Remove blood, break tendons, break meat, destroy bones

Yebufan shuddered when he thought about it. It was torture. But when he thought of the Supreme God in the mouth of Tao boundless, yebufan gnawed his teeth again.

Reluctant to give up children, unable to set the wolf.

For the sake of the Supreme God, what does it count to suffer some sin now.

"Come on!!"

Two words sounded, and ye Bufan simply closed his eyes, with a posture of letting you deal with it.

Isn't it destroying the body?

You can do it!!

Seeing this scene, Tao boundless didn't hesitate at all. He immediately clapped it with one palm.

The cultivation has been abandoned, and now the reinforcement is broken.


With a dull noise, Tao boundless slapped yebufan, and with a "poof", yebufan spat out his blood. At the same time, he felt a warm current pouring into his body, then into his muscles and veins, and sweeping his whole body.

"Bang bang!!"

Where this force passed, yebufan's muscles and veins broke inch by inch, and a sharp pain hit him.

The pain goes deep into the marrow.

This pain goes straight to the soul.

This kind of pain will tear the heart and crack the lung.


Yebufan couldn't help shouting.

His body trembled slightly, and a cold sweat rolled down his forehead uncontrollably. If you don't know what means Tao boundless has used to fix your body, I'm afraid ye Bufan has collapsed to the ground at the moment.

But even so, yebufan's body is shaky.

Gritting his teeth, he said with a painful and difficult face, "the Tao is boundless. You should hurry up."

Breaking tendons, removing blood, breaking meat, destroying bones

Yebufan now only hopes that all this will end as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, Tao boundless shook his head: "boy, you can't hurry. This is to destroy your physical foundation and then recast it. It's not just to destroy your physical body directly, so you can only do it step by step. Just bear it."

At last, Tao Wuyi added: "don't worry, you can't die."

"Your sister..."

The Tao is boundless, and ye Bufan scolds.

Not dead?

But it hurts.

Now yebufan finally knows why daowuyi asked him to take the pill to protect his soul. This NIMA, he knew for a long time that if he did not do so, he would surely be killed alive.

Now, the spirit will not die, and the body will toss around.

Your uncle's


Yebufan thought in his heart that the third palm of Tao boundless had come, and immediately fell on him.


A mouthful of hot blood spurted out.

"Bang bang!!"

Yebufan's body was full of dull sounds, which made his body tremble again and again.

"What is this, what is this?" Yebufan endured the pain and looked hard.

"Destroy acupoints!!"

Tao is boundless.


Yebufan was in a mess.

If he could, at this moment, he really wanted to slap his face and die.


At this time, Tao boundless is another palm.

Fourth palm, minced meat.

"Poop poop!!"

A force swam in yebufan's body, just like a meat grinder. Wherever it passed, yebufan's body turned into minced meat.

Yebufan wanted to die immediately, but the pill just now protected his spirit, so that he would not die at all, and still remained absolutely awake.

Therefore, ye Bufan is suffering from this kind of pain ten times, a hundred times, or even a thousand times.

Yebufan vowed that if he was allowed to choose again, he would rather give up the supreme god body and the heavenly palace inheritance.

This NIMA is not something that people can bear.

It is a pity that there is no if in this world. Yebufan is also doomed to have no chance to choose again.


Tao is limitless, and ye Bufan's viscera are instantly broken.


Sixth palm, remove blood.


The Tao limitless slap fell, and a burst of blood mist splashed out of yebufan's whole body. His blood essence spilled all over the ground, and there was no blood color on his body.

When the blood is gone, the bone is destroyed.


Under one palm, yebufan's whole body bones crumbled. At this moment, he seems to be a pool of flesh and mud. Only because he has the boundless means, can he keep his human form standing aside.

The body has been destroyed, and the face, mouth, nose, ears and mouth have been blurred. Therefore, yebufan can't make any sound at all, but his spirit can still clearly feel the unbearable pain.

But at this time, Tao boundless stretched out his right hand, and a nine color divine crystal appeared in his palm in an instant.

Yebufan clearly felt that at the moment when the nine color divine crystal appeared, the vitality of heaven and earth in the surrounding space, no, it should be said that the elements of heaven and earth, immediately increased hundreds of times.

Its intensity is simply frightening.

Yebufan has no doubt that if the top martial artists who enter the holy land cultivate here, they will be able to reach the outside for several years in a minute, and they will definitely be able to enter the soul melting in a short time.

Yebufan was shocked by this accident, and even he forgot the pain.

Tao is boundless but does not stop.


With a wave of his right hand, the nine color divine crystal in his hand immediately got rid of it and fell into the Sacred Heart pool.


The whole Sacred Heart pool trembled with a loud noise.


At the place where the nine color divine crystal fell, a ray of golden light emerged from the blood pool, and then spread wildly around. Just a breath, yebufan had not figured out what was going on, and the blood pool in front of him had undergone earth shaking changes. At the moment, the original thick blood had turned into a pool of golden liquid, and the original thick blood had also turned into an attractive aroma, which made people just sniff, You can feel unprecedented comfort.

This accident shocked yebufan.

But at this time, Tao boundless slowly opened his mouth: "boy, now I have taught you a great power."


Hearing this, yebufan was stunned.

Tao boundless did not stop. With a wave of his right hand, a nine color divine light could not directly enter ye Bufan's body, and then merged into the spirit.

In an instant, the spirit of yebufan was shocked, and there was a lot of information in his mind, and this was what daowuyi said about the supreme power, called "Nian?"

Without waiting for ye Bufan to think about it, Tao Wuyi said again: "this magic power has no other use. It can only be used to establish the connection between the soul and the body, and to assist in the recasting of the body. Even in the divine realm, it is also a top magic power."

"Now your body has been destroyed. If you hadn't had the power of Dan medicine to maintain your spirit, the spirit would have left your body. Therefore, after entering the Sacred Heart pool, the first thing you should do is to use this magic power to re-establish the connection between the spirit and the body."

"In addition, you should remember that the effect of the pill can only last for one month, so you only have one month to complete the connection between the body and the spirit."

"You must not slack off during this month."

"After the physical body and the spirit are connected, you can recast the physical body. As for how to do it, you just need to follow the magic power."

Ye Bufan was stunned when the Tao was endless. Then he immediately asked, "Hey, what if Ben Shao can't establish the connection between the body and the soul in a month?"

"Well, I will now send you to the Sacred Heart pool."

Tao boundless ignored yebufan. After a word, he just waved his right hand.


Yebufan's body immediately went to the Sacred Heart pool, and then fell into the Sacred Heart pool with a "plop".

"Your sister..."

Such a scene made yebufan scold.

It's a pity that Tao boundless doesn't care at all.


His word sounded, and a barrier around the Sacred Heart pool suddenly appeared, covering the whole Sacred Heart pool in an instant.


After all this, Tao boundless could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. His original virtual shadow was also dimmed by three points.

"Boy, it's up to you next." Looking at the Sacred Heart pool, Tao boundless murmured.



The sky martial arts academy, the elder's pavilion.

"Han fei'er, female, twenty-three years old, is from the Shenyuan realm and the moon watching city of the sacred wind empire."

"His father Han Kui, a three-star general of the sky war department, died in the demon barbarian battlefield eighteen years ago."

"His mother, Liu Xinyue, was a star general of the sky war department. Eighteen years ago, she also died in the demon barbarian battlefield."

"Han fei'er was raised by Han Kui's eldest brother Han Xin one year after his birth. After the death of the Han family, Han fei'er also lived in Han Xin's home."

"There are no exceptions."

"At the age of 16, Han fei'er officially entered the firmament War Department and is now a general of the firmament War Department."

"In addition, the reason why han fei'er was promoted to general was actually that he was appointed in the face of danger. As for the reason, I think all the elders have heard of it. It was all because three generals of the sky fortress were assassinated some time ago."

"In addition, the reason why han fei'er became a general of the War Department was that ye Bufan intervened. It was because he deliberately let water out during the battle of the war department. It can be said that Han fei'er's position as a general was completely given to him by Ye Bufan."

"In addition, Han fei'er insisted for the longest time during the final evaluation of the divine tomb in the divine and demon cemetery. Although we don't know what was in the divine tomb, according to the past practice, Han fei'er insisted for enough time to get great benefits from the divine tomb."

"I think the advantage should be the martial arts formula she said."

"As for the reason why han fei'er can refine Jingyuan pill, it should also be related to yebufan."

"In addition, we conducted an investigation on all Han Feier's experiences in the war department. Among them, there were three serious injuries and 12 minor injuries, but there was no difference."

Looking at the more than ten elders of the martial arts academy in front of her, shuixinyue said slowly. Finally, she said: "this is all the information about hanfeier. What do you think?"

The water heart and the moon fell, and the whole audience was silent.

A moment later, an elder said: "although there are many problems in her information, they are not big. As long as we can be sure that she has no collusion with the demon clan and wild animals, we can accept all her requirements. However... She needs ten top martial artists to help her become holy. Did she say what to do?"


The moon in the center of the water was speechless.

"Xin Yue, go and bring her here." At this time, one of the leading elders suddenly opened his mouth.

"Yes, elder."

The water heart moon answered and left the elder's Pavilion directly.

Five minutes later.

"Are you Han fei'er?"

Looking at Han fei'er in front of him, the elder looked around and asked.

Other elders also looked at her.


Han fei'er responded with one word.

The eldest elder slowly opened his mouth: "with all due respect, since you have obtained the inheritance of the divine tomb, it will be a matter of time before you become a saint. Why do you have to deal with our martial arts academy?"

"I will never forget the hatred of killing my father, the hatred of killing my father, and the hatred of harming my mother. There was no chance in the past, but now it is different. The tomb has given me a chance. As long as I am given another ten years, no, as long as I am given another five years, I will certainly become a saint, but that is not enough. One person's strength is limited after all. Moreover, I have been waiting for 18 years. I don't want to wait any longer. Even a minute and a second I feel too long. So I want to make friends with you Yi, help me and help you. I want to be on the divine land. From now on, there will be no more demons and barbarians. " While talking, Han fei'er clenched her fists together, and her eyes were full of hate.

The elders were stunned.

The elder frowned: "if we agree to your request, how can we help you become holy?"

Without any hesitation, Han fei'er said directly: "the first step is to provide me with a steady stream of yuan power from ten elders who have reached the peak of the holy land, to help me quickly improve my accomplishments and impact the holy land. Of course, other levels of Holy Land elders can also do it, as long as they have enough yuan power."

"The second step is to attack my spirit with the power of the spirits of the ten elders who have entered the holy land."


As soon as Han fei'er's voice fell, all the elders present were shocked, and the elder said in a deep voice: "attack the spirit? Do you know what this means?"


Han fei'er continued: "if I was a little careless, I might be doomed and die directly. That's why I asked ten peak elders to join the holy land."

"The holy peak is the strongest in the divine land. Although this level can't perfectly use the divine soul attack, it's no problem to use the power of the divine soul a little."

"What I need is an external attack to stimulate my soul, so as to accelerate my perception of elements and quickly become holy."

After a pause, Han fei'er continued: "of course, it would be impossible to change to other martial arts, but the martial arts I obtained in the divine tomb are different. As long as the ten top elders who entered the holy land did not deliberately harm me, there will be no problem. I am 100% sure."

"Of course, if I really have a chance, then... This martial rhyme will disappear forever."

This is a threat!!

Hanfeier's words made all the elders present stunned, and then relieved.

They knew that Han fei'er was really threatening, but he was also protecting himself.

As long as the martial arts academy doesn't get this martial arts formula, it's impossible to kill Han fei'er.

However, Han fei'er was going to dedicate this martial arts formula to the Terrans. The martial arts academy thanked her before it was too late. How could it harm her.

Obviously, Han Feier thinks too much.

Of course, it is necessary to guard against people. You elders can fully understand hanfeier's thinking.

Is that true?

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