Fancy Manual for Teasing the Male God

Chapter 984: Counterattack the princess

Xiao Qichen smiled at the duplicity Qin Wansha. Of course he understood where Qin Wansha's misunderstanding came from. Therefore, he was determined to take the opportunity to explain some of their situation to Qin Wansha.

"Don't you think it's strange, baby? Why can you and I meet again in this world." Xiao Qichen said, reaching out and touching Qin Wansha's face.

Qin Wansha was indeed puzzled. At first, she just held the idea that she could live again, maybe Xiao Qichen could also try to find Xiao Qichen.

But in fact, Qin Wansha knew in her heart that this was probably her wishful thinking, and the so-called search was nothing more than her comforting thoughts.

Who knows, she actually found it.

After this, she was pleasantly surprised again, and Xiao Qichen got into this medicated bath again, and her whole mind was directly evacuated, and she didn't even think about asking for a clear one.

At this moment, Xiao Qichen spoke up, and Qin Wansha took the opportunity to ask, "Why?"

Xiao Qichen lowered his head and looked deeply into Qin Wansha's eyes: "Because we are actually an eternal marriage, so no matter where you go, I will find you."

Listening to Xiao Qichen's words, Qin Wansha couldn't help but lifted her lips, with a smile in her eyes, but she said, "Do you think I believe?"

Xiao Qichen chuckled lightly, didn't answer the words of'believe' or'unbelief', and continued: "The thing that no one else can see in your hand is called the system. The text in it is what happened in this world. The thing-I told you about this, but what I want to say now is another thing."

Qin Wansha realized that Xiao Qichen's words should be very important, so she also put away her playful heart and listened carefully.

"You and I are actually not the people who should have appeared in this world. You and I are real lovers. Because you are trapped in this system, you cannot return to the real me. As a last resort, I will run in. I am looking for you, so what happened to those people originally has nothing to do with our own wishes."

In fact, these last two sentences are what Xiao Qichen really wants to explain.

They weren't the real Crown Prince Tuoba and Princess Abrikun at all. Therefore, why the Crown Prince Tuoba wanted to marry Zuoqiu Qinxin originally had nothing to do with him.

"However, the original Prince Tuoba might marry Zuoqiu Qinxin, because of Abulikun." Xiao Qichen said: "The two were originally cousins, if Crown Prince Tuoba had treated Abu. Li Kun is affectionate, and marrying an old cousin after I don’t know the cause of Abrik’s death is a kind of compensation."

"So, you're not Li Zhiyuan, are you?" Qin Wansha's question has nothing to do with what Xiao Qichen said.

Xiao Qichen's eyes were taken aback, then he smiled: "I'm not Li Zhiyuan."

"Then who are you?" Qin Wansha's eyes fixed on Xiao Qichen.

"My name is Xiao Qichen." Xiao Qichen answered immediately.

"Xiao-Qi-Chen." Qin Wansha said the name word by word. Unfortunately, she had no memory of Xiao Qichen at all.

"I still don't remember you, or even this name." Qin Wansha said, but she didn't doubt Xiao Qichen's words: "Then what about me, since you are my lover, what was my original name?"

"You." Xiao Qichen lovingly touched Qin Wansha's cheek again: "Your name is Wanwan, my most precious Wanwan."

Qin Wansha pulled her pretty face: "Ha ha, speak well."

Xiao Qichen was amused and laughed a lot. At the same time, under Qin Wansha's cold eyes, he put away his joking heart: "Qin Wansha, your name is Qin Wansha."

Qin Wansha lowered her head, carefully savored her real name, and then said, "It sounds better than Xiao Qichen."

"Yes." Xiao Qichen looked like a wife slave, and his wife was right in everything.

"I will forget you because of this system?" Qin Wansha asked this question again suddenly: "I remember you just said that we are the marriage of eternal life, and you seem to have a good understanding of the system in my hands, then Can I understand it this way, in fact, before I was down, I was already in this world, like the previous world and this world, and have experienced many worlds? All with you?"

For Qin Wansha's inferences, Xiao Qichen clapped his hands encouragingly: "Baby is really smart, but you will be frustrated, not because of this system, but - a very long story."

Qin Wansha's expression wanted to hear, but Xiao Qichen took another pot of medicinal juice from the side, poured it into the tub, and then added a handful of firewood.

"You say, I'm listening." Qin Wansha's brows were slightly frowned because of the newly added concoction, but now, these pains are not comparable to the curiosity in her heart.

In fact, Xiao Qichen never thought of concealing it. Since Qin Wansha wanted to listen, the time was almost ripe, so he told the previous things: "The one who brought you from my side into the system world is a man named Lord God Something, it is neither human nor data. As far as I guess, it should be an energy body, and its survival condition is to swallow other powerful energies, and the source of these energies is the world we travel through time and time again. ."

Xiao Qichen spoke slowly, but his analysis was extremely thorough. Qin Wansha also listened very seriously, even ignoring the pain in her whole body.

Until I heard Xiao Qichen say that they were discovered by the Lord God, she was defeated again, in order to protect her, he personally sealed her memory, and rescued her from the death.

"So, my memory is actually sealed by you." Qin Wansha touched her forehead: "Then, will you return it to me?"

"Yes." At this point, Xiao Qichen answered very positively.

"Now?" Qin Wansha raised her eyes to Xiao Qichen.

Xiao Qichen shook his head: "Not now. You are too fragile now. You can't even reach the energy of the previous resurrection. If you rush to retrieve your memory, it will only let the Lord God discover your existence again."

Qin Wansha's lips pressed lightly: "It feels really bad to have no memory."

When Xiao Qichen looked at Qin Wansha like this, he was actually very distressed: "I promise, when the time is right, I will return those memories to you completely."

"Why didn't you tell me these things before?" Qin Wansha said before, referring to the previous world.

Xiao Qichen smiled: "At that time, you were not like you are now, trust me wholeheartedly, I'm afraid you will run away."

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