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Chapter 35 - Highschool DxD Fan-fiction 1 - Highschool DxD Awakening

Plot: A hunter who has battled against many devils will soon to become one of them, a hunter named Rayne must become a devil in order to seek revenge on the one who killed his family, siding with Rias and his group he is force to side with his enemy in order to get stronger. He must unleash his power but needs Rias and the others help to do so.

Pairing: OCxRias

Red like blood covering a battlefield all the time, fire fights and skirmishes always involve with blood covering the whole ground around those who have fallen. Once blood spills then Death shall come forth to reap those who have fallen in action, this fight has become the change of a new beginning.

Midnight where the moon shines upon this park however it shines in red as a fight had ended between two people but only one made it out of there. Dead corpses of Stray Devils on the ground with a few bullet holes through these four monsters on the ground letting their blood cover the dirt and grass, even the fountain that is nearby was red instead of clean water, only one human got caught in the crossfire while the other was the one who fought against these Stray Devils but didn't seem to work out well for him.

A young man named Rayne who looks like he's eighteen years old, he has red spiky hair and green eyes, wearing a gray shirt with writing on it named Adversity, a kite shield on the middle of the shirt that is suppose to have an A on it and had griffon heads at the top of that shield facing the other ways of one another, he had a hole through his ċhėst removing the middle of the kite shield. He wears a black jacket with white lines over the ċhėst and the arms of it and black pants with a white chain attach on the right side of him.

Rayne lies there in the middle facing the sky with his eyes opened and pretty much dead around the dead Devils. He just remains where he was feeling he is close to death. Before he could even get there someone else was nearby as he can hear footsteps of someone who wears red heel shoes, slowly walking over to Rayne until she stops nearby looking at him, arms crossed looking down at him.

Rias stands there looking down at him wearing her Kuoh academy uniform. "So Rayne... will you accept that wish i gave you?"

"..." He just remains there slowly looking at her. "I will take that as a yes." She said then her devil wings spread behind her and she started to glow underneath her as this strange red symbol appears underneath her, making her body glow in front of Rayne and then so ends his life forever.

Twenty four hours earlier...

A motorcyclist come riding through not wearing proper clothing only wearing the helmet covering his face, Rayne who just got the new version of his motorcycle and got it blue with a white stripe on both sides. He rides past the academy where he will soon join it but not right now, he goes out to somewhere else however he wasn't the only one on this bike. Another person sits behind him who is a girl and had her arms wrapped around it, her name is Yuuma and only wears her normal clothes with a pink coat and a white shirt showing her cleavage, black skirt and covered her black hair with a helmet. The problem now is since she has a skirt on and since Rayne is going fast her skirt goes up showing her pink undėrwėȧr making her blush knowing her undėrwėȧr is showing making her hold him tighter but soon Rayne is force to stop so he can take a break from this by stopping to a nearby restaurant.

He took off his helmet showing his flat red hair, he places his helmet on the front of the bike and looks at Yuuma "You okay Yuuma... didn't think you would be afraid of riding."

She took her helmet off shaking her head fixing her hair before looking at Rayne noticing Yuuma is blushing. "Hey my undėrwėȧr was showing..." She whispers and looks around before continuing "I don't want everyone to look at me while I'm riding with you."

He slightly laughs and started to move his hand through his hair to mess it up again "Yeah well... your fault for wearing a skirt."

"..." She gives him the helmet and walks in the restaurant "You're paying for the food."

He lets a deep sighs and takes both the helmets inside. "Way to go Rayne..." Before he could go through the door he looks out seeing someone standing nearby. He looks over seeing a man leaning against the fence wearing a white plain shirt and a brown trench coat covering his eyes with his glasses and had black pants on. "I guess it's almost time..." He said to himself seeing him nod then walks off. He looks at the door and goes through to have a normal date with her before he is force to take his leave with her.

The two only had a time together eating deserts having a milkshake, once they finish their milkshakes they went back outside and Rayne started to ride back home taking her to her place before he goes to his place, it was night and before they go in there she grabs his hand and takes off her helmet.

"So you're heading out again?"

"Another job... but i will come back when this is done, i always come back for you."

She smiles and moves her hand to the side of his face "Looking forward to it." She gives him a kiss and he kisses her back placing his hand over her waist.

After that he took his leave and heads back to his apartment, took a while but finally got there in time, going inside the place and heading through three stairways to reach to his room. Inside didn't really have much of a place for him it only had a few boxes around and an old ċhėst with unknown items, bedroom and kitchen along with a bathroom, two windows and the walls are very dark he only had two lights in here that are usable.

Rayne went inside the room and closes the door, placing the two helmets next to the door and walks over to the middle taking his jacket off and placing it over a box and walks over to the ċhėst. Inside this ċhėst lies weapons like two guns with markings all over it, a gun that is a 1911 silver colt and a couple of knifes and a long sword that doesn't have a guard on it.

Rayne looks over to the window and hears his door knocking; he quickly closes the ċhėst and walks over to open the door knowing who it is. His partner named Gabriel who looks like he's forty years old or more older than that, he stands there wearing the clothes he met at that place he was, he turns back and walks back letting him walk in looking at the place he's living.

"Nice place... but you may need a better apartment."

"How can i?" Rayne said walking to the ċhėst and sits on it "We travel around alot and i can't afford my place yet... the only thing that is alright in my life is my girlfriend Yuuma."

"Yeah i was about to say something about that..." He takes a few steps forward "You need to cut her loose."

"Why?" He leans back "Because we kill things that can't really be explained? We hunt Devils Gabriel... Devils!"

"Yeah i know... i trained for fifteen years Rayne to become a hunter you are now. Look at you now man." He aims his arms at him aiming at his ċhėst "Yuuma maybe the girl you like and have been spending times with her but if you don't let her go she will find out and she will think you're insane."

He stands up and walks closer to him 'Hey i have been with her for two weeks now Gabriel! I am not going to lose someone else to this bullshit!" he walks past him and about to head out of the room.

"Rayne!" He turns his head back "One thing... you got to go to that academy... i know you don't like it but since were staying here for a few months you should at least learn something instead of killing things." He turns his body around and walks out of the room first. "Your uniform is in one of these boxes." He said before he leaves.

He lets a deep sighs and closes the door not leaving the room then looks back at the room looking at the boxes and opens up seeing the uniform. "I... can't believe i have to wear this..." He sighs yet again

The next day in the morning Rayne got on his bike and made it to the academy with his uniform while his normal clothes and weapons are left at home. He looks out at the school seeing freshmen walking to the place he lets a deep sighs and takes off his helmet, fixing his hair to make it spiky then got off his bike and heads inside for school. He wonders around before the classes are in session he keeps walking through the corridors until he got off guard and got bumped by someone.

Rayne looks back at the one who bumped him seeing three guys with him. "Watch it!" Then he keeps walking but he started to hear some people running past him heading somewhere urgent but when he looks back seeing more guys running over to an opened door seeing someone coming out of the room.

Akeno Himejima walks out of the door looking at the guys around the door, she smiles looking at them. "Hello again guys.." She slightly laughs and walks off.

Rayne sighs "Unbelievable..." He was about to walk but he bumped into another person "Oh great! –" he stops and looks at another beautiful woman who is friends with Akeno, Rias Gremory is the one he bumped into. "Uhm... hey..."

"Hello." She nods to him then walks past him rejoining with Akeno.

Rayne looks back watching her walking off and started to hear some people gossiping behind him, girls together near Rayne by the windows and the stairs. "That's Rias Gremory... she's so beautiful like she always has..."

"Yeah and even Akeno... wish i was like her..."

Rayne looks at the two walking off "Now i know who the popular people are." He looks back then keeps walking.

Just a normal day at the academy Rayne was stuck in a class nearly everyone there is new but he was in the same class as Rias since she couldn't go in the same class with her friends so she stayed here, heading to the back row where Rayne is who is sitting in the right corner, she sits next to him and turns her eyes to him for the moment having these strange eyes to Rayne for the moment not saying anything then started to listen to the teacher.

Later on after the academy ended Rayne returns to his bike and sits on it putting on his bike and was about to put on his helmet but got delayed when he looks to the side seeing some woman standing there. "Here..." She lends a paper to him "Gift for someone."


"Just please take this." She smiles at him

He slowly takes it and looks at it showing this strange symbol on it and some sort of 'make a wish', he looks back to her and she walks off he remains silent and shrugs so he places it in his pocket and puts on his helmet and gets out of there. Someone else was there but was far away standing by the windows in the academy looking out seeing Rayne putting on his helmet and starting his bike.

Rias turns her head to someone else in the room. "There already here... tell the others."

Rayne rides out to go to another church nearby where he and his partner Gabriel will be meeting together, he doesn't return to the apartment to get his weapons because he will use the ones Gabriel has. Took fifteen minutes to get to this church and he parts at the front of it, taking off his helmet and fixing his hair before turning it off and heading inside where it's just him and Gabriel.

Gabriel stands at the front looking at the large cross above him near the altar. He turns back, looking at Rayne. "Glad your here on time." He walks over to him

"I am here right... now what's going on?"

"More of these monsters... Devils are located at a park near here. I'm going to clear them out."

"You're going to clear them out... without me?" He sighs and turns his head to the side


He looks back to him "Hey i haven't killed any of these Devils for almost a few weeks now... pretty much ever since i dated Yuuma and..." He turns his head to the side seeing a girl coming out of the room; she covered her long hair and had a shy look.

"This is Asia." Gabriel said and walks over to her "You need to look after her. An angel will come to get her and i don't want any Devils getting their hands on her."

"Why not?"

"Because she has healing abilities that's what." He places his hand on her shoulder 'Just... protect her until i come back, then maybe we can go on a hunt together for more devils."

He sighs yet again "You better give me your word Gabriel... i don't like being pushed to the side."

Gabriel walks over to him "And i thought you wanted to have a life with someone... guess you still want revenge huh."

He remains silent after that looking away for the moment. "Once this mission is done we can continue as planned. I will be back in a few hours." He walks past him about to head out the door.

Rayne looks back "Return back you hear me?" He said to him before he walks out that door "Don't die on me."

He keeps walking and moves his hand to the side giving him the thumbs up, after that Rayne looks back looking at Asia and stays here with her until this angel arrives since this isn't the first time Rayne and Gabriel made deals with angels about people like her although this is the first time Rayne will get to see an angel for the first time.

While Gabriel heads out to deal with Stray Devils in the park at night Rayne sits down on one of the benches in the church looking at Asia who is on her knees looking up and praying for protection in this holy church, Rayne would just sit there and leans back on his seat looking up at the cross and a few statues around the area not thinking about joining in.

Asia gets up off the floor and stops praying, she looks back to Rayne "Do you want to join?"

"I'll pass thanks..."

She walks over to him and sits next to him. "Is this your first time seeing an angel? It's my first time too."

"Glad you like it... although i don't think this angel will look any good from what the bible talks about them."

"Hmmnn..." She looks down at his hands seeing him wearing a black and silver ring with a skull on it with red eyes "I... like your ring..."

He looks at her for the moment not saying anything then looks down at it moving his finger over it. "Is that a problem in here?"

"Oh no..." She moves back waving her hands forward "Just a conversation..."

"Well if you must know... my older brother gave me this ring."

"That's nice... is he a hunter like you?"

"..." He remains silent once she said that he looks forward and stays silent for the time being until finally. "My brother is dead."

"Oh... i am sorry... i guess your parents a –"

"There dead as well... everyone in my family is gone except for me..."

"I am... sorry so sorry..."

"It's fine... the only family i have now is Gabriel, i do have a girlfriend and she is pretty much giving me life in this world. Right now i just keep going and keep doing what i do best, killing these Devils."

"But... why would you kill any Devils?"

"Because they –" A window behind them that was above the front door shatters to pieces making Rayne and Asia jump off their seats and looks back, Rayne quickly looks over seeing someone coming out of the window and smacking hard on the floor. "... Gabriel!"

Gabriel lies there with cuts and stab wounds on his ċhėst, arms and face but he had these deep cuts on the side of his face like they were clawed there. Rayne runs over while Asia remains where she is and Rayne tries to check his pulse but it was too late, Gabriel is dead.

Rayne quickly looks back over to Asia "Heal him quickly!"

"But... i... can't..."

Rayne gets up and walks over to her in an angry look "What do you mean you can't?!"

"I can't bring people back to life... i am sorry..."

"Damn it!" He turns back and walks back to Gabriel, he goes on his knees looking down at him. "Gabriel you son of a bitch... you shouldn't have went out there without a partner... damn you..."

"Rayne... the angels are coming they can help us." Asia said

He looks back to her but doesn't say anything then looks back to Gabriel and moves his hand through his coat to see if he has a gun and he does, he holds a silver handgun that is a 1911 colt with strange runes over it. He loads it and gets ready to move out by placing the gun at the back of his waist placing it through his pants.

He looks back to her "Stay here... the angels will come soon."

"What are you doing?'

"I'm heading out there, going to finish the job. Lock the door when i leave Asia..." He starts walking out of there "This is the last time we meet Asia, nice talking to you." He starts running out of there heading towards his bike and gets ready to ride out of here heading to the location where Gabriel was killed, although he did started to wonder how come his body crashed here since the park was miles away, no way a Devil would just do that unless they want him there but he will go anyway.

Rayne gets there when the sun is almost down and waits for a while before he goes in, he checks his handgun then gets off his bike and leaves it there and heads through the park walking along the path until he reaches the site where Gabriel fought. Rayne keeps going holding his gun and has this serious look he hasn't had before, he keeps going holding that gun with two hands to it in front of him aiming it at the ground until he found the fountain where he will find blood on the ground but no bodies or anyone around it was a ghost town but in a park.

Rayne moves his gun to the side of himself as he looks around but before he tries to take a step back he started to hear something, some strange roar would occur behind the fountain and when Rayne walks around the fountain he finds something, a Stray Devil devouring an innocent civilian who got at the wrong place at the wrong time. This monster looks small and gray looking, long arms that can reach its knees, the creature stops eating that woman and turns its head back showing this large mouth with sharp bloodied teeth and no eyes whatsoever only ears that could hear and use for sight.

"You're not the one I'm looking for." He aims his gun at the creature hearing it screech out loud and quickly fires landing two bullet shots to the head and one more to the ċhėst sending it falling back on the ground.

Those bullet shots had this red strange thing on the bullets and every time when that gun is fired anyone can see a red line where the bullet goes to and those bullet holes started to have this red veins around the wounds. Blood spills out of the creature but it isn't over yet as he can hear more of these screeches nearby probably four more are coming, he walks back and stays away from the fountain and notices the sun is down and will be hard for him to shoot through the trees to get his targets to a fatal kill.

"Come on you sons of bitches..." He mumbles to himself "I'm waiting for someone else..."

He can hear a screech to the left of him he quickly looks over and fires two shots in the darkness making a one hit on the creature as it runs around, Rayne runs forward then looks back hearing the creature he looks back and fires taking the creature with a headshot and sending it falling in the fountain letting the blood flow through the water turning it all into black. He looks back and another one is nearby behind him he quickly fires three shots at it taking that creature out when it tries to charge at him but failed, letting it fall to the ground in front of him.

Two more come from the shadows on his right he quickly looks out and starts shooting six times hitting the trees and missing them when they run around, he keeps shooting at one of them and manage to get a shot to the leg letting it fall to the ground but still alive. Rayne moves backwards and looks to the side seeing the fourth creature just in time but when it swung its arm it manage to cut his right arm when he backed off, he quickly moves his gun to his left hand and starts shooting at the creature almost five times as it charges again swinging both arms at him, once that Stray Devil is dead he quickly looks back at the wounded one and suddenly he got himself tackled to the ground by it, letting it fall on top of him he starts shooting four times to the ċhėst until it dies causing the creature to fall on top of him letting the blood spill over his ċhėst.

Rayne slowly pushed the Stray Devil off of him and pushes it to the ground, slowly getting up off the ground turning his back to the fountain as someone stood there. Rayne looks down at his bloodied shirt and holds his gun with one hand but when he looks forward he can tell someone stands behind him, Rayne quickly turns back aiming his gun at someone seeing a person with black wings who is Raynare.

"Hello Rayne..." She smiles at him and crosses her arms underneath her brėȧsts.

"An angel..." He lowers his gun

"I am sorry Rayne... but i have to do this..."

"Do what... bring the Stray Devils here?"

She shakes her head and still smiles at him then she moves her arms down and quickly summons an angel spear in front of them, showing this purple energy spear she quickly throws it towards him before he had a chance to react. That spear impales through his ċhėst sending him taking a few steps back, eyes widen and gasp, slowly looking down at the spear then falls on his knees looking back to Raynare.

"Nice knowing you Rayne... you and Gabriel have been doing a good job... but you two needed to be taken care of." She walks over to him.

Rayne just remains silent due to coughing out blood and when the spear vanishes, more blood gusts out of his body, he looks down coughing blood and Raynare would kick him to the ċhėst pushing him back and sending him to the ground.

"Farewell Rayne..." She takes flight and flies out of there heading to the clouds so no one can see her, leaving Rayne where he is.

He just lies there on the ground with a hole through his ċhėst looking up at the skies with his eyes open. "This is it..." He said in his mind as he couldn't do anything else. "After everything... i.. Have done... it ends here..." He started to see flashbacks of the ones who were close to him. "Gabriel... Yuuma... my family... i have failed you all. All i wanted to do is... to avenge you all from him..."

Rayne could hear someone walking towards him from behind hearing the echo of those heels of a woman walking towards this bloody mess, it was Rias coming towards him walking nearby and standing next to him looking down at him having the same look when she met him for the first time.

"Is that a wish?" She asked looking at him but he was pretty much out of it "Then i will take that as a yes." She started to glow in this red energy as some red symbol appears underneath her, the same one that is on that paper he got from before. "Stay alive Rayne... your journey has just begun."

Chapter End

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