Fancy Manual for Teasing the Male God

Chapter 968: Counterattack the princess

The crown prince Tuoba wanted to enter the princess's carriage, and none of the envoys of Abu dared to stop.

And the old woman in the carriage behind, heard that Crown Prince Tuoba was about to see her, she was so scared that her heart was about to jump out.

She kept comforting herself that she was sent by the empress, and she had already found an excuse about the princess's sleep. Even Crown Prince Tuoba would definitely have no choice but to take her.

Thinking about this, the old woman tremblingly followed the person who had come to announce her to the princess' carriage.

"His Royal Highness, the old woman has brought it." The general immediately raised his voice into the carriage.

But the crown prince Tuoba, who had just entered the carriage not long ago, was now carrying a cloud of rain on his face.

Xuan Ling trembled with fright, but still refused to give in, and stood by Qin Wansha's side.

Qin Wansha, who was pretending to be dizzy, also noticed a scorching gaze. To be honest, Qin Wansha wanted to open her eyes to see if the person who looked at herself so eagerly was the person she was thinking of, but , In order not to fail, in order to be worthy of her hungry stomach for a whole day, she still lay there so weak, dead and alive.

The crown prince Tuoba—that is, Xiao Qichen, had a forbearance of anger in his eyes.

He naturally saw that Qin Wansha was pretending to look like this, but he was really angry if he could force Qin Wansha to toss herself into a person who is now haggard and waiting for an opportunity to retaliate!

He has always been protecting his darling in his heart, and someone dares to be so presumptuous! I really don't want my own life!

Ignoring the announcement, Xiao Qichen ordered Xuan Ling to say: "Tell me everything that happened before your princess fainted. Be sure to not miss a word. If you dare to tell a lie, I will cut your tongue!"

Although Xuan Ling was scared, she also saw Xiao Qichen's intention to defend Qin Wansha. She immediately brought the old woman to Qin Wansha to eat. After that, Qin Wansha had to call her into the carriage before she dared to close her eyes. Tell Xiao Qichen.

I have to say that Xuan Ling's words are also very important, depicting Qin Wansha calling her and closing her eyes, making Xiao Qichen's anger more than tenfold increased.

"Let her come up." Xiao Qichen's hand clenched his whip tightly and said to the people outside.

The old woman listened to Xuan Ling's complaint in the carriage, and heard Xiao Qichen's icy tone, she tore Xuan Ling's mouth to pieces in her heart, but she had to lower her head and climb into the carriage in a solemn way.

"Old slaves, see His Royal Highness the Crown Prince Tuoba." It was clear that she was not facing the prince of her own country, but the old woman was inexplicably terrible, and directly addressed the Crown Prince Tuoba with a five-body gift.

Xiao Qichen didn't like this old woman, and still asked in a cold voice: "You should have heard what this girl said just now. Do you have any excuse?"

When the old woman heard this, she still had a chance to refute herself! Immediately he cried and said, "Prince Tuoba Mingjian! This little **** has wronged me! I am the servant girl sent by the queen empress to serve the princess. The queen empress is the princess's biological mother. What about the princess! The old slave thought that the princess would fall asleep inexplicably because of the damage to her roots, but now she sees that it was this little hooves who did something privately that harmed the princess!"

"You are spitting blood!" Xuan Ling had never seen such a shameless person. Her princess had said that it was this old fellow who prescribed the medicine and specially harmed her, but she actually wanted to pour dirty water on her!

What frightened Xuan Ling the most was that after listening to the old woman's words, Crown Prince Tuoba didn't even mean to refute at all. Instead, he looked condensed, not knowing what he was thinking.

The old woman burst into tears when she said this, and anyone who didn't know would really treat this old woman as innocent.

It is not clear that the person here is Xiao Qichen, and Qin Wansha only wanted to prevent the loyal girl from being implicated. Therefore, when she didn't know who the crown prince Tuoba was, she immediately woke up with a scream.

"Princess!" Hearing the sound, Xuan Ling whispered ‘surprise’ immediately, and rushed to Qin Wansha’s side.

The old woman was also happy, the princess woke up, no matter whether the dead girl of Xuanling would die in the hands of Prince Tuoba this time, her innocence was washed away anyway.

Who knows, when the old woman was thinking like this, Xiao Qichen pushed Xuanling away, ran to Qin Wansha's side, lifted up people, and asked, "Princess Li Kun, where is your body still uncomfortable?"

Qin Wansha stared blankly at the man in front of her. She was as handsome as a god, but she was definitely not the one she believed in.

A deep disappointment hit her heart, but Qin Wansha did not give up. She was convinced that the person she loved would definitely be waiting for her in Tuoba.

"I...cough cough cough cough!" Qin Wansha only said one word and coughed desperately. After that, she seemed to accidentally see the old woman, and her brows suddenly wrinkled: "Why are you here."

The tone that chilled down for a moment made everyone in the car notice the difference.

The old woman suddenly thought that although Qin Wansha did not see her medicine, but after she took the medicine...

Thinking of something, the old woman shook her body violently, and then began to lick her face and smile to express her merit to Qin Wansha: "The empress's maid told the servants to follow the princess, and the servants are naturally here to serve you."

Listening to the old woman’s words, Qin Wansha also curled her lips and smiled coldly. She understood what the old woman meant, and also explained that she was the mother of her body. When she wanted to do something to her, Worry about some of that queen.

It's a pity that Qin Wansha is not the original product, and hates the kind of women who sell girls for glory, so she sneered: "Really, it is my mother who told you to drug me?!"

The old woman's face changed suddenly, and she didn't seem to expect Qin Wansha to tear her face directly with her.

But let her admit that the pack of medicine was given by the queen? Even if she said it, no one would believe it. What's more, she would be blocked even the last way to survive.

"Innocent! Your Royal Highness! The old slave knows that you are not satisfied with the old slave's service, and knows that you have lost your roots now, and your heart is uncomfortable, but you can't talk nonsense about this!

Seeing the old woman still wanting to take it off, Qin Wansha directly stretched out the five-claw mark that was caught by the old woman, and at the same time slammed the arm of the bedpost, showing her arm unintentionally, pointing at the old woman. Woman: "You—"

"What's going on!" Before Qin Wansha finished speaking, Xiao Qichen's face sank as he looked at the deep purple marks on the white jade-like arms.

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