"I want the demon clan, and there will be no saint from now on!!"

Qian Duoduo's words made more than 100 saints present tremble.

Kill all the Holy Land monsters of the demon clan. How confident can you say this?

How strong is qianduoduo?

Can Qian Duoduo kill all the demon saints in the holy land?

No one knows this.

But one thing is certain, that is, Qian Duoduo is ready to remove his seal in the Wangyao mountain and break out all cultivation accomplishments to kill the demon clan.

But once he broke out all his accomplishments, he would certainly be expelled by the all encompassing sky killing array.

So this is Qian Duoduo's last battle in Shenwu.

Therefore, after this war, he will not be able to stay in the Shenwu mainland.

Therefore, he sold his family property and auctioned Linglong chamber of Commerce, not because he wanted to run away, but because he wanted to leave the Shenwu mainland.

Escape, prepare.

The difference between the four words is the same as leaving, but it is a world of difference.

No doubt, Qian Duoduo has brought his own value into full play.

However, this is a great good thing for the Terran. If Qian Duoduo can really kill all the demon saints of the demon clan, then... As he said, there is only one barbarian race left. Even if the spirits of the top ten powerful people who have entered the holy land are severely damaged, there is no need to fear it any more.

Because for a long time, if we talk about the strength of the three races, the Terran ranks first absolutely, surpassing the demon and the barbarian.

"President Qian, I don't know what kind of state you are in now. Is it the first level of soul melting? The middle level? Or... The high level?"

But at this moment, a man in the crowd suddenly asked.


The sudden voice stunned more than 100 saints present.

Later, they all looked at Qian Duoduo.

What is the realm of qianduoduo?

For a long time, this is the biggest mystery of the human race, and it is also a question that all saints are very curious about.

It's a pity that Qian Duoduo doesn't say it himself. No one can know it at all.

"Ha ha."

Feeling the people's eyes, Qian Duoduo smiled and said, "melt the soul to the peak and fly half a step."

Anyway, we have to leave the Shenwu continent, so there is no need to continue to linger.



Never mind what you say.

Qian Duoduo's simple eight words made the souls of all present tremble uncontrollably.

Melt the soul to the peak, half step into the sky?


Although everyone knows that Qian Duoduo has entered the realm of soul melting, all the time, everyone has speculated that he is the first or middle level of soul melting. If he dies, he is the high level of soul melting. Unexpectedly, he is already the peak of soul melting.

Half a step into the sky

Become holy and melt the soul;

A difference of one order is a world of difference.

If it is said that the martial artists of the initial level of soul melting can quickly enter the peak of the holy land, what kind of scene will the peak of soul melting be like when they enter the peak of the holy land?

Killing it is like killing an opportunity.

Absolute second kill.

"Bang bang!!"

At this point, the hearts of more than 100 saints in the audience could not help beating rapidly.

Because of shock, but also because of excitement.

Half a step into the sky!

Qian Duoduo is just a mortal weapon. Once he enters the Wangyao mountain, even if he can't hold on for a long time under the overwhelming array, it will definitely make the blood flow in the Wangyao mountain.

I want the demon clan, no saint from now on?

Now, this is not crazy.

As long as the demon saints of the demon family are gathered together, Qian Duoduo can kill them all.

"Well, everyone, let's not talk about the demon clan. Let's talk about the auction of the Linglong chamber of Commerce first." But at this time, Qian Duoduo suddenly said.

"Your sister..."

With a word from Qian Duoduo, everyone came back, but they were infinitely messy and speechless.

This fat man is really a complete miser. He knows he is leaving, so he wants to sell all his possessions.

Linglong chamber of Commerce?

Needless to say, the Linglong chamber of Commerce now has only an empty shell. What can be sold has definitely been sold by qianduoduo.


Without waiting for everyone to think about it, Qian Duoduo directly patted a Sumi ring on the table in front of Tang Ze and scanned the audience: "this is all the house deeds and land deeds of Linglong chamber of Commerce, as well as the employment agreements of all the people under Linglong chamber of Commerce."

"Among them, there are 13 semi saints and 128 people in the Shenwu realm in the employment agreement. I won't say anything about other Sundays. Anyway, Qian Ye has paid all the remuneration of these people in the next ten years."

"Now shops and people are auctioning. If anyone gets the auction, all these people will belong to him. But it's only ten years. After ten years, what kind of money can't be controlled."

"The base price is 1.3 trillion yuan, and each increase shall not be less than 1 billion yuan."

"Now start bidding."

"Remember, Lord Qian only needs cash, and he has to deal immediately after the auction."

Qian Duoduo's words just fell, and everyone present was instinctively stunned.

Linglong chamber of Commerce?

Needless to say, this has been sold by qianduoduo. There is only an empty shell left, that is to say, there is nothing left except shops and land.

Although the Linglong chamber of Commerce has more than 1 million shops, it is definitely not worth more than 1 trillion yuan.

But if you add more than 20 million people under the Linglong chamber of Commerce, it will be different.

Half Saint thirteen?

One hundred and twenty-eight venerable warriors?

Just these are already valuable existence. After all, talents cannot be bought.

Although we can only have these people for ten years, we can use them to do too many things in ten years.

Therefore, the reserve price of 1.3 trillion yuan stone is not high, which is simply a clearance sale.

If you change to normal times, naturally no one will believe that qianduoduo will do business at a loss.

But now it's different

Qian Duoduo is about to be forcibly expelled from the Shenwu mainland. If these things are not sold cheaply at this time, Qian Duoduo will not even get any benefits at that time.

It is better to sell at a low price than to do so.

All the saints thought like this, but they didn't find that when Qian Duoduo said this, Bai Linglong, the only woman among his three disciples, gave a very unnatural pumping at the corners of her mouth.

Cheap, sell at a low price, lose money, helpless?

Don't talk about it. What kind of virtue does Master Bai Linglong have? Does he do business at a loss?

Others don't know, but the three disciples, including Bai Linglong, are very clear. As early as a few months ago, Qian Duoduo began to transfer people from Linglong chamber of Commerce to Tianwaitian from the only transmission array in the wilderness.

Now a few months have passed, the 13 semi saints, 128 Shenwu venerable masters, and all the people of Zhou Tian and Shenyuan levels have long been out of Shenwu.

Employment agreement? Ten year remuneration?

Come on, this is just a pile of waste paper, unless you go to Tianwaitian to find these people.

But this could sell?

It's impossible.

In addition, there are shops of Linglong chamber of Commerce, which are the only real shops left.

Because all the goods in the shop have been packed and taken away by Qian Duoduo. The most abominable thing is... Just now, Bai Linglong saw with their own eyes that their master and several other chambers of Commerce had finalized the sales agreement.

What do you sell?

The tables, chairs, cabinets and even doors and windows in all the shops of Linglong chamber of commerce were sold.

At this time, the chambers of Commerce may have begun to move tables and chairs, and then dismantle doors and windows.

Therefore, if anyone buys these shops, he will have to spend money on redecorating them.

1 trillion yuan stone?

In Bai Linglong's opinion, this is not even worth 13 billion yuan.

But naturally she would not tell these facts to anyone present.

Who called Qian Duoduo her master.

And Bai Linglong, from small to large, most admired her as a master. There was no one.


Take a look for yourself. She doesn't even blink an eye when she digs holes and deceives people. If it's just like this, it's just that he has been wronged. I have no choice but to be cornered.


Deceiving people has been superb, and the money has been insane.

Without decades of experience, you can't do it at all. Besides, it's not enough to have experience. You have to have talent.

Without waiting for Bai Linglong to think about it, someone in the eight top families said: "President Qian, to tell you the truth, 130 billion yuan is really not expensive, but you know... 130 billion yuan is not a small amount, and you have to deal right away. We simply can't afford such a diversified stone."

"Yes, President Qian."

"Chairman Qian, how about... Auction without reserve price?"

"I think so."


The ancestors of the eight top families at the scene spoke one after another.

Want to take advantage of the fire?

Qian Duoduo swept away the crowd and said, "no, there can be no less than 1.3 trillion yuan. Anyone who wants to buy it can buy it. If no one buys it, Qian will give Linglong chamber of Commerce as a dowry to the girl. Anyway, the little bastard of the Ye family is still in the Shenwu mainland. He can do whatever he likes."

Ye family son of a bitch?


Everyone present was stunned.

If it had been before, they would not have paid attention to yebufan, but now it is different. Yebufan has long been different. Not to mention that he is the peak of entering the holy land, he is surrounded by three great gods, Hao Pang, qinhehuan and Zhen Meiwei.

If he were allowed to accept the 13 semi saints and more than 100 Shenwu venerable figures from Linglong chamber of Commerce, the Shenwu mainland people would not be the only one in yebufan's family.

Absolutely not.

However, they really can't take out the 1.3 trillion yuan stone.

But at this time, Qian Duoduo suddenly said, "as you said, 130 billion yuan is really very cheap. If you really can't get so much money at once, you can buy two or three together, can't you?"


The eight families were stunned.

Qian Duoduo looked at Tang Ze: "president Tang, how about your big martial arts academy? It's really not expensive. Let's say that Linglong chamber of Commerce has the ability to collect intelligence. Once your three martial arts academies have the intelligence system of Linglong chamber of Commerce, it's not right. It's more convenient and convenient to manage the whole Terran, right?"


Qian Duoduo said, and Bai Linglong took another unnatural swipe at the corners of his mouth.

Shifu really has his eyes on the possessions of the martial arts academy. It's obvious that he wants to make a fortune before he leaves

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