The blood dancing sky is never lonely, and the flying killing comes to the earth.

In the Wangyao mountain, Qian Duoduo incarnated as a murderer, holding a bloody sword, and frantically reaped the lives of the powerful demon saints of the demon clan.

A sword is more deadly than a sword.

Whether it is a demon Saint at the beginning of entering the holy land, or a demon Saint at the middle and high levels of entering the holy land, even if it is a demon Saint at the peak of entering the holy land, it can't stop qianduoduo's sword.

This is not only killing, but also a unilateral massacre.

In the past, the demon saints of the demon clan were afraid, scared and trembling, but they had no choice in the face of Qian Duoduo's bloody pursuit.

They had no choice but to run wild.

The fifth second before being expelled by the Mori Vientiane sky killing array.

Although the last second was only one second, within this second, three demon saints had fallen under Qian Duoduo's cold sword.

One second kills three saints, and Qian Duoduo has fallen into absolute madness.

The last time, the last blood kill.

At the fourth second, Qian Duoduo had killed two demon saints again.

At the third second, Qian Duoduo killed three demon saints again.

Qian Duoduo has chased a group of demon saints to the deepest place of the lookout demon mountain with the last two seconds left before he was expelled by the all encompassing sky killing array.

But at this time, Qian Duoduo suddenly gave up pursuing those demon saints of the demon clan. Instead, he... His body flashed, fell from the air, and rushed to some place in the demon mountain. The speed was so fast that people could not even see his shadow.

Somewhere in Wangyao mountain.

The two demons were stunned when they saw Qian Duoduo suddenly attacking them. One of the demons exclaimed: "no, he found us."


Another demon also said in a startled voice.


But at this time, Qian Duoduo had already come to the two demons. Looking at them, Qian Duoduo said coldly, "run? Can you still run away?"


Hearing this, the two demons were stunned. One of them looked at Qian Duoduo and said in horror, "you have already found us?"


However, Qian Duoduo ignored it and killed the two demons directly with his long sword.

In the last two seconds, his time was running out.

Just as the demons said, Qian Duoduo had already discovered them, because the three demons were together. Although only one of them appeared, Qian Duoduo also discovered the existence of the other two demons. Originally, Qian Duoduo wanted to kill the other two, that is, the two in front of him. Unfortunately, the two demons didn't give him a chance at all. When Qian Duoduo killed the demon, the two demons chose to run away.

Qian Duoduo wanted to chase them down, but he was at a certain distance from the two demons at that time. If the two demons found out that they had been exposed and ran away, Qian Duoduo knew he could not kill them all.

Therefore, Qian Duoduo chooses to pursue and kill the demon saints of the demon clan crazily, but in fact, it is false to pursue and kill the demon saints of the demon clan. It is true to confuse and approach the two great demons.

Now we have come to the two demons. Qian Duoduo will not hide any more, and there is no need to continue pretending.

Now that you are here, you can stay.


With a flash, Qian Duoduo has come to the two demons.

"Run separately."

Seeing this scene, one of the demons immediately said.

"Whew, whew!"

In an instant, the two demons, one on the left and the other on the right, ran away.


Qian Duoduo shouted word for word. Then he faced one of the demons and cut it out with a sword. In an instant, the cold sword ran after the demon. The speed was extremely fast. However, Qian Duoduo did not continue to pay attention to each other, but directly killed another demon.

In a second.


Qian Duoduo directly catches up with the fleeing demon.


Seeing that Qian Duoduo was standing in front of him, the demon was shocked.

Qian Duoduo has no hesitation.


He moved and shot with a sword.


Seeing this scene, the demon's body and soul could not help trembling.

A sword is as fast as lightning.


The cold light flashed past.


Before the demon could react, a stream of hot blood had splashed out of him. The demon stared at Qian Duoduo.

The other side

Qian Duoduo followed the other demon with his sword and went away at the extreme speed. The cold killing made the spirit of the demon tremble.

This sword cannot be avoided.

This sword can't be avoided.

This sword must be hit.

This sword, I will die.

This feeling of death came one after another, making the demon afraid, scared and trembling. He was almost suffocating.

Suddenly, as soon as the demon gnawed his teeth and ran away, his body suddenly stagnated. At the same time, he turned around fiercely, mobilized all the strength of his body, stimulated all the potential of his body, and made his body deviate from its original position. His right arm was waved fiercely.

Moreover, the demon poured part of his soul power into his right arm. For nothing else, Qian Duoduo locked his soul with a sword. If he didn't do so, the sword would surely fall on him.

A strong man breaks his wrists and only wants to live.


The cold light flashed and blood splashed.

The demon's right arm was instantly cut off by Qian Duoduo's sword.


At the same time, a mouthful of blood spurted from the mouth of the demon.

The right arm is broken and the soul is injured.

"Damn it!!"

Seeing this scene, Qian Duoduo, who had just killed a heavenly demon, could not help but scold, and then he directly took his sword to kill the heavenly demon.


Seeing that Qian Duoduo was killed, the spirit of the demon God trembled fiercely.

Without the slightest hesitation, he endured the pain of his broken arm and the injury of his soul, and directly ran away to the distance, but the speed was much slower.


But at this time, Qian Duoduo's body trembled violently.

The next second, his face changed.

time out.

Without waiting for Qian Duoduo to think about it, his body has risen uncontrollably, and the speed is not slow.

There is no doubt that this is an all encompassing array that has begun to expel Qian Duoduo.

This accident was discovered by the fleeing demon naturally. Therefore, he immediately stopped fleeing, turned to Qian Duoduo in the air, and laughed: "hahaha, the strong man of the human race, I admit that you are very strong, but so what? Can you be stronger than the power of heaven and earth?"

"The vast expanse of the forest and the vast expanse of the sky?"

"What a vast array of enemies."

"In the past, the most powerful of your people used to use their life-long cultivation to inspire the power of heaven and earth. The purpose of setting up this vast array was to prevent the powerful of our people from stepping on this continent. But now? In your people's words, this is lifting a rock and hitting your own feet."

"With your strength, if you haven't been expelled, you can't make a difference with our current ability on this divine land."

"But it's different now..."

"You have been expelled. Who else is my opponent on the divine land? Wait, I will open the eternal abyss in a short time. When the time comes... Hahaha, the strong of our family will come to the divine force, and I will wash your people with blood, leaving none of them."

In the middle of the air, looking at the demon shouting at him, Qian Duoduo's face was extremely gloomy. He tightly held the bloody long sword in his hand. If he could, he really wanted to split the screaming demon with a sword.

Unfortunately, up to now, there is nothing he can do.

He could not move at all because he was expelled by the vast array of enemies.

"A clown."

Suddenly, Qian Duoduo restrained his anger, looked at the constantly clamouring demons below, and sneered: "do you think you've won?"

Hearing this, the demon was stunned: "what do you mean?"

"What do you mean?"

Qian Duoduo sneered. Then he looked at the demon again and said mercifully, "soon you will know what your father Qian means."

"If you don't stay out of the eternal abyss, you have to go to the Shenwu land to die. Do you think you demons are all brain cripples?"

"Wait, the good play is still to come."


Qian Duoduo looked up to the sky and laughed. The nine colors of the sky killing array flashed. The next second, he disappeared into the air.

Terran, qianlongyuan, expel!!

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