Fancy Manual for Teasing the Male God

Chapter 1025: Boys' School Princess

Guan Yiran looked at Qin Wansha who walked in from the door with a shocked expression on her face, with a face full of incredulity.

The principal's brows frowned slightly, but in the end, he didn't blame Qin Wansha much, he just sighed lightly.

But Qin Wansha was the most calm person in the whole house.

"It's impossible... It's impossible..." Guan Yiran was unwilling to believe this fact. However, in the next second, he turned his head like a handle, and yelled at the principal: "You actually recruited A girl came in?! This is a boys' school! If you let other students know, you will—"

"Sorry to the principal, in fact, Qiao Kun and I have just announced it on the school network forum." Qin Wansha accepted Guan Yiran's words, and then continued with a smile on her face: "By the way, I also said the new policy starting tomorrow. The principal won't blame me?"

The principal was indeed a little stunned, but this kind of thing was actually in his plan. Therefore, he was not particularly angry. He just pretended to reprimand Qin Wansha: "How can this kind of thing be blinded by myself? Do it, you should cooperate with the school teachers, alas, you."

Guan Yiran had already choked his throat again, he didn't know what to say, and at the same time, a cold feeling gradually poured over his body from the bottom of his heart, even making him stiff and unable to make any movements anymore.

Qin Wansha turned his head and looked at Guan Yiran. Obviously, both of them understood at this moment that Guan Yiran had reached a desperate situation. Unless he could persuade the principal with strong words, otherwise, his dropout would already be an established fact.

And can Guan Yiran convince the principal? The corners of Qin Wansha's lips curled up, and a flash of contempt flashed in her eyes-she couldn't let this happen.

I caught a glimpse of Qin Wansha's eyes, and I was shaking with anger.

He knows very well that he has lost the most favorable situation, so even if he wants to leave, he has to drag the female watch in front of him and go! !

"I'll kill you bastard!!" Guan Yiran was driven by the anger in his heart, and rushed towards Qin Wansha regardless of him, with a violent aura: "Why are you against me! Ah!!! Why!!!"

The principal was taken aback by the sudden situation in front of him, but before he could react, the door of the principal's office was opened again. Xiao Qichen, Wang Ke, and Luo Yi rushed in at the same time, and Wang Ke kicked Guan aside. , Xiao Qichen dragged Qin Wansha into his arms, as for Luo Yi, standing in front of Qin Wansha with sharp eyes, separating the two men.

"Guan Yiran, how far can you be shameless and beat girls? Do you really think you are a princess?" Wang Ke sneered mockingly.

Wang Ke didn't show any mercy on that foot just now. At this moment, the place Guan Yiran was kicked was violently painful, and even made Guan Yiran unable to straighten up.

But even so, Guan Yiran tried hard to support her pain, staring at Qin Wansha, who was firmly guarded on the opposite side, with a bitter look and gritted teeth, and then said: "Hey, it's true that you hit me now. I have injuries. Who can say that I hit that stinky girl cousin!"

Guan Yiran even said with some pride: "The student was beaten in the principal's office. Wait, I will definitely sue you, and my parents will not let you go!"

Guan Yiran said harshly, but at this moment, the principal pointed his finger at his desktop: "Student Guan, our principal's office is subject to supervision by people from all quarters at any time. Therefore, there is a camera in this room."

I don’t know if it’s because of being threatened by Guan Yiran, the principal’s tone gradually became cooler, and then said to the four Qin Wansha: “Well, there’s nothing wrong with you here, so all go back to class. As for classmate Guan, I’ve contacted His parents came to pick him up, Minister Wang Ke, as the Minister of the Ministry of Information, I also hope you can control some of the comments on the campus forum. By the way, please tomorrow the school will change the previous regulations and merge with Kushiro Girls’ School into a mixed system. The college’s affairs were publicized, and the work was hard."

With these words from the principal, Guan Yiran's road was completely blocked.

Want to frame? Have a camera and want to find a parent? The principal has already looked for it first. As for Qin Wansha, who Guan Yiran wanted to bite on before, now she has completely escaped. Even if Guan Yiran suddenly went crazy and wanted to fight Qin Wansha's video to be published, I'm afraid Guan Yiran will only go faster some.

Xiao Qichen did not intend to let Qin Wansha stay here anymore. He was the first to respond to the principal's words and took Qin Wansha out of the principal's room.

Luo Yi naturally followed Qin Wansha, but he kept staring at Guan Yiran defensively.

As for Wang Ke, he naturally maintained his own style of past. After accepting the principal, he walked out of the principal's room, smoothly, and brought the door.

No one knows what will happen after Guan Yiran inside, and the four people who walked out of the principal's office did not actually have any more conversations.

After a few people nodded each other, they dispersed and walked in different directions.

And soon, news about Guan Yiran being dropped out of school was exploded on the entire forum.

The person who broke the news was not yet Wang Ke, but an ordinary student who had witnessed Guan Yiran beating Guan Yiran in the face all the way, and was taking away from him.

Sitting in her bedroom, Qin Wansha looked at the posts on the forum explaining her identity as a girl and the reform of the school’s situation next year. There was a harmonious and beautiful voice below. On the contrary, it was the one that Guan Yiran was dropped out of.

Wang Ke used a solid horse to fight against him, explaining that Guan Yiran was dropped out of school because he attacked girls in the principal's office and made many bad facts. They were forced to leave school only if they violated school rules.

Although it seems that Wang Ke is indeed explaining Guan Yiran, in fact, this is only arousing the anger of the boys in the school even more.

Beat girls? ! This level is also shameless!

For a while, the entire post was full of spurning and scolding.

At this time, Qin Wansha looked at the progress bar of the brain in his hand, and had successfully returned to zero.

She chuckled contentedly, then turned and threw herself into Xiao Qichen's arms.

The time after this is their time.

Time is fleeting, and decades are in the blink of an eye.

In this world, Qin Wansha and Xiao Qichen's lives seem to be quite satisfactory.

Graduating at the right age, meeting parents, getting married, inheriting family business, and reaching the pinnacle of life.

Compared with the two of them, Luo Yi and Wang Ke are even more surprising.

Because these two people who originally belonged to the relationship of rivals are actually together...

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