Xiaofei, you are on duty in the mission hall today. Tell me, why is the mission gone?"

The sounds of this kind are constantly ringing out, and everyone is confused and stupid. The college has thousands of tasks, and now all of them are gone. How can we not be surprised? It is not surprising.

"Sell tasks, sell tasks. Don't miss it when you pass by. How many tasks should you buy to do?" At this time, everyone clearly heard a cry outside the mission hall.

In an instant, everyone followed the prestige.

Outside the hall, I don't know when there was an extra table and two chairs. Now there are two people sitting there.

"Hong Yunfei?"

"The morning breeze?"

Seeing two people, everyone was stunned.

When did they come? Why didn't you find it when you came in just now?

Hongyunfei ignored this. He looked at the scene of overcrowding in the mission hall and said with a smile: "do you want to buy a mission, younger students? One credit for a mission in the world, one yuan stone in the yuan realm, ten yuan stones in the yuan realm, a hundred yuan stones in the Shenyuan realm, and a thousand yuan stones in the surrounding world..."


In an instant, the corners of everyone's mouth twitched.

Selling tasks?

Your uncle, needless to say, hongyunfei and Hong Yunfei took over all the tasks of the task hall.

The same is true, but it was not Hong Yunfei who picked it up, but mu CHENFENG.

When he learned that the three top families wanted to buy credits, hongyunfei knew that in the next ten days, everyone would be crazy to brush tasks and earn credits. So when Gu Qingyin left to contact their families, hongyunfei found mu CHENFENG and asked him to take all the tasks in the task Hall

Direct monopoly.

If you want to do tasks and earn credits, you should spend money to buy them.

Now Hong Yunfei loves yebufan to death. In his opinion, ye Bufan is not a liar. He is simply Hong Yunfei's noble man and money boy.


Hongyunfei openly sold the college's tasks outside the task hall. Some smart students also saw business opportunities one after another. In an instant, one after another, peddling sounded

"Sell credits, sell credits, five credits a dollar stone, only sell 355 credits."

"Two hundred and sixty-eight credits are sold in packages, only for 55 yuan. Don't miss it when you pass by..."

"Who wants the 1300 yuan stone?"

"There are a large number of credits. There are eight credits for one yuan stone, and only 800000 credits."

"One yuan, ten credits, a large number of purchased credits, how many to how much..."

In less than ten minutes, the mission Hall of the college turned directly into a trading area, with countless people selling and buying.

Hongyunfei and mu CHENFENG looked at each other, and mu CHENFENG said, "didn't you say there were still tens of billions of credits? Why didn't you sell them?"

"What's the hurry?"

Hongyunfei chuckled: "now the three top families have bought 40 billion credits. In order to compete, they will certainly collect and scrape the credits outside in these ten days. I will sell these tens of billions of credits before the auction starts in ten days, or when the three families have wasted almost all their credits. What kind of picture will that be?"


Mu CHENFENG drew directly from the corners of his mouth.

No wonder the president asked the animal to take charge of the credits. This NIMA... Is crazy.

"Well, well, don't think about that. Sell the tasks quickly and earn some living expenses. The yuan stones sold are all our brothers' money." Hongyunfei admires the morning breeze, then looks at the noisy scene in front of him and continues to shout: "sell the task, sell the task..."

Noisy atmosphere, chaotic crowd.

Yebufan's auction of the war pet's right to fight attracted the whole college to be crazy.

Those who sell credits, those who buy credits

Those who sell and do tasks

The only topic in a day is credit.

The noise of the day;

A night's sleep.

The next day, when the dawn rose and everyone woke up from their sleep, the college issued a notice:

After ten days, all the participants will enter the place of trial, Xumi battle.

Ye Bufan auctions his favorite, stirring up the situation;

Nie Ziyi made a notice and suppressed it instantly!!

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