Fancy Manual for Teasing the Male God

Chapter 1000: Boys' School Princess

Perceiving Xiao Qichen's different treatment, Guan Yiran's face suddenly changed.

However, before he could adjust his emotions, Qin Wansha chuckled over him and walked out directly following Xiao Qichen's footsteps.

At this moment, Guan Yiran felt ashamed and angry, but also added a trace of anger.

However, it is going to be an event soon, and it is hard for him to make excessive moves at this time. However, during the event, he can show his hands and feet a bit, so that both the old man and the newcomer can understand who is the one. The best princess in the college!

Thinking about this, Guan Yiran also followed Qin Wansha with his skirt.

Qin Wansha noticed the fiery sight from behind, but the corners of her lips twitched. In fact, it was even more curious, but where they were going.

Unlike Xiao Qichen, who can directly read the memory of the body, Qin Wansha had to guess the current plot development based on the system data, but unfortunately, for the time being, apart from the competitive relationship between her and Guan Yiran, she also watched Nothing else.

But soon, Qin Wansha understood.

Amidst the screams and cheers, Qin Wansha followed Xiao Qichen's footsteps out of a gate, and then stepped onto a stage.

This stage is semi-outdoor, and the other audiences are standing on the empty platform outside, and the three "princesses" as the "starring" are standing on the stage covered by a shed.

Turning her head slightly, Qin Wansha looked at the banner of a donation-raising activity hanging on the top of the stage, and knew in her heart that this might be part of the daily activities of the'princesses'.

Following Xiao Qichen's appearance, Qin Wansha also stood behind a transparent empty box with her name on it, and then smiled at the excited boys in the audience.

As a result, the boys who were already quite turbulent screamed again, and Qin Wansha even heard the voice calling her body name.

Guan Yiran did not expect that Xiao Qing, who was pretending to be noble in the past, would dare to steal the limelight with him. He immediately glared at Qin Wansha secretly, and then put on a cute and lively pose towards the boys below, even active towards those boys. They waved their hands, and all of a sudden, the boys standing in front of him also shouted his name excitedly.

Guan Yiran was proud of her heart, and did not forget to glance at Qin Wansha.

The smile on Qin Wansha's face hasn't even changed, of course, she didn't even glance at Guan at all.

For this kind of people who try to find their own presence, ignoring is the most powerful kind of revenge.

Thinking of this in her heart, Qin Wansha was not surprised to feel a wave of malice from those around her.

Because of the distance and the position, Qin Wansha didn’t know what happened to Xiao Qichen, but in the next second, a voice calling for "Princess Qiao Kun" rose from the other two names, even faintly. Overwhelm the trend of the other two names.

Joe Kun? Qin Wansha keenly caught the name, and when she turned her head to Xiao Qichen, she was deliberately stepped forward by Guan Yiran, blocking her vision.

When she raised her eyes again, Qin Wansha met Guan Yiran's slightly provocative gaze.

Qin Wansha raised her brow slightly, and wanted to ask this son of destiny. Isn't he tired because he keeps staring eyes like this?

And just as Qin Wansha and Guan Yiran looked at each other, Xiao Qichen took a microphone from a boy who trot up next to him, and then came out from the speaker with a low and cold male voice——

"Hello classmates, this is Qiao Kun. Thank you for taking the time to come to the fundraising site of the'Princess Rescue Fund' during your studies. All donations made today will be used to treat seriously ill children from suffering families. Here, On behalf of the Princess Association, I would like to express my gratitude to all the students who supported."

Although Xiao Qichen's words are simple, they have been quite sensational. At the very least, the people who originally called the three names separately have all gathered into a wave, shouting Xiao Qichen's body name.

Qin Wansha also guessed some of their current situation from Xiao Qichen's words. In fact, Xiao Qichen was quite clear about what Xiao Qichen said was fundraising. However, why put a donation box in front of the three of them?

While Qin Wansha was wondering, Xiao Qichen had already announced the start of the activity.

Suddenly, the audience suddenly became confused. Many boys who were close to the only step on the stage began to rush up, and the members of the student council who had already prepared stopped the crazy boys one by one. Down, only one person at a time.

Seeing this situation, Xiao Qichen once again raised the microphone and said, "Please line up to the stage in an orderly manner. After collecting donations, step down from the back door on the right. Be careful of crowding and stampede."

As Xiao Qichen's voice fell, Qin Wansha watched as the boys who had been swarming on the stage suddenly calmed down, and then shouted in unison: "Oh!"

Qin Wansha:...

At this moment, the boy who ran up first came to Xiao Qichen with excitement. At this time, Qin Wansha could clearly see the movement there.

I saw the boy trembling with his hands excitedly. After putting the donation he had prepared in his hand into the transparent box, he stretched out towards Xiao Qichen tremblingly: "Princess Qiao Kun, please, please..."

Without waiting for the boy to stammer to finish speaking, Xiao Qichen naturally stretched out his hand, shook the boy's hand, and then let go: "Thank you for your support, please continue to study."

"I, I will! Princess Qiao Kun! I will definitely!" The boy immediately became excited again, and then ran out to the back side with a smile.

The boy who came up again came to Xiao Qichen's face again.

Qin Wansha:...Puff!

In order to prevent the expression of her smile on her face from being exposed, Qin Wansha had to lower her head, but she still felt funny in her heart.

If you don’t know who the noble and glamorous ice beauty is, Qin Wansha would actually not find anything funny about this. However, it was Xiao Qichen, Xiao Qichen who had always appeared in front of her with a masculine body. !

Even when she was a paper man, Qin Wansha had never seen Xiao Qichen such a delicate and soft look.

Thinking of the excitement of the boys when they shook Xiao Qichen's hand, Qin Wansha felt that her stomach was almost laughing and cramping!

What Qin Wansha didn’t know was that her sudden bowing of her head didn’t actually seem to be a smirk. On the contrary, this unusual action was very attractive, and most people’s mental state was-Princess Xiao Qing Is this crying? !

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