
In the courtyard of zone 3, ye Bufan spits out a mouthful of turbid qi and finishes his work.

"You can refine the ten dirty products and reach the peak."

Holding his fists and feeling the majestic power of his whole body, yebufan smiled: "my young master now has a strength of 680 kg. As long as you untie the seal, you can impact the Ningyuan territory, and the strength will increase by 20 kg, reaching 700. However, now the blood essence is far from enough, and it is not so easy to untie the seal. Even so, my young master now has the power to fight against the low-level martial artists in the Ningyuan territory."

"Seven days, to be honest, I really have to thank haopang."

Within seven days, Hao Pang made the whole city hall and even the whole wasteland city go wild. Everyone's attention was focused on Hao Pang. Liu Yong didn't care about the Ye family at all, nor did he care about the fool ye Bufan in his eyes.

This provided enough time for yebufan and the Ye family.

In seven days, yebufan directly stepped into the top ten products of dirt refining and decaying. Other people also broke through oneortwo times more or less. Yewang directly advanced from the eighth product of pulp washing to the first product of easy tendon.

The Ye family is like a flying snake that turns into a dragon. Its overall strength is advancing by leaps and bounds.

"Cultivation has been unable to be improved. The crazy devil has been introduced. It is impossible to achieve success in a short time. Next, I will try my best to cultivate the eight wonders of divine power. As long as I am introduced, I can win the battle against the low-level martial artists in Ningyuan territory. Even the four-star, five-star and six-star martial artists in the middle of Ningyuan territory have the power to fight."

Condense yuan territory and absorb Qi into the body. For each star increased, your own strength will increase by 10%, and the Ten Star condense yuan peak power will increase by twice.

This is a divine martial arts skill with eight barren strengths. The entry-level strength increases by 50%.

As long as ye Bufan's eight wild powers are introduced and his martial arts skills are displayed, his explosive strength can be comparable to the five-star and six star Ningyuan martial artists, or even seven star and eight star. After all, ye Bufan's strength has reached 680 kg.

Of course, yebufan can show his martial arts skills, and other martial artists can also show their martial arts skills. However, even so, with the rank of the eight wonders of the divine force, yebufan can also draw closer to or even surpass the five-star and six star Ningyuan martial artists in attack.

This is the advantage of yebufan, the advantage of divine level martial arts. Of course, this is only limited to the power of the instant explosion of martial arts. Yebufan's greatest advantage is the power to shed the world. Now it is 680 kg, which is his biggest reliance.

Devanagari is the foundation of martial arts.

The three realms of congealing yuan, Guiyuan, Shenyuan, and congealing are all based on the transformation of the universe. The vitality of heaven and earth is turned into its own yuan force. Yuan force holds the body and increases the strength of the transformation of the universe. The greater the accumulated strength of the transformation of the universe, the stronger the strength after the increase.

This is also the reason why all martial artists care so much about the basic power. All martial artists are the same. The only thing that can improve and determine the strength of a martial artist in the future is the basic power.

Yebufan's basic strength is 100 points, and he has accumulated 700 points in the world.

No one can match the foundation of martial arts.

"Start cultivating and get started as soon as possible."

Abandoning miscellaneous thoughts, yebufan began to cultivate the eight barren powers of the divine force wholeheartedly.

Condense the strength of the whole body, melt the strength of the eight barrens, gather in the palm, and burst out. There are six kinds of strength, one is the first glimpse, the first is the beginner's two kinds of strength, the third is the small one to cut off the strong enemy, the fourth is the great one to break the ground, the fifth is the strength to break the sky, and the sixth is the divine force against the eight barrens

There is no doubt that the divine force eight wild forces is a palm technique.

Condense your own strength into strength, attack in an instant, add strength, and burst out far beyond your own strength.

Beginner's level, two forces superimposed.

Before that, yebufan needs to mobilize his whole body strength and gather the strength of the eight wastelands. However, in the seven days, yebufan has already gathered the strength of the eight wastelands. What he should do now is to instantly burst out two strength when attacking, superimpose and enhance his own attack.

Gather strength and palm out.

"Ho ho ho!!"

In the small courtyard, yebufan constantly exerts his divine power.

Half an hour later.

A sound of footsteps came from outside the yard. Then yewang ran in and looked at yebufan with sweat all over his head.

"Young master."

"Is it done?"

Seeing ye Wang, ye Bufan stopped practicing and asked.


Ye Wang nodded and said, "the whole third district, according to the young master's instructions, I have written 'long Xiaobao is still alive, don't act rashly' in every prominent place. As long as the fat man is in the third district, he will be able to see it. But young master, what if the fat man isn't in the third district?"

"He must be."

Yewang's words fell, and yebufan said with a firm face.


"Because he has nowhere to go except here."

"But what if that fat man can't read? Even if he sees my words, he doesn't know them."

"Ha ha."

Hearing the speech, yebufan smiled: "you don't have to worry about it. Even if he can't read, even if he doesn't see it, someone will pass this message on to him."


Ye Wang was stunned.


"Do you really think that haopang alone can escape the search of a thousand soldiers under Liu Yong?" Yebufan smiled, narrowed his eyes, and said, "there must be someone helping him in the three districts, and maybe everyone in the whole three districts is helping him. Therefore, the city Lord's residence hasn't caught him for so long, unless he shows up... Ha ha."


Ye Wang hears the speech and looks at ye Bufan for a moment. The whole three districts are helping Hao Pang. This is too exaggerated. It seems impossible to Ye Wang.

"Nothing is impossible. Don't forget, things have turned out like this. Hao Pang didn't do it for themselves. At the beginning, they were all for the missing girls in the third district. Although these people in the third district dare not fight against Liu Yong, it's possible to help Hao Pang in secret." After patting Ye Wang on the shoulder, ye Bufan said, "well, this is all for now. We have done what we can. It's his own business to believe haopangxin or not."

"But..." then, yebufan smiled again: "this fat man is really a talent. He can escape safely in front of Liu Yong, a martial artist in the Yuan Dynasty. When it comes to escape, he is called the second in Tianhuang city. Who dares to recognize the first? That day, I'm afraid Liu Yong was very angry, ha ha."

Yebufan smiled bitterly at the thought that he and yewang were still trying to chase haopang. At that time, they really didn't know what to do.

"Young master, now we......"

Since yebufan has said so, yewang will not ask any more. The most important thing is that they don't know where Hao Pang is hiding. Even if they want to help, they can't help him.

"It's still early. Practice."


Yewang nodded, but yebufan looked in the direction of the city master's mansion and whispered, "Liu Yong, how many stars are you?"

"Three stars? Five stars? Seven stars?"

"However, it doesn't matter. Wait for my young master to go further. Even if you are a high-level Ning yuan, the young master will certainly be able to compete with you. That's when you die."

While talking, a cold chill flashed through yebufan's eyes.

Yewang was stunned.

"Young master, you, you, you have advanced to the Ningyuan realm?"

Ye Wang's startled eyes and unimaginable face made him wonder. His young master's strength has always been a mystery. However, everyone in the city knows that Liu Yong is a strong man in the yuan realm. If he wants to compete with him, he must also be in the yuan realm.


But yebufan said.


Ye Wang was stunned.

"Young master, you......"

"Must the killing of Liu Yong be in the Yuan Dynasty?"

Yebufan smiled, but he didn't think so. As long as he went further and got started with the eight wonders of divine power, he was confident that he could kill Liu Yong with his own hands, even if he was accidentally defeated, Liu Yong would die.

Because, in addition to his own strength, yebufan still has a trump card, a trump card that Liu Yong will lose and die.

In yebufan's opinion, the battle was won before it was fought.


Yewang was speechless for a while.

Liu Yong is in the Ningyuan realm, and he is not in the newly advanced Ningyuan realm. Can he be killed by those who shed their martial arts?

At this time, there was a sudden sound of footsteps outside the yard, from far to near. Yebufan and the other two looked, and Ah Fu appeared in front of them.

"Brother Fu?"

"Ah Fu, what happened?"

Now, Ye Wang and ye Fu are the only ones in the Ye family who know that ye Bufan is not a fool. Since ye Fu already knows everything, ye Bufan in the small courtyard has not concealed it from him, so that he can contact himself in time when something happens.

Now that ye Fu is here, something must happen.

Yefu did have something to do. Without any hesitation, he looked directly at yebufan: "young master, long Xiaobao is awake."

Yebufan was stunned and smiled calmly.

"Finally wake up..."

"Go home!!"

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