The city Lord's residence.

In these two days, Liu Yong was in a good mood. Not only did Hao Pang not continue to appear, but also after master Qian changed his appearance, the gambling house he set up with the soldiers of the city Lord's residence also brought him huge profits. It can be said that he was making money every day, and the pot was full of money.

Liu Yong also had this idea before. After all, casinos are the fastest money collectors. It's a pity that master Ye is forbidden. Even if there are casinos in the city, no one dares to patronize them. In the city, master Ye's words are no different from imperial edicts.

But it's different now.

Now, Mr. Ye is gone, and no one can interfere with Liu Yong. This is not true. The casino has just opened for two days, and countless people patronize it every day, bringing Liu Yong a lot of profits.

Of course, this is not the most important thing. For Liu Yong, today's casinos are just a means. His real goal is still those girls who are 15 or 16 years old. Compared with a girl who is 50 gold coins, what does the casino gain count.


A man in black came in a hurry.

Looking at the man in black in front of him, Liu Yong naturally knew that he was a soldier of the former city Lord's mansion, and immediately asked, "what's the matter with the casino?"

"Report back to the city Lord. Shiye asked his subordinates to bring this back." The soldier said and directly put the two small porcelain vases that master Qian had given him in front of Liu Yong.

"What is this?"

Liu Yong asked with a frown.

"The martial arts master said that it can increase the cultivation times of the martial arts practitioners in the world. You can only take one bottle a day to increase the cultivation opportunities. In addition, the martial arts master also said that it was secretly sold by the Ye family, and now most people in Tianhuang city are using it."

"What?" Hearing this, Liu Yong directly stood up and looked at the two small porcelain vases in his hand. He was even more surprised: "increase the number of cultivation of the martial arts practitioners who have transformed the world? Or did the Ye family sell it? Has the effect of this thing been verified?"

Liu Yong didn't believe that there were such treasures in Tianhuang city.

"Report back to the city leader. The master just got this thing from a gambler. He immediately asked his subordinates to send it. It hasn't been verified yet."

"Come on, verify the efficacy of this liquid medicine immediately."

At that moment, Liu Yong gave a sharp drink. He could not imagine that if this thing really had such an adverse effect, the whole Shenwu continent would cause an uproar. The most important thing is that the value of this thing is inestimable.

Casino? Fifty gold coins a girl?

Once the formula of this liquid medicine is mastered, the value it can bring is not comparable to the small-scale gambling and trading.


Ye Jia.

Yebufan didn't know about Liu Yong's knowledge of the existence of Qi replenishing and blood overflowing. Even if he knew, he wouldn't care. After all, this liquid medicine was originally used by yebufan to solve the Ye family's financial crisis and attract Liu Yong's attention.

In the three days, the Ye family looks no different from before, but in fact, the whole Ye family is undergoing earth shaking changes every day, and everyone's strength is improving.

Level 8 Dibao spirit wine, infinite times of martial arts cultivation.

The Ye family is like an overloaded machine. It runs fast. Besides supplementing qi and overflowing blood, they practice and sleep every day. Even during this period, everyone in the Ye family sleeps less than three hours.

Practice, practice, practice.

The result of crazy cultivation is naturally the rapid improvement of everyone's strength. Now, except Uncle Ye, it is only ten days since ye Bufan started to provide level 8 Dibao spirit wine. Ye Qin, who was originally the weakest in cultivation, has been upgraded from the original level 2 to the level 7 in ten days.

Among the ten people, ye Wu, who originally had the highest accomplishments, has advanced to the easy tendon state yesterday. The remaining few people will also advance to the easy tendon state in a few days.

In addition, Tieqi, who was originally the highest cultivator in the Ye family, has also advanced from the original seven grades of easy tendon to the ten grades of easy tendon, and may step into the dirty refining environment at any time. This is due to the limitation of Tieqi's talent. Otherwise, if he practices the ground level martial arts like Ye Wu and others, I'm afraid he has already advanced to the dirty refining environment.

Eight guards, except iron seven, all the other seven also advanced to the Yi Jin State.

Ye Fu, six grades of Yijin.

Yewang, Yijin grade III.

Leaf frost, easy gluten grade III.

In a few days, the Ye family, except uncle Cai, will be all easy muscle martial artists, as well as Tieqi, a dirty martial artist.

Of course, the strongest one is yebufan, who has fallen to the limit and refined ten dirty products. With his strength, he can completely compete with the low-level martial artists in Ning yuan territory, but it is a pity that he still hasn't got started with the eight wild powers of divine martial arts.

"Well, what do you think?"

Standing in a corner, looking at the Ye family members practicing in the courtyard, ye Bufan opened his mouth and asked softly.

Next to yebufan, long Xiaobao and Hao Pang are shocked.

For three days, with the help of level 8 Di Bao, long Xiaobao had recovered from his injury. These two days, he and Hao Pang watched the Ye family practice every day. They were shocked or shocked.

Martial arts is a gradual process.

Everyone knows that those who want to improve their martial arts must rely on the cultivation of martial arts skills. However, everyone has limited life and can only cultivate martial arts once a day. If they continue to cultivate, they can improve quickly, but they will hurt their bodies.

This is common sense and law.

However, all this was completely broken by the Ye family.

"What did you give them to drink?"

Suddenly, long Xiaobao looked at yebufan and asked softly. He knew that everyone in the Ye family would drink a kind of liquid medicine after practicing martial arts. He was also sure that the reason why the Ye family could practice infinitely every day was because of that kind of liquid medicine.

Yebufan smiled: "spirit wine."

"Spirit wine, what thing?"

"The young master called it spirit wine, which was soaked in the eight grade Dibao."


Suddenly, long Xiaobao's mouth twitched.

At the same time, Hao Pang felt that 10000 grass mud horses were rampant in his heart: "you, do you use level 8 earth treasure to help those who shed the martial arts in the world cultivate?"

Who knows the value of the level 8 earth treasure?

"Why not?"

Yebufan looked indifferent and smiled again.

Haopang and longxiaobao are speechless again.

I've seen such a loser before. Isn't this guy afraid of being envied and struck by thunder?

"Where did you get so many level 8 earth treasures?" Then, long Xiaobao could not help asking curiously. For the young man who was only five years older than himself, he found that he could not see through each other more and more.



"If I said that during the last time I left Tianhuang City, my young master robbed a wild emperor from Taigu forest, do you believe it?" Looking at long Xiaobao, yebufan smiled and asked.


Longxiaobao and his wife immediately drew again from the corners of their mouths.

Robbed a manhuang?

Cheat the ghost.

"I know you don't believe it, but that's the truth. People... Sometimes when you tell the truth, no one believes it. But when you tell the truth, people believe it. Alas..." he shook his head, and yebufan looked at longxiaobao again: "don't say that. What, have you considered the suggestions I gave you three days ago? Follow me, and I can give you the spirit wine for free."

"Are you tempting me?"

"Of course."

Two words, straightforward, yebufan does not deny.


Longxiaobao was speechless for a moment.

Looking at yebufan, he frowned again, as if he were thinking about something. A moment later, long Xiaobao said in a deep voice, "master Ye is out of danger?"

Yebufan was stunned: "why do you ask?"

"You said the other day that as long as I mix with you, there will be a strong one to help me with what I want to do in the future."

"You think too much."

Longxiaobao said, but yebufan suddenly interrupted.

"Think too much?"

Longxiaobao looked at yebufan with stunned eyes, and his face was surprised and at a loss.

"Do you think I'm talking about the old man?"

"Isn't it?"

"Of course not. I'm talking about strong support. It's none other than Ben Shao."


"Why, don't you believe it?" Looking at long Xiaobao, yebufan leaned in his ear and whispered, "I'll tell you a secret. What I have less cultivated is the divine level martial arts."

Hearing the speech, long Xiaobao's body shook involuntarily. He turned to look at yebufan. His eyes were big and his face was full of inconceivable.

Divine level martial arts?

Longxiaobao naturally knows the meaning of yebufan's words.

Full basic strength?

Is it possible?

There has never been such a person in the whole Shenwu continent for thousands of years, even in the history of history. He is no one in the world over 90 years, let alone worth 100.

Basic strength determines the fate of martial arts.

If you don't die, you will be a top power in the future.

"Let me tell you another secret. The basic strength of Ye Fu, ye Shuang and Ye Wang are all over 80, and the basic strength of Ye Wu and ye long are all over 70." Longxiaobao was shocked, but yebufan said with a smile.

In Qin Xin's words, if a peerless genius like long Xiaobao doesn't find a way to bring him under his command, you will be stupid B. sooner or later, you will be struck by thunder. For this reason, yebufan doesn't mind revealing some secrets to long Xiaobao. He is a smart man and naturally knows how to choose.


Yebufan's words fell. Long Xiaobao and Hao Pang both took a breath, and even their eyes glanced at the people practicing in the courtyard again.

A demon with full basic strength.

A group of talents with a basic strength of more than 70 or 80.

Once the Ye family grows up, how terrible will it be in the future? The most important thing is the crazy cultivation of Ye Bufan, who is willing to use level 8 earth treasure when he decays from the world. What will happen in the future? Long Xiaobao can hardly imagine.

Although he was an orphan, he was also born extraordinary. He knew how each family and force valued resources. Such crazy practices as yebufan, not to mention other forces in Shenwu mainland, even the three martial arts academies would not do so.

"I want you to make a promise."

A moment later, long Xiaobao seemed to have made a decision. He faced yebufan with a young face. At the age of 11, he was more serious and resolute than ever before.

Yebufan smiled.

"Tell me."

"In the future, I will kill a man."

Eleven year old boy, at this moment, his eyes are full of hate and murder.

Yebufan didn't ask who the other party was: "he will die."

Long Xiaobao smiled knowingly, only eight words, resounding: "from now on, life and death will follow."

The author Ying duzui said: bageng, brothers, flowers and trees!!

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