"Bang bang!!"

"Bang bang!!"

Above the Terran territory, the sky, Tianshui, Tianhuo, Tianxin... The war department members in all regions of the 81 War Department looked at the monsters and barbarians coming from the front, and at the dark demon barbarian army that could not see the edge. They could not help but tremble.

The demons and barbarians invade each other, and the number of members is endless. But what about the Terrans?

Although the 81 War Department is strong, the strength of each war department is limited, and the number of troops is about 10 million. Therefore, the total number of troops of the 81 War Department is only more than 80 million.

How can the 80 million Terrans resist the demons and barbarians?

It can't be stopped at all.

But if you can't stop it, you have to stop it.


Because every member of the War Department knows that they are the last line of defense for the Terran. Behind them are their relatives, friends and clansmen. If they withdraw from this, the armies of the demon and barbarian clans will be able to march forward without any obstacles. At that time, I don't know how many Terrans will die.

If blood does not drain, there will be no truce!

Use your own life to resist the demons and barbarians, and use your own blood to buy time for the human race. At this moment, even if it is only one second, it may save countless lives.

Therefore, the members of the eighty-one War Department were only stunned when they saw the dense demon barbarian army, and then they rushed to kill them regardless of everything.

The war raged against the divine force, and ten years of conscription left the bones and flesh;

Evil demons are rampant, killing our family robes and destroying our family.

The man is determined to fight in the battlefield, and his blood spills three thousand miles across the battlefield;

If you do not kill demons, you will not return home. If you do not destroy demons, you will not return home.

People, demons and barbarians have been fighting among the three races for hundreds of thousands or even millions of years. When will the Terrans fear him.

It was, is and will be.


In an instant, the Terran 81 War Department had already collided with the demon barbarian army.

Scuffles broke out in all directions, killing the world.

War Department's son Lang is not afraid, not afraid, and will not retreat.

The magnificent scene, the battle has just begun to enter an unprecedented high tide.

The sky war department, somewhere.

"Brothers, go first."

A three-star general who returned to the yuan territory took the lead, distanced himself from the soldiers under his command, took the lead in rushing into the demon barbarian army, and then


A thundering sound sounded, and the powerful energy instantly impacted the demon barbarian army.

Return to yuan and explode.

"Bang bang!!"

With the three-star generals as the center, hundreds of monsters flew away in an instant, flying with blood and flesh.

Although the returning to Yuan war general only launched an attack, it was his greatest effort and contribution. After all, his explosion not only hurt the demon army, but also made the demon army in chaos.

The members of the war department were all shocked at this scene, and then they came back to grief and anger.

In an instant, the killing opportunity in the hearts of the war department members reached the highest point in history. Then they turned their sadness into endless anger and frantically killed the demon clan army.

There is no truce until the blood runs dry.

If the enemy is strong and we are weak, then do everything possible.

This is a war of death.

On the whole battlefield, not only this three-star general in the 81 War Department, but also many soldiers and generals returning to Yuan also chose to directly commit self violence and use their mortal strike to exchange the biggest casualties of the demon barbarian army.

Absolutely crazy, absolutely bloody, and absolutely tragic.

However, it was this madness that made the eighty-one War Department block the armies of the demon and barbarian clans.

However, both the Terrans and the demon barbarians know that this situation will not last long. With the increasing casualties on the Terran side and the constant arrival of reinforcements from the demon barbarians, the Terran will be defeated sooner or later.

But the 81 War Department had no choice at all, and they did not want to choose.

There is no truce until the blood runs dry.

Use up your life and give everything you have. You can keep it for as long as you can, even if it's just a second.

This war is doomed to be bloody.

This war was doomed to be tragic.

Saint battlefield.

"Terran ants, give up resistance and surrender. You alone can't stop the Terran. Sooner or later, the Terran will be defeated. This divine land will eventually belong to our Tianmo family."

The devil stood proudly in the sky hundreds of meters away from the battlefield. Watching the battle of saints in full swing in front of him, his rampant cries continued to ring out.

Enter the Holy Land peak.

The demon also wanted to join the war, but he couldn't, and didn't dare, because every time he was close to the saint battlefield, Hao Pang would kill him immediately, and even once the demon was almost cut off by Hao Pang.

Therefore, except for shouting, the demons dare not step into the battle circle any more.

In the face of the clamour of the demons, all the saints of the Terran simply ignored it and directly ignored it.


That's impossible.

With the passage of time, the battle of saints is much better than the bloody fight among the three ethnic armies. After all, as a strong man in the holy land, he has no absolute strength to crush, so it is difficult to determine the outcome immediately.

The devil is still shouting:

"Stupid Terran, since you are so stubborn, don't blame me for being rude. Wait. When my demons take the Shenwu land, I will kill all your Terran members without leaving any of them."

"Especially you descendants of saints..."

"Hum, at that time, I will eat their meat and drink their blood. I will make their life worse than death."

"And the fat man who took the magic weapon, wait, my master..."

"You shut up!!"

At the end of the devil's words, behind the battlefield of the saints, a roar suddenly sounded in the direction of the demon mountain.


The devil was stunned and his voice stopped.

On the battlefield, the other three saints were also stunned.


Looking at the direction of demon mountain, a human figure galloped forward and came to the demon in an instant.

The white clothes are better than the snow, and the face is beautiful.

It was none other than Han fei'er.

At the moment of seeing hanfeier, the original battle of saints stopped fiercely, and the two sides retreated to both sides, a hundred meters away, making a clear distinction.

On the Terran side, endless anger surged out of the hearts of saints.

Up to now, the Terran side has made it clear that Han fei'er is not a Terran, but a demon clan Tianhu demon Zun. It is also because of her that the spirits of the top ten elders of the Terran who entered the holy land were severely damaged and were unable to participate in the war, so that the Terran's peak combat power was greatly weakened. If not, even if the demons and barbarians join hands, they dare not easily invade the human race.

It can be said that the difficult situation of the Terran today is entirely due to hanfil.

Seeing her reappearance, how can all the saints of the human race not hate and anger?

The Terrans are angry, and the demons are extremely dissatisfied.

"Tianhu demon Zun, are you talking to this Zun?" Looking at Han fei'er, the demon said in a deep voice.

"Not you, but who can it be?"

Han fei'er gave a cold reprimand and said, "as a top power in the holy land, don't you feel ashamed of yourself for not participating in the war but swearing at the side like a villain?"


The demon was in a hurry.


Then he gave a cold Snort and said, "I don't need you to tell me what to do. Besides, you'd better correct your attitude, or... Don't blame me for being rude to you."

"By you?"

Han fei'er sneered and said, "what are you?"


The demon suddenly became angry.

Han fei'er ignored and said, "remember, you and I are only cooperative, not our demon clan. I advise you to be more restrained."

"If you continue to be like this, don't blame me for being rude. At that time, the demon clan will give up cooperation with your Tianmo clan. I will kill you."


As soon as the word "demon" was uttered, Han fei'er said in a cold and angry voice, "say another word no, I will kill you."


Hearing the speech, the spirit of the heavenly demon was shocked fiercely, and his eyes widened. He looked at hanfeier with an unbelievable face: "you, you, you have become a saint?"


Han fei'er snorted coldly, ignoring the demons, but looked at the Terran camp ahead.

At this moment, not only the demons, but also other strongmen in the holy land have found out.

First level of entering the holy land.

This is Han fei'er's cultivation today.

The saints of the barbarians have no feelings, but they are different for the human race and the demon race.

Yesterday, or the day before yesterday, when Han fei'er was brought back from the Terran by Jinpeng demon Zun, he had just entered the realm of divine martial arts, but now he has become a saint?

How long has it been?

This advanced speed is simply heinous and chilling.

Han fei'er ignored it and looked at the people's saints. She said coldly:

"Terran, surrender!!"

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