The wind was gentle and bloody.

Outside the Beidou Martial Arts City, yebufan and his party have left here to enter the Beidou martial arts city and are going to the Beidou martial arts academy. While yebufan and his party are going to the Beidou martial arts academy, the thirteen saints of the eight top families have also left in a hurry. After all, the life and death battle between yebufan and the sun family has exceeded their expectations too much. Originally, they thought it was a losing battle.

But what happened?

Ye Bufan, one of the four top martial artists who entered the holy land, completely crushed the sun family. As a result, the sun family, which is also a top family, even had no room to resist, was destroyed. This fact is too shocking and too important. They must inform their families as soon as possible.

Especially yebufan's startling sword.

One sword kills three saints.

In their view, yebufan's strength is not only as simple as entering the Holy Land peak, it is definitely the combat power that the soul melting land should have.

And such strength is enough to make them fear, even fear.

Therefore, in the view of the thirteen saints, as the eight top families of the Terran family, it is necessary for them to make countermeasures as soon as possible. After all, the rise of Ye Bufan has completely broken the current pattern of the Shenwu continent. It can be predicted that a new era is coming.

As for the sun family

Although they were once one of the nine top families of the Terran, now, with their destruction, they will eventually be forgotten and submerged in the long river of history.

Yebufan and his party left.

Thirteen saints have also returned to their families.

However, at this moment, the fighters who had been watching the battle on the tower of Beidou Wucheng had already come to the place where yebufan and the sun family fought, or they had come to the bloody corpses of the sun family.

Looking at the bloody picture in front of us, looking at the people of the sun family lying on the ground in front of us, even if we saw it with our own eyes, these martial artists present were still a little unbelievable:

"The sun family... Just lost?"

"Must have been defeated?"

"Nonsense, the bodies of the whole Sun family are here. Is it a defeat or a victory? It's incredible."

"Yes, it's unbelievable. One of the nine top families of the Terran family was destroyed in this way, and there were only four opponents."

"What four people? Three at all, OK?

"Yes, three. Apart from haopang, qinhehuan and Zhen Meimei, yebufan didn't do much at all. He didn't even need to do anything."

"Saints are terrible."

"Saints are really terrible. It's easy to destroy a family without saints by one person, but... Should yebufan be more terrible?"



"One sword kills the three saints. If that's all, the three saints of the sun family didn't even have a chance to resist. In the end, they didn't even leave their bodies. It was the death of one sword. What step has ye Bufan's strength reached?"

"Who knows."

"Yes, we can't imagine it with our strength, but one thing is certain. Ye Bufan has become so powerful that it's frightening. Don't you see the faces of the thirteen saints of the eight top families who saw ye Bufan's sword just now?"

"Ha ha, really, what kind of saint is not a saint? Just like me, a martial artist in the Yuan Dynasty, I was stunned when I saw this sword."

"What does it mean to be ignorant? It's just stupid."

"Yes, yes, yes, I was so scared."

"The world knows that ye Bufan became famous in the first World War. After today, the three words ye Bufan will make a great impact on the Shenwu continent. No one knows it. No one knows it."

"That's right. The world knows that ye became famous in the first World War. After yetianxiong, yebufan came. Hahaha, my Terran will be very popular."

"Demon clan, the barbarians will suffer."

"What do you say?"

"Try to think about what ye Bufan did during this period. If ye Tianxiong is a hero of our Terran, then... Ye Bufan must be a god of killing, a nightmare of demon and barbarian. I bet he will kill both demon and barbarian."

The sudden words stunned everyone.

They couldn't help recalling the past.

Yebufan, Yin tiannu.

They didn't know before, but now they know very well that yebufan is Yin tiannu, and Yin tiannu is ye Bufan.

Why does yebufan incarnate Yin tiannu?

Undoubtedly, the strength is not enough.

But now it's different. Yebufan kills three saints with one sword. Obviously, his strength has been raised to a heinous level.

If a person without strength dare to enter the Wangyao mountain with the Terran army, what will happen if he has absolute strength?

What's more, first the tianqiongning family, and now the Beidou Sun family. Yebufan killed the whole family and destroyed the whole family. He simply regarded life as a straw mustard.

He did this to the human race. What about the demons and savages?

It is bound to be more ruthless.

After a short silence, someone said again, "no, I'm going to the demon barbarian battlefield. I'm going to the 81 War Department."

"What are you doing in the war department?"

"Silly, who is yebufan?"


"I tell you, he is the son of yetianxiong, the major commander of the flying dragon army. What happened at the entrance of the divine and demon cemetery has fully explained that it is a matter of time before he takes over the 81 War Department of the human race and becomes the only supreme commander. In addition, no one in the Shenwu mainland knows that the War Department protects the calf, but after yetianxiong leaves, the War Department has no saints and its strength is limited, so it cannot be compared with the nine top families, But now it's different. The addition of the top four in the holy land will make up for the only defects and shortcomings of the war department. From now on, ye Bufan will be equal to the top nine. No, he is the top eight families, and even completely above them. Lao Tzu naturally wants to join the war department now, and will follow him from now on. "

"Shit, why didn't I think of it?"

"I'm going too."

"When one man gets his way, the rooster and dog will rise to the sky. It is inevitable that the eighty-one War Department will rise. No, I will go to the battlefield, and I will join the eighty-one War Department."

"Hahaha, the flying dragon era is over and the seven kill era is coming. I didn't have the chance to follow yetianxiong to Wangyao mountain before. This time, I can't miss it."

"I also want to see the demon mountain."

"It is said that the end of Wangyao mountain is an eternal abyss. But what is the eternal abyss? What is in the eternal abyss? I am also curious."

"Go, go to the battlefield, enter the war department."

"Count me in."

The voice of countless people sounded impassioned. With the rise of yebufan, many people had the idea of joining the War Department, and some even began to take action. But at this time, a scornful, slightly ironic voice suddenly sounded: "a group of fools."

In an instant, everyone was stunned.

Then he became angry:

"What did you say?"

"Boy, do you have the guts to say it again?"

"Who are you scolding?"

Everyone's eyes fell on a 25-year-old man in the crowd. His angry eyes seemed to eat people.

The man didn't care at all, but continued: "just say, I said, you are a bunch of fools. Don't you think where the 81 War Department is, your family? Do you think if you want to join the War Department, people will directly accept you into the war department?"


"The War Department has the rules of the war department. It recruits every ten years. All recruits are recruited by the war department in major cities according to the roster, and there are age restrictions."

"It's less than a year since the last war department draft. Now it's not the time for the war department to recruit. When you go, who cares about you? Who recruits you? What's more, there are many people of divine force among you. If the War Department recruits you into the War Department without making preparations and deployment in advance, will the 81 war department be in chaos?"

"Your behavior is basically making trouble. It will eventually harm the 81 War Department and affect the entire frontier defense line of our Terran."


As soon as the man's voice fell, everyone was stunned.

Yes, that's the war department. It's the first line of defense in the Terran frontier. The War Department has the rules of the war department. No one can enter when he wants to.

For a moment, countless faces showed a touch of disappointment:

"Once every ten years? Doesn't that mean there are still nine years before the next war department conscription? Nine years... Isn't the cauliflower cold by then?"

"Yes, nine years is too long. Now I can't wait any longer."

"What should I do?"

"Who knows what to do."

"Damn it, why didn't I go when the War Department was recruiting soldiers a year ago? If I did, I would be a soldier of the war department now."

"Who says not."

"Ha ha."

Looking at the lost faces of these people in front of them and listening to their lost words, the 25-year-old man smiled and then said: "I just say that it is not advisable for you to rush to the War Department, not that we can't join the war department."

Hearing this, everyone was stunned again:

"What do you mean?"

"It's easy..."

The man smiled and said, "since we want to join the war department at the time of non War Department conscription, naturally we should first apply to the War Department, and then the War Department will make a decision. If the war department is willing to recruit us, the War Department will naturally make arrangements."

"If the War Department refuses, there is no way."

"Of course, the War Department has a great chance of accepting our application. After all, in terms of the battlefield, the stronger the war department is, the better."

PS: what should I do if I use my brain too much, fail to concentrate, suffer from memory loss, hearing loss and general weakness

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