Shenyuan area, central position.

Yebufan has been waiting here for almost half an hour, but no one from Qin Yao and Qian Rumeng has arrived, which makes yebufan a little worried.

"Meng Meng, don't they also encounter the eudemon herd?" This idea came to yebufan's mind again and again, which made yebufan very uneasy.


Finally, Qin Yao and Qian Rumeng had not been seen for nearly an hour. Yebufan could no longer help but said to the buried heaven: "buried heaven, you continue to wait here. Don't go around here."

"Yes, master."

The emperor replied.


Yebufan ran out in an instant.

However, just as yebufan was about to leave, there was a sound of earth shaking in the distance, which made yebufan stunned. As soon as he stopped, he looked in the direction of the source of the huge movement.

"Bang bang!!"

With the sound of thunder, a huge white tiger with a length of 56 meters came rushing from the front, and was rapidly approaching ye Bufan and burying Tian.

The earth trembles and dust flies wherever it passes.


Looking at the giant white tiger in the distance, yebufan was stunned in situ for a moment, and he was also stupid.

"What is this, what is this?"

The terrible smell of the giant white tiger is definitely not what Shenyuan realm should have. Even Zhou Tian and Shenwu can't match it. At least the Shenwu realm ye Bufan encountered before has absolutely no eyeball like this white tiger.

It is not a divine weapon, but a holy land.

In a breath, yebufan judged the accomplishments of the giant white tiger. Therefore, yebufan was shocked and deeply incredible.

This is the Shenyuan area. How could there be a holy land "eudemon", and how could there be a holy land "eudemon".

Without waiting for ye Bufan to think more, the white tiger had come to him. Five meters away, the white tiger roared angrily at ye Bufan, and then jumped directly at ye Bufan.


Seeing this scene, yebufan uttered a startled scolding. The speed of the white tiger was too fast. From seeing it to approaching it, it was only about a second.

At the moment, the white tiger came, and yebufan dared not hesitate. He immediately took the nine steps to soar the dragon, and with a "whew", he directly opened a distance of tens of meters with the white tiger.

The white tiger seemed very angry when the blow failed. Its blood red eyes stared at yebufan and roared angrily. The whole space was shocked by it.

Yebufan felt his ears buzzing.


At this time, the white tiger slapped his palm on the ground, with great force impact. For a time, the earth "Ka Ka Ka" appeared deep cracks. The white tiger's blood red eyes stared at yebufan, as if telling him that "the tiger is angry."


Seeing this scene, yebufan could not help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.



The word yebufan sounded, and the white tiger had already attacked him. Yebufan could not help shouting "uncle." At the same time, it did not stop its steps. The Dragon took nine steps and retreated for tens of meters again.


The white tiger was more angry and angry when he failed.

"Roar! Roar, roar..."

Between heaven and earth, tigers roared, as if the whole space would collapse.

Yebufan felt that his scalp was numb.


Suddenly, looking at the white tiger in the fury, ye Bufan was stunned. What kind of existence is the holy land? You can definitely kill yourself every minute, but you can easily avoid the two attacks of the white tiger in front of you?

Are you too strong?

Don't pull it. Ye Bufan knows very well that he can't compete with the holy land.

"Hehe, it's just a show." At this point, yebufan looked at the giant white tiger and smiled.


It seemed that he felt ye Bufan's contempt and disdain for himself, and the white tiger immediately roared angrily.

"Call your sister..."

Yebufan scolded angrily, and then waved to bury heaven: "bury heaven, fuck him."

At the moment, yebufan's attention is all on the giant white tiger. He doesn't find that two people in the distance are staring at here. It is Qian Rumeng and Qin Yao.

Looking at the confrontation between yebufan and white tiger, Qin Yao looked at Qian Rumeng and said with a smile, "Mengmeng, you want to scare him, but he seems not afraid."

Qian Rumeng shook his fists, clenched his teeth, and looked very angry: "how can it be that Xiaobai is a holy beast? How can my husband be afraid? He should run..."

Qin Yao covers her mouth and chuckles.

Qian Rumeng clenched his teeth and said angrily, "it must be Xiaobai who didn't do his best, so he's not afraid. Hum, I'll let Xiaobai bully him hard now to see if he's afraid."



Qian Rumeng just wanted to call the commander of the white tiger, but burying the sky was a flash and came to yebufan in a daze.

"Who is that child?"

Qin Yao's two daughters were stunned when they saw the funeral.

A moment later, Qin Yao frowned: "how can I feel that this child is so familiar? It seems that I have seen him somewhere?" Suddenly, Qin Yao was stunned again and said in a startled voice: "yes, that's the spirit of burying heaven and the heavenly palace."

"Tool spirit?"

Qian Rumeng's eyes widened in an instant: "how can the spirit leave the burial palace?"

Qin Yao was also stunned.

At this time, the burial day had already come to yebufan. Without any hesitation, yebufan suddenly retreated nearly kilometers. In the battle of holy land, yebufan didn't want to be crushed to death by the aftermath of their battle.

As soon as yebufan retreats, he immediately makes a move


In the middle of the sky, the burial heaven palace appeared out of thin air, and the body of the burial heaven flashed. It collided with the burial heaven palace in an instant. A colorful light emerged, and the spirit and semi divine tools were fused.


With a loud noise, the space shook. In the middle of the air, the burial palace turned into a huge object thousands of meters high, and the colorful light permeated the heaven and earth.

In the next second, the burial temple was so powerful that it directly attacked the giant white tiger, and the speed was extremely fast.


The white tiger roared angrily when he saw the attack of the burial heaven palace. Although it was so small in front of the burial heaven palace, the white tiger was not afraid at all and clapped it in a flash.


Between heaven and earth, the burial palace and the white tiger collided with each other. The thundering sound sounded, and the whole space vibrated. The terrible Qi force instantly attacked in all directions.


With a powerful impact, although ye Bufan was kilometers away, his body still flew backward uncontrollably and landed heavily with a "bang" 300 meters away.

"Bang bang!"

In the other direction, Qin Yao and Qian Rumeng also flew backwards in an instant.


Money hurts like a dream.

In the distance, yebufan jumped up with a carp and scolded angrily: "shit.". Then he looked at the location of the burial palace and the white tiger. There, the earth within a radius of kilometers had been sunken, and a huge pit tens of meters deep appeared in the center.

The holy land is so terrifying.

At this moment, the burial palace and the white tiger are still colliding together. They seem to be fighting with each other. With the two as the center, the breath of terror attacks everywhere.


Finally, the white tiger was defeated and buried in the heavenly palace. He flew backwards and fell to the ground with a "bang" 100 meters away, and then rolled out more than 100 meters.


Seeing this scene, ye Bufan was overjoyed: "bury the sky and kill the dregs of the Holy Land!!"

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