The sky - red light blots out the sun.

However, in the excitement and excitement of everyone, this red light has completely disappeared after only staying for less than two seconds.

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned, even longxiaobao himself.

The God and devil cemetery is an unparalleled heritage.

In the past, when Hao Pang or Ye Jingyu won the inheritance and awakened the spirits, which time was not earth shaking and surging.

But now

The wind did not move, the clouds did not move, and the whole world was as quiet as before.

Not only that, the inheritance crystallization in the hands of long Xiaobao has disappeared with the red light.

"Did... Fail?"

Seeing this scene, someone instinctively said in a weak voice.


Others were also stunned.

If it's not failure, why hasn't anything changed here now? But if it failed, why did the inheritance and crystallization just now have such a big response?

For a while, people were a little confused.

"Are you the inheritor of this one?"

But at this time, a peaceful voice suddenly sounded in the air.


Everyone was shocked and looked up.

In the middle of the air, a man in white stood with his hand in his back. He was like a scholar, gentle and elegant.

At the moment, the man's deep eyes are quietly looking at longxiaobao. He gives people a feeling of being a brother next door. People can't help but want to be close to him.

At the moment of seeing the man, everyone was instinctively stunned, and then he said in his heart:

When did this man appear here?

No matter long Xiaobao or anyone else present, they all found that they didn't know when the man in white appeared. The most important thing is... Looking at the man at this moment, he seemed as if he didn't exist.

Yes, it doesn't exist. Except that people can see him, they can't feel any breath on him. It seems that he is one with heaven and earth.

"What's his name?"

Without waiting for everyone to think, the man in White asked again. While talking, he instinctively smiled.

However, his simple smile was like a spring breeze.

That feeling is extremely comfortable.

The crowd came to their senses.

"Senior, my name is longxiaobao," longxiaobao said respectfully

"Long Xiaobao?"

The man in white frowned: "real name?"


Long Xiaobao was stunned, then hesitated and said, "Xiao Bao dare not deceive the elder. My name was long Ming before. However, long Ming is dead. Now there is only long Xiaobao."

Long Ming?

The crowd was stunned. Then they all looked at long Xiaobao. There was also a look of consternation on his face. They didn't expect that long Xiaobao was a pseudonym.

"How old are you this year?"

The man in White asked with a smile.


Longxiaobao replied, "you will be twelve years old in sixty-seven days."

"Eleven years old, what a good age. I didn't know anything when I was this age, but you have stepped into the martial arts God yuan." The man in white gave a deep thought, and then said, "have you been used to control spirits?"

"The art of controlling spirits?"

Long Xiaobao was stunned and said, "master, what is the art of controlling spirits?"

"The art of controlling spirits is a kind of secret art, which can be divided into spirit control, spirit melting and spirit devouring. However, in your current vision, you don't understand what I told you. Let's put it this way. Did anyone want to take your body before, but they failed in the end." The man in white thought for a while.


In an instant, long Xiaobao's face changed, and his fists could not help shaking together.

Other people were also shocked. Their eyes changed when they looked at longxiaobao.

The art of controlling spirits?

Someone wants to take dragon Xiaobao's body?


Is that why he changed his name to longxiaobao?

Without waiting for everyone to think, the man in white had said again: "I feel nine kinds of negative emotions from you, such as hesitation, hesitation, anxiety, pain, depression, anger, hatred, sadness, and killing thoughts. It seems that the person who intends to take your body should be your own person?"

Hearing the speech, long Xiaobao trembled:

"Master, I......"

"You don't have to say much."

The man in white waved his hand and said, "everyone has his own past and secrets. It's only good for you to talk to the right people at the right time. It's not bad for you."

"Cause and effect cycle. Although there are thousands of ways in life, everyone can only choose one in the end."

"If you are willing to give up, you will get something."

"You just need to remember to keep your heart. If you have a clear conscience, how about killing your brother and destroying your father!!"


The man in White said something, but long Xiaobao's body trembled uncontrollably.

Others were also appalled.

Kill your brother and father?

Is it his brother that the man in white wants to take dragon Xiaobao's body? Father?

This is... Too cruel?

Before everyone thought about it, the man in white had said again: "well, I have said what I should say. This is my little enlightenment to you."

"Now let's talk about inheritance."

While talking, the man in white paused for a moment, then looked at long Xiaobao and said, "to tell you the truth, your agreement with my martial arts is only 97, not up to my ideal."

Your sister

When the man in White said this, everyone was in a mess and scolded secretly.

The full value of Wu Dao fit is only 100. Are you not satisfied with 97?

How much do you want?

A hundred?

Don't tease me. For two different beings, the degree of coincidence between martial arts and Taoism can never reach 100.

Without paying attention to the opinions of the people, the man in white continued: "this is not that I am trying to embarrass you, but the fact is that this is the case. Our ideal value for the degree of fit between martial arts and Taoism is 99, regardless of whether I am unintentional or Master Yu, because at our level, the difference in the degree of fit between martial arts and Taoism, even 0.1, will have a great impact."

"Let me tell you something, even if the difference of 0.1 between the three of us is very likely to lead our heirs to become disabled directly. Let alone reach our former and present state, even the threshold of the divine state may not be crossed. Of course, it is also possible that the deviation of 0.1 will bring you unexpected benefits, surpassing the former US and reaching the state we have not reached."

"Therefore, the degree of conformity between martial arts and Taoism is actually the consideration of variables after inheritance."

"The higher the degree of fit, the smaller the variable. The lower the degree of fit, the larger the variable."

"This is one of the reasons why Tao boundless did not directly inherit his descendants."

"However, now that Tao boundless has found a successor, we don't have much time left. It's only a hundred years, and the coincidence of martial arts and Taoism is 97."

"Of course, although you have the qualification to accept the inheritance of this master, the final test of this master will not change. Even people with a 99 degree of martial arts and Taoism will not change this."

The last test?

Tao's boundless words made everyone stunned.

Why is there a test? Why didn't the previous flag Lord and imperial concubine have a test?

However, people are relieved to think that the supremacy is far more powerful than others.

Immediately, long Xiaobao looked up at the man in white and said, "Sir, what kind of test is it?"

"It's very simple. Take my sword."

The man in White said with a smile on his face.

"Take your sword?"

Longxiaobao was stunned.

"That's right."

The man in white smiled.

At this time, Qian Rumeng said, "master, only by catching your sword can you get your inheritance?"


The man in white smiled.

"What if you can't catch it?"

Money, like a dream without a wrinkle, asked again.

"If it's light, you'll be seriously injured, if it's heavy, your body will be destroyed, and your soul will be destroyed." The man in white didn't hide.


Everyone was shocked.

Qian Rumeng was even more anxious: "senior, with your accomplishments, how can Xiaobao stop your sword? You are bullying people. You have no intention to pass on your to Xiaobao."

"I didn't mean to make things difficult for him. With this sword, I would suppress my accomplishments to the same level as him."


"I never lie."

"That's pretty much the same."

Qian Rumeng said a word and looked at long Xiaobao. So did everyone else.

Only longxiaobao can decide whether to take the sword or not.

"Senior, I'll take it."

Long Xiaobao agreed without thinking.

After all, the supreme inheritance is at hand. Who can give up easily.

"In that case, take out the sword."

The man in white also smiled and said.


A metal battle sounded, and long Xiaobao's long sword came out of its sheath.

"Come on."

Then long Xiaobao shouted and faced the man in white.


But at this time, Qian Rumeng suddenly said, and then she took out a lot of things, held them in her hand and handed them to long Xiaobao. "Xiaobao, since this is a test, it's definitely not that simple. Even if it's his suppressed accomplishments, it's the same, so you'd better put these on."


Looking at the money in the hands of a dream, all the people immediately couldn't help pumping out the corners of their mouths.

That pair of rings is OK, but what does that earring and necklace mean? And that long dress, NIMA... Pink?

This is clearly for women, and the long skirt, if you remember correctly, was worn by Qian Rumeng before. Of course, everyone knows what money is like to do, because these things, without exception, are all holy soldiers.

This is to arm long Xiaobao to his teeth and then deal with the sword of the man in white.

Fortunately, yebufan is not here at the moment. If he were there, he would definitely give longxiaobao several more sets of holy soldiers. Even all the holy soldiers he took out would be concentrated on longxiaobao alone.


Tiangong is just a bunch of goods.

Suppress accomplishments?

Don't tease me. Even if it is to suppress cultivation, Tiangong these guys also exist at the same level. Even if they are one or two levels higher, they can only be killed by them.

At the time of the examination of the sacred tomb, the boundless Tao of the first pass was the best proof.

But at this time, the man in white suddenly opened his mouth and said with a smile: "you can equip the holy soldier, but the power of my sword will be increased accordingly."

Your sister

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