"Of course, you can give up if you want to. After all, this martial arts contest and engagement is always based on the principle of voluntariness and never force..."

be willing?

Hearing the words "money is like a dream", all the people were immediately crazy, like thousands of grass and mud horses galloping past. Now they finally realized that like father, like daughter. Money is like a dream and money is like a lot of virtue. The cliff is their own.

Your money is like a dream. This competition is voluntary. Yes, but if you don't participate in it, will you? Or can you see ye Bufan if you don't participate?

Not at all.

This is clearly blackmail in disguise.

At this point, Shen Shiyun's face sank on the flying dragon stage and said, "money is like a dream. People in the Ming Dynasty don't talk in secret. Just say it. How much money can you see ye Bufan?"

The gun shot the first bird.

If you can, Shen Shiyun doesn't want to take this lead, but Qian Rumeng's behavior is really unbearable. If it goes on like this, when will it end?

Rather than so, let's just say it.

Shen Shiyun's words fell, and everyone looked at money like a dream.

Qian Rumeng looked at Shen Shiyun and said in a hurry, "Shen Shiyun, what do you mean?" After a pause, she continued: "who do you think I am? Do you think I am Qian Duoduo, the fat man who is open to money?"


In an instant, everyone was in a mess.

Isn't it?

Shen Shiyun drew a corner of her mouth and was impressed.

Qian Rumeng ignored it, but looked at Shen Shiyun impatiently and said, "well, if you want to challenge, go on. If you don't want to challenge, please leave. Don't hinder me from selecting the sixth lady for my husband."


Immediately, Shen Shiyun clenched her fists.


That is equivalent to giving up the previous efforts. I'm afraid I won't see yebufan again today.

Moreover, if you quit, other families, especially the other seven top families, may not quit.

This is absolutely not advisable for the Shen family.

But if not?

Who knows how deep the hole of money is and when it will end.

For a while, Shen Shiyun was neither going nor not going.

If she had known this, she would not have worked so hard just now. At least if she had not won, she would not have become the "pawn" of all families to explore the way for them.

In desperation, Shen Shiyun can only look at the camp of the Shen family on the platform. After all, this is not her own business.

At the moment, the Shen family are helpless.

They don't care about the 100 million yuan stone, but who knows if there will be another one billion, ten billion, or even hundreds of billions after this one billion yuan stone.

It's not worth spending so much just to see ye Bufan.

But if they don't go on... They don't feel reconciled.

But at this time, a middle-aged man of a third rate family stood up on the viewing platform. He looked at Qian Rumeng on the flying dragon platform and hesitated for a while, saying, "Miss Qian, I have a question. I wonder if you can give me an answer?"

"No time."

Qian Rumeng immediately refused, then looked at Shen Shiyun and said, "do you want to continue?"

Seeing this scene, the middle-aged man was stunned, and then looked at the Shen family camp.

Obviously, although he is not a member of the Shen family, he belongs to the Shen family camp. Obviously, he was inspired by the Shen family to stand up at this time.

Although it was definitely not a wise choice to compete with Qian Rumeng at this time, he did not dare to disobey the Shen family. After all, he was not confident enough to leave the Shen family.

A moment later, the Shen family seemed to respond. The man looked at Qian Rumeng again, gritted his teeth, and said: "Miss Qian, you said that those people before can also take part in this round of challenges. What if two, three, or even more people win in the end?"

After a pause, the man continued, "you can't make them all marry Ye Shao. In this way, do these people still have to fight?"

This problem is not only what the Shen family wants to know, but also what everyone here wants to understand.

Challenge the third daughter of the Ye family?

According to the rule that money is like a dream, as long as money is given, it is not difficult to win this round.

But what happens after winning this round?

As long as they are willing, all the 126 women can win. Will they marry yebufan then?

It's impossible.

"Why did I answer you?"

When asked by the middle-aged man, Qian Rumeng frowned. Then she added: "the question you asked involves the rules of the game. I have no comment."


The man was stunned at the speech.

Other people are extremely messy.

Since the rules of the game, shouldn't you tell us more?

But at this time, Qian Rumeng looked at the man and said again, "of course, if you really want me to answer your question, it's not impossible."

While talking, Qian Rumeng put up a finger and said, "one hundred million, I will answer you."


In an instant, everyone was in a mess.

One problem is worth one hundred million yuan. Money is like a dream. You are more cruel than your father.

The middle-aged man looked at the Shen family camp, and someone in the Shen family camp immediately nodded.

The middle-aged man understood, looked at money like a dream, and said, "what a hundred million is a hundred million."

"Pay first."

Money stretched out his hand like a dream.


Everyone was speechless again.

The girl was totally spoiled by her father, which has fallen into the eyes of money.

"I'll give it."

The middle-aged man said immediately.

Then he went to the flying dragon platform and handed over the 100 million yuan stone to Qian Rumeng.

"Now you can say it?"


Qian Rumeng answered and said, "if two or more people win, then continue to challenge."

"Challenge who?"

"This is the second question."


The middle-aged man was in a mess, and everyone else was in a mess.

One hundred million dollars to buy such an answer?

Pit father

"Do you want to ask?"

At this time, Qian Rumeng looked at the middle-aged man and asked again. At last, she added: "in fact, if you want to know the process and rules of the whole competition, it's not impossible. I'll sell you a billion yuan stone. Do you want it?"


The middle-aged man was stunned, and the others were also stunned.

A billion dollars to buy the rules of the game?

Why don't you grab it?

However, at present, this is definitely the best choice. After all, in this way, they can at least know how many pits there are after the game.

In this way, they can also decide whether to continue.

But... Billion yuan stone?

It's nothing to the top families, but the Shen family thinks they will never be such a wrongdoer.

Why do you pay for other families?

But at this time, Qian Rumeng suddenly said, "but I only sell you this answer. As for whether you want to tell others, that's your business."

The crowd was stunned at the speech.

How can they not understand that money is like a dream? This is clearly telling the Shen family that only you know after you buy the answer. If other families want to know, you can only buy it yourself. You can never take advantage of the Shen family.

In this way, the Shen family will not hesitate.

Immediately, one member of the Shen family camp stood up and said, "Miss Qian, a billion yuan stone, I want to buy an answer. I don't know if I can?"

"Of course."

Money smiled like a dream, and then said, "as long as you give money, you can buy it."

Without the slightest hesitation, one of the Shen family directly went to the flying dragon platform and then gave Qian Rumeng a billion yuan stone.

Qian Rumeng also did not hesitate. After collecting Yuan Shi, he took out a note and gave it to the other party, and said, "all the competition processes and rules are written down on this paper. You can take your time."


Seeing this scene, everyone went crazy.

This NIMA... Has the note been written? This was premeditated.

Sure enough, like father, like daughter.

No, it's NIMA... Better than blue. Qianduoduo obviously has successors.

At this moment, however, it is obvious that no one will care. Everyone's eyes are fixed on the note in the Shen family's hands, as if they want to see through the contents of the note.

The Shen family man did not hesitate. He immediately returned to the viewing platform, returned to the Shen family camp, and handed the note intact to the Shen family sage who led the team this time.

In an instant, everyone looked at the sage of the Shen family, especially the sage of the other seven top families. They stared at the facial expression of the sage of the Shen family, hoping to see some clues from his face.

The sage of the Shen family naturally knows this, but he obviously won't let other families achieve their wishes.

Want to know the answer?

Then pay for it yourself.

With this idea, the sage of the Shen family calmly opened the note in his hand.

But the next second, the corner of his mouth still couldn't help drawing. Even the sage, at the moment, he couldn't keep calm and calm.

This NIMA is... Too stupid.

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