"Brother, I'm ready to take action. You're ready. Let's join hands to fight for one hit and kill her on the ground!!"

The sudden words of the snow wolf demon king stunned the demon who was preparing to scold him.

"Whew whew!!"

But at this time, the sound of breaking through the air sounded in the distance, and countless shadows rushed in.

The speed is as fast as it can be. It is like a wild beast.

What's going on?

This is... Who?

All of a sudden, the members of the demon clan and the Tianmo clan were stunned.

So it is.

So is hanfeier.

Without waiting for them to think about it, the shadows have come to the periphery of the two clan war circle.

There was no hesitation, no hesitation, and even before the members of the demon and demon families could see clearly the owners of these shadows, they took the lead.

And without exception, the masters of these shadows are all killing moves.

Quick, fierce, fierce!!

The killing move at one thought simply doesn't give members of the demon and demon families a chance to react and dodge.

Poop poop!!


Bang! Bang

Between the lightning and the Firestone, a face-to-face meeting, more than a dozen members of the most peripheral battle circles of the demon and the devil have been attacked by the coming crowd. They have not even had a chance to react, but have been killed and instantly fall.

All the members of the demon and the sudden clan were shocked by the sudden changes.

Enemy attack!!

When they reacted and prepared to fight back against the enemy, they had already retreated one after another.

Not only that, these people did not leave after retreating, but spread out separately, besieging the remaining members of the demon and demon families.

If you hit it well, you'll leave immediately.

After you step back, you will be surrounded instantly.

Obviously, these people are well prepared.

The confrontation between electricity, light and flint.

Terrans? barbarian tribes?

When the members of the demons and Demons saw the real faces of these people, they were stunned.

The demon envoy was stunned.

Hanfeier is also stupid.

How can Terrans and barbarians suddenly appear? And why did they show up together?

Did the Terrans and barbarians join hands?


A few days ago, the first man Zun made it clear in front of them that he would not participate in the scuffle among the three races from now on. How can he cooperate with the Terrans now?


If they didn't join hands, why did they appear here together?

What's more, just after the demons and Demons fought each other, the Terrans and barbarians suddenly appeared. Is this... A bit too coincidental?

Is there such a coincidence in the world?


What the hell is going on?

One problem after another plagued hanfeier and the magic envoy, leaving a blank in their minds. Looking at the picture in front of them, they did not know how to deal with it for a moment.

The evil emissary and Han fei'er stayed in the same place, but they didn't find it. At this moment, a very vague cold light flashed in the eyes of the snow wolf demon king around them.

At the same time, the snow wolf demon king stretched out his right paw, and on the right paw, sharp claws like sharp blades appeared.

The next second, the snow wolf demon king clapped it out.

This claw, fast, fierce and fierce, was like a sharp sword, directly attacking Han fei'er in front of him.


The sudden chill made Han fei'er suddenly come back to her senses. Her mind trembled, and her body was instinctively dodging.

Unfortunately, the snow wolf demon king had a mental calculation but not a mental one, and his speed was obviously one point faster than her.


Although Han fei'er's sudden evasion did not let the snow wolf demon king hit her vital point, this claw left several ferocious wounds on Han fei'er's chest. The flesh and blood of the wound rolled up, showing the bones. The blood immediately dyed Han fei'er's coat red.

At the same time, Han fei'er has retreated a few meters away from the snow wolf demon king.


He looked down at the wound on his chest and then looked up at the snow wolf demon king. Han Feier looked ferocious and asked in a deep voice, "why?"

Hearing this, the devil was stunned. He also looked at the snow wolf demon king with a stunned face.

According to their original plan, the snow wolf demon king really wants to sneak attack Han fei'er.


One moment is another.

Now, as the people and the barbarians are attacking, and the demons and demons are already dead and injured. At this time, the demons and Demons should absolutely abandon their past grievances and unite with each other.


Dead space, strange atmosphere.

"It's a pity. It's a pity. It's so bad."

Feeling the strange eyes of the people around him, the snow wolf demon king shook his head and looked regretful.


Hearing this, Han Feier was even more angry.

"Isn't it strange?"

The snow wolf demon king looked at Han fei'er, smiled, and then glanced at the demon emissary. With a pondering and mocking look on his face, he said: "you two stupid B, want to use the wolf master to calculate each other, but did not expect that the wolf master has calculated both of you?"

"What day demon clan recaptured the demon clan, and what demon clan swallowed up the day demon clan, is it bullshit?"

"In fact, the wolf Lord is helping our Lord weaken your strength, and then give you a pot."

After a pause, the snow wolf demon king looked at Han fei'er and said with a smile: "Lord Tianhu, are you surprised why my demon envoy doesn't accept the sneak attack, but wants to fight you to the end?"

"Ha ha..."

"In fact, it's very simple. Just now, I secretly told him that you had seen through our plan. All the powerful in the holy land of the demon clan were ambushed here. Then I told him that you planned to lure them to surrender first, and then take the opportunity to annihilate them at one fell swoop."

"In this way, I will not surrender."

"Of course, it's not enough just to do this. In addition to telling him about the current crisis of the Tianmo clan, I also gave him a suggestion, that is... I will try to attack you secretly. As long as I can kill you and kill the fox clan, I will be sure to replace you and subdue the demon clan."

"It's obvious that the demon envoy didn't surrender, and both of you lost. Now..." after sweeping away the members of the demons and demons, the snow wolf demon king said with a smile: "with your strength, how can you compete with our Lord? Gaga, surrender. You're finished."


As soon as the voice of the snow wolf demon king fell, Han Feier, who had been seriously injured by him, could not help gushing blood.

This is completely angry.

Snow Wolf demon king, chief manager of demon clan?

How could he be so shameless?

How could he be so treacherous?

How could he be such a jerk?

I trusted him so much and depended on him so much. In the end, he helped the Terran calculate himself and the whole demon clan. It was really hateful and damn.

"You, why did you do that?"

A moment later, Han Feier held back her anger, looked directly at the snow wolf demon king and asked coldly.


The snow wolf demon king sneered: "do you think a mere title of the chief manager of the demon clan can buy off the wolf master? I tell you, let alone the chief manager of the demon clan, even if you let the wolf master be the supremacy of the demon clan, I don't care about the wolf master."

"Hum, Lord wolf is the most loyal servant of our Lord. How can he be used by you?"

Hearing this, Han fei'er was stunned: "your master? Who?"


In the Terran camp, yebufan stepped out and looked at Han fei'er with a smile.


Seeing yebufan, hanfeier was stunned, and then became even angrier.

"Didn't you expect that?"

Yebufan smiled and said, "at first, you were the supreme demon clan, and you could give up the body of the demon clan in order to hide in our Terran. Now, why can't you cultivate a few confidants in your demon clan?"

After a pause, yebufan said with a smile: "however, Ben Shao really thanks you for training a whole hundred thousand wolf gods in the Shenwu realm for Ben Shao."

"Thank you, sister Fei!"


Hearing this, Han fei'er was spewing out his blood essence again.

I trained you a hundred thousand wolf gods?

I am special... Is that for you?

Han fei'er was so angry that the demon envoy was no better. He looked at the snow wolf demon king and his face was ferocious to the extreme.

Why, this cheap wolf... Even if he didn't help himself after receiving so many benefits, in the end, he cheated himself again and again.

Does he really think of himself as a stupid B?

The most abominable thing is that he has been cheated by him again and again.

Damn, damn!

An uncle can bear it, but an aunt can't.

Han fei'er and the devil made their hearts rage, but other members of the demon and devil families around them were completely ignorant.

At this moment, they still don't understand that today's battle, they fought to the death, was arranged by the shameless demon snow wolf.

Especially, they were trapped by a cheap wolf.

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