There are endless murders in Beidou Wucheng, but the atmosphere in Beidou college is dignified.

Tang Ze, shuixinyue, Nie Ziyi, and the presidents of the three martial arts academies of the human race are gathered here at this moment. Every time the sun family is killed, news will come from the outside world. Within an hour after Yin tiannu's reward announcement was released, the sun family's casualties have exceeded 100, and continue to increase.

At the moment, the three presidents are all dignified, and they have nothing to do for a moment.

After all, if only one or two people target the sun family, they can still cope. Even if it is hundreds or thousands of people, they can temporarily control everyone. But it happened that the whole people in Beidou Wucheng wanted to hunt down the people of the sun family. If they were caught, they would not be able to catch them at all.

Moreover, this is only the free fighters in Beidou Wucheng. Once the fighters from other places enter Beidou Wucheng, or other top eight also participate, the situation will be even more uncontrollable.

It can be said that yebufan's skill makes the three martial arts academies helpless. As he said, no one can stop me if I want to destroy his sun family.

Wealth moves people.

When wealth reaches a certain level, it is definitely the biggest killer in the world.

Looking at shuixinyue and nieziyi in front of him, Tang Ze said bitterly: "you two, how should we deal with this situation?"

As the president of Beidou martial arts academy, Tang Ze has never been so helpless as now.

The outside world has unlimited opportunities to kill the sun family. Within the martial arts academy, the elders of the holy land have already spoken. At most, they protect the sun family saints from death. They will not interfere with others.

That is to say, before the saint war, the saint of the martial arts academy will not fight.

In the face of Tang Ze's inquiry, Shui Xin Yue Youran said, "there's no way. Do your best to listen to destiny."

"Xinyue, you......"

Tang Ze was in a hurry when he heard the speech.

However, Nie Ziyi nodded and shouted: "I don't think we need to worry about this. After all, we have already done what we should do. We can't control the final fate of the sun family."

"What's more, the sun family was the first to destroy the whole family. Now it's just eating its own fruit. No one can complain about it."

If yebufan wanted to destroy the sun family just because of the Ye family's daughters, nieziyi might come forward to persuade him, but now that there is the premise that the sun family destroys the cold family, nieziyi simply stopped interfering.

What about the top families?

Can the top families do whatever they want, destroy the whole family and take away the holy soldiers?

All men are created equal. Why should they?

There is only one cold family known now, but who can guarantee that there are no Wang family and Li family who have the same experience

For Nie Ziyi, who has always been jealous of evil, let alone ask her to stop it now, that is, she can't wait to destroy the sun family. Keeping such a family is a disaster.


Seeing the attitude of Nie Ziyi and Tang Ze, Tang Ze felt helpless immediately.


Then he shook his head and sighed and said, "it's all right. I don't care. Anyway, the Presbyterian Council has made a decision to protect only the saints of the sun family, and let him go..."

Hearing this, Nie Ziyi shook his head with a wry smile.

Compared with the other two presidents, her understanding of yebufan is obviously more thorough and profound.

In any case, she is also the bedside person of yebufan.

In her opinion, if the martial arts academy wants to protect the saints of the sun family, can it really protect them?

According to her knowledge of yebufan, this animal will never stop until it reaches its goal, and it has never been impulsive or rash. Now that he has decided to do it and threatened to destroy the sun family, he must rely on it.

If you don't take action, you will be killed. If you take action, you will be killed.

In addition to trying to maintain the order of Beidou Wucheng and protect the saints of the sun family from death, the martial arts academy is not ready to intervene, but the sun family is in a mess.

In one hour, people were killed and injured more than a hundred times. Now, everyone in the sun family's ancestral home is in danger.

The ancestral residence of the sun family is in the main hall.

Dead space.

Dignified atmosphere.

At the moment, sun Jianxing, the grandparent of the sun family, who has reached the peak of the holy land, is sitting in the first seat. Next to him is Hao Pang, who is holding a young girl of the sun family and playing there.

In addition, there are five saints left in the sun family, including sun Youdao.

If you don't count Hao Pang, the six saints are the ten thousand year heritage of the sun family, one of the nine top families.

One is at the top of the holy land, the other is at the back of the holy land, two are at the middle of the holy land, and two are at the beginning of the holy land.

This kind of strength is quite strong.

But even so, at the moment, the sun family, on the one hand, has no bottom in their hearts for the fierce yebufan.

Qinhehuan and Zhen Meiwei seem to have only two strong players at the top of the holy land. However, once you start, the strong players at the top of the holy land can crush all those who enter the holy land below the peak.

This is also the reason why the sun family hired haopang to become a sacrifice at great cost.

But even so, it is still not enough.

Yebufan's two giants entered the peak of the holy land, and his own two giants entered the peak of the holy land. It seems that both sides have the same peak combat power. However, once they fight for life and death, his sun family will inevitably pay a huge price if they want to kill Qin Hehuan and Qin Hehuan.

It can be said that there will be saints falling from the sun family at that time.

There is no doubt about the importance of every saint to the sun family. One of them died in the war, not to mention the other eight top families who are covetous.

Once the sun family and yebufan lose, who can guarantee that the other eight top families will suddenly join hands to destroy the sun family?

This possibility is not unknown.

Although there are still three martial arts academies, if the eight top families join forces to destroy the sun family, can the three martial arts academies really stop them?

Under various possibilities, the hearts of the saints of the sun family were also extremely heavy.

If the war could not be fought, the sun family would be willing to pay huge compensation.

But now it seems that this battle between the two sides is inevitable, and yebufan has already taken action.

Yebufan, Yin tiannu.

Like others, the sun family didn't expect that yebufan and yintiannu were the same person, and the animal offered a reward to the sun family with Jingyuan pill.

Faced with such a situation, the saints of the sun family felt even more heavy. In one hour, nearly 100 people were killed, which made them furious.

If it had been normal, the sun family would have carried out a thorough investigation and even closed down the city. They would have found all these people and killed them one by one.

But now, the sun family had no mood or experience to care about these people.

The Shenmo cemetery has ended, and yebufan has also started. I believe that the two sides will start a war soon. At this time, the sun family will never be distracted by anything.

"Close all shops, give up all property temporarily, and order all clansmen to withdraw to their ancestral homes immediately." Suddenly, sunjianxing said slowly. There was a hint of cold in his voice, and even a touch of killing.

Apart from the sun family's ancestral home, other places are no longer safe. If we continue to let our people stay outside, it is undoubtedly to seek death. It is better to let everyone withdraw.

As for the sun family industry.

When ye Bufan is killed and the war is over, should it be the sun family or his sun family.

"Lao Zu, all the clansmen have begun to retreat." Sun Jianxing's words fell, and sun Youdao immediately replied.

"Be quick."

Sunjianxing answered, and then said, "what's the attitude of the martial arts academy?"


Sun Youdao hesitates slightly.


Sunjianxing shouted sharply.


Sun Youdao answered and said, "news has come from the martial arts academy. Except for the saint war, the Presbyterian academy will not ask about anything else."


As soon as sun Youdao's voice fell, sun Jianxing slapped his palm on the table and said angrily, "with our current strength, I am not afraid of the boy even if the saint starts a war. The only thing I worry about now is my sun family. After all, the boy holds the 81 War Department in his hand."

"But it happened that he didn't ask about anything except the saint war?"

"What do they mean?"

"Do they have to watch my grandchildren die and die before they give up?"

"Go and tell the martial arts academy right away. If there are only saints left in the sun family after this war, then from now on, the sun family has no relationship with the human race, and all of them will take refuge in the demon family or wild animals."

"Old man, you don't have to."

But at this time, Hao Pang kneaded the breast of the girl in his arms and said leisurely, "it's just a group of clowns. You can't afford to look at them."

"If it hadn't been for the sake of preventing the grass from scaring the snake, the two wastes outside would have killed them long ago. Would they still be left to this day?"

"Just put a hundred hearts in your heart. When all of them arrive, none of them will run away. What war department or martial arts academy, as long as you are willing, kill all of them every minute..."

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