"It takes no effort to find a place with broken iron shoes. I haven't found you for four days, but I didn't expect to meet Gu Qingyin here. It depends on where you are going this time."

"Husband, go!"

Qian Rumeng's words awakened yebufan and her husband instantly. Yebufan's mouth twitched. Qin Yao was also in a mess.

Why Qian Rumeng wants to find Gu Qingyin is clear to both of them. They just want to include Gu Qingyin in yebufan's room. In her words, if you can't cheat, you can't cheat, you can rob

Qian Rumeng is absolutely the best fiancee in the world.

Before yebufan and Qin Yao could recover, Qian Rumeng jumped off the back of the white tiger. Then she grabbed yebufan's hand and pulled it

Yebufan did not check for a moment, but was dragged down the white tiger's back by Qian Rumeng and fell to the ground with a bang.

Qian Rumeng urged, "husband, what are you doing in a daze? Go quickly. Heroes save the United States. What a good opportunity. Hum, this time it is guaranteed that the ancient soft voice will not escape."


Qin Yao suddenly blushed and could not escape? Why does it sound weird?

Yebufan got up from the ground. He looked at Qian Rumeng and said, "dream..."

"Dream of your sister!"

As soon as yebufan spoke, he was interrupted by Qian Rumeng. Then Qian Rumeng looked solemn and gently kicked yebufan. With a dissatisfied look on his face, he said: "saving people's lives is better than building a level 7 futu. Don't you see that Gu Qingyin is dying? What's more, you have the heart to see such a beautiful girl being bullied by a group of animals? You're still not a man. Go..."


Yebufan was speechless for a moment.

Saving people's lives is better than building a level-7 futu. The reason is so reasonable, but he always feels that money is like a dream with "impure motives".


Without waiting for ye Bufan to think about it, Qian Rumeng kicked him directly. When he was unprepared, ye Bufan was kicked out for tens of meters, and then landed with a bang.

The wolves found ye Bufan instantly. A burst of wolf howls sounded, and tens of thousands of red giant wolves immediately killed ye Bufan and besieged him.


Yebufan's mouth twitched.

Well, surrounded by wolves, he has to fight even if he doesn't want to fight.

"Hee hee!!"

Seeing this scene, Qian Rumeng smiled sweetly.

Qin Yao was so ashamed that she glanced at Qian Rumeng and hesitated: "Meng Meng, isn't that good?"


Qian Rumeng looked at the wolves in the distance with big eyes and said excitedly: "sister Qinyao, don't you think it would be a great sense of achievement to help your husband get Gu Qingyin?"

"A sense of accomplishment?"

Qin Yao collapsed instantly.

Qian Rumeng ignored it. She was looking at the wolves in the distance with interest.

My husband saved the United States with a hero. Gu Qingyin, this little girl, doesn't promise her by example... Hee hee!

Yebufan doesn't know what idea Qian Rumeng has in mind. Whether it's sincerity or pit, he can't manage so much, because the wolves have come.

Without the slightest hesitation, ye Bufan immediately attacked the surrounding "Eudemons" and killed them with a long gun. At the same time, ye Bufan did not forget to summon burying heaven. With burying heaven, a powerful weapon against heaven, 100000 wolves are nothing at all.

However, Qian Rumeng stamped his feet angrily when he saw this scene: "you idiot, why did you call out the burial day? Once the burial day came out, he solved these guys in no time. How could you get hurt? How could you win sympathy if you weren't hurt? How could you win the favor of Gu Qingyin? How could you make her promise by example?"

"Ah ah ah, I am so angry."

Qian Rumeng was holding a small pink fist and his face was very angry: "the spotlight was robbed by burying heaven. You want Gu Qingyin to marry burying heaven..."


Qin Yao's mouth was in a mess.

Among wolves:

"Bang bang!"

Burying heaven turned into a murderous God, controlling the burying heaven palace to slaughter the surrounding wolves unscrupulously. When the burying heaven palace was blown out, hundreds of thousands of "Eudemons" would fall. The lethality was terrible enough to make people tremble.

The great movement naturally caused the idea of the ancient light tone.


Seeing the crazy slaughter of burying heaven in the distance, Gu Qingyin was slightly distracted. That's what made her piano sound stagnant, and the wolves took the opportunity to kill her.


Gu Qingyin was instantly scratched by wolves and beasts, and blood splashed all the time.


Gu Qingyin felt pain, and a scream sounded, but she also immediately recovered her mind. Then she dared not be distracted any more, and continued to fiddle with the strings to intercept and kill the "Eudemons" in front of her.

However, the ancient light tone will still take a look at ye Bufan's direction from time to time.

After encountering the 100000 wolves, Gu Qingyin had no hope for this competition. She just wanted to try her best to kill more "Eudemons" and earn more points before quitting the competition. In this way, she might be able to get into the top 100 of the God tuple and help the family win a place in the God and demon cemetery.

But now

Seeing those "Eudemons" vanishing rapidly in the distance, Gu Qingyin knew that she was in danger this time.

The massacre of burying heaven is very fast, even crazy. Therefore, the number of members of this "eudemon" group is also decreasing crazily with the naked eye.

90000... 80000... 70000... 60000

After 10 minutes of crazy brushing more than 7 million points on the first day, yebufan once again shocked and stupefied all the students outside Xumi battle.


In half an hour, yebufan's score exceeded 100 million, directly reaching the terrible 128 million, instantly surpassing Qin Yao and becoming the first in the divine tuple and even the total score.

This guy is crazy

Ye Bufan doesn't know what happened outside the Xumi battle. At the moment, more than 100000 "eudemon" groups have been slaughtered by the burial heaven, and ye Bufan has also come to the face of Gu Qingyin.

Beauty is as beautiful as a poem, a picture and a fairy.

Although we met for the first time, yebufan knew that he had been deeply attracted to each other, not only because of Gu Qingyin's peerless appearance, but also because of her unique temperament of not eating human fireworks, which was like white lotus, holy, not causing a trace of dust, and also made people feel no sense of blasphemy,

The first beauty of the sky martial arts academy, Gu Qingyin deserves it.

Yebufan was stunned and crazy.

However, in the face of yebufan's unbridled "weird" eyes, Gu Qingyin did not dare to look directly at her. She could only lower her head, with a blush on her face, and her heart was also "bangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbang.

For nothing else, just because no one has ever been so "unscrupulous" in front of her.

Feeling the abnormality of Gu Qingyin, yebufan immediately recalled himself. Knowing that he had lost his temper, he immediately shifted his attention and asked, "are you all right?"

"No, no, no, thank you." Gu softly lowered his head and said softly.

"Xiaoyin'er, my husband saved your life. Just say thank you." At this time, Qian Rumeng came over and looked at Gu Qingyin and asked with a smile.

"Little voice?"

Yebufan immediately drew a corner of his mouth.

Gu Qingyin looked up at Qian Rumeng and said: "I......" she hesitated for a moment, then took out her student order, bowed her head and handed it to yebufan: "here you are."

"Give it to me?"

Yebufan was stunned.

"Thank you!!"

Gu said softly.


Yebufan was in a mess in an instant. She said "thank you" like a dream. If it is not enough, you will give all your points to Ben? You're too talkative, aren't you?

However, Qian Rumeng said again: "Xiaoyin, who do you think my husband is? A robber who robbed by fire? You are lucky to earn these points. Can my husband take them?"

"No, no, no, I, I don't, that's not what I mean." Hearing the speech, Gu Qingyin raised his head and waved his hand again and again. Then when she saw yebufan's eyes, she instinctively lowered her head and continued to explain: "just, just me, I only have these points..."

"Who said that?"

When the old voice fell, Qian Rumeng immediately retorted, "you can promise me by example."

"With, with, with body, with promise?"

Gu Qingyin raised his head in an instant, widened his eyes, and looked at Qian Rumeng in horror.


Qian Rumeng answered with a smile. Then she took Gu Qingyin's shoulder and said, "my husband saved your life. Isn't it normal for you to promise each other by example?"

"Can, can, but, who do you marry? No, don't you want to, don't you want to listen to your parents?" Gu Qingyin tugged at the corners of his clothes with his hands, a little flustered.

"Who said that?"

Qian Rumeng asked back and said, "if you say so, wouldn't people without parents be able to marry in this life?"


Ancient light tone stoppers.

Qian Ruyu said in a dream, "Xiaoyin, you should repay your kindness. Do you want to be an ungrateful villain? If you do, it will bring shame to your ancient family. How can your parents look up and be a man in the future?"


"Besides, do you have a fiance?"

"No, No."

"Well, why can't you promise each other without marriage?"

"Yes, but..."

Gu Qingyin wanted to say something, but Qian Rumeng didn't give her a chance: "well, it's a pleasant decision. You will marry my husband in a moment, and then you will be married."


Yebufan's eyes widened. He looked at Qian Rumeng and Gu Qingyin. His face was shocked.

That's all right??

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