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Chapter 38 - High school DxD Fan-fiction 4 - New Devil for Rias Gremory

Plot: A Devil goes by the name of Sebastian has his life turned around as he was killed and revived by Rias to make him a slave to her, thanks to what Rias did Sebastian will have to get stronger for her to fight against so many powerful foes who wants Sebastian dead, now he will change his life around all thanks to the one he will soon fall in love with.

Pairing: OCxRais

NOTE: Is not set in the time line of the anime, it is set in the medieval period, the peerage is mainly the same with some exceptions, such as Issei. Enjoy!

The world is set in the medieval age but higher than that as the human race possess great power thanks to the devils, angels, fallen angels, vampires, dragons and any other supernatural species they serve and protect against the other races. The humans grant their powers by serving these species but all this turns to violent as these races declared war against each other for dominance over others, fighting all over the world for many years but finally the leaders of these races decided to make a peace treaty to stop the bloodshed before it's too late. It worked and caused all the races to stay away from one another and the humans were told not to possess any of their powers again but there are those who survived the war and still possess the powerful abilities that they use for themselves and others especially this half devil that goes by the name of Sebastian, a strong muscular man with long black hair and carries a large red great sword with spikes on the top part of the blade.

Sebastian was a part of a fighting clan that has many humans there that possess the other races abilities; they were ordered by the leader to destroy these beings with their powers as they will never declare war against the human race. Sebastian was a strong member but then he was kicked out for being weak to them, he wanted to show them how strong he is but he couldn't persuade them to let him back in so he fights alone against these humans and by doing so he keeps increasing his powers every time he slaughters a person who possess devil powers, trying to become a full fledge devil and show the clan how strong he can really be.

He continues wondering around the lands ignoring the devils that controls mansions and a large city, he has been dealing with some stray devils around their borders but he doesn't want to enter their cities or other places to deal with them, he only cares for that fighting clan dead and he will get rid of them but then he would have to deal with those stronger than him including a devil that goes by the name of Razziel the third strongest member they have in the clan and Sebastian has been fighting him a few times but couldn't defeat him, this time this is going to be his last battle.

Sebastian heads to an academy close to the devils borders; it's being controlled by the angels and devils just to make the two sides be at peace so they can work together on taking out this clan that they do not know yet, they do know that Sebastian was a part of this and wanted him there so they can get answers from him but it's harder than they thought it would.

"Sebastian... are you going to help us or not?" said a devil council member, sitting with four other members, three of them are angels, the devils are wearing darker red armour while the angels light blue and silver armour, all not showing their true appearances.

Sebastian leans against the wall "This is the last time I'm telling you... i am going to hunt them myself and kill every last one of them." He looked angry as he looks towards them, he was wearing black and darker red clothes, and his clothes were a bit cut due to fighting a while ago.

"Then you are going to die alone out there Sebastian... we know your story and you will not defeat all of them alone... you need to cooperate with us."

"I am out of here... screw all of you." He walks out the door, one of them stood out and yelled out his name but he ignored him and kept on walking, shutting the door behind him.

He walks down the stairs and stops halfway looking at two of the devils he met a while ago. He talks to them for a while before heading out.

"I can't believe your actually turn against the council members... pretty badass right there." Said one of the males

Sebastian leans against the wall crossing his arms "This is personal, this is why i don't want anyone with me... i want to deal with my problems myself."

"Can't take on the whole world Sebastian everyone knows that."

"I know but still..." he yawns a bit then notices three women standing on the top of the stairs looking down at them "It's her..."

The other guys look up seeing them "No way..."

The woman on the right was wearing black tight attire along with a cross pendant on her ċhėst, she covered herself a bit with white cloths, covering her short blue hair with her hood and holds a sword on her right hand. The one on the left was wearing a black short dress with long black hair of a pony tail, the one in the middle had long red hair wearing a red dress; a short skirt and revealed her ċhėst a bit but still covers her brėȧst, long red boots. Sebastian knew they were nobles from one of the mansions, he looks away as the three starts to walk downstairs, just when they move past the guys the woman in red looks over to Sebastian and slightly smiles before walking away from them, heading outside of the academy and soon they teleport together to the mansion, using a red symbol underneath them to vanish back home.

Sebastian shakes his head "I got to get out of here." He starts walking off not saying a goodbye to the others; he heads outside and then spreads his devil wings. Flying off elsewhere away from the borders.

The three women moves inside the two story mansion, the woman in red walks upstairs while the other two walks off elsewhere, she heads to an office room and then locks the door as she enters inside, she walks to the table in the middle of the room that has two couches on both sides, she touches the table and a small symbol like before appears, it moves up and creates a sort of hologram of Sebastian flying off elsewhere. She would sit in front of her office table looking at Sebastian, she smiles again watching him.

Sebastian lands somewhere in the forest, he looks around before his wings returns to his back then starts walking off, he would draw his large sword and holds it with one hand as he sense he's being watched.

"I know you're out there... come out!" He shouts out looking around the place

"Easy there slayer you will wake up the neighbours." Someone stands behind him; he was wearing black plated armour, black hair and red eyes, holds a sword on his belt and was taller than Sebastian.

"Was waiting for you to show up." Sebastian said as he looks back at him "Razziel." He rise his sword towards him "I'm going to kill you."

He draws his sword and aims at him "Dream on... you're too weak to defeat me."

The two would suddenly vanish then they stand in the middle, clashing their swords together, both were holding each other but then Sebastian grabs his neck and pushes him back but then Razziel ducks down and makes him flip over him, falling on the ground behind him then he jumps up and swings his sword at Sebastian but he blocks it and swings up before getting up but he crouches down looking up at Sebastian.

"You're weak Sebastian... no wonder you were a slave to them." He moves back and three swords appear floating at the top of his head.

Sebastian got even angrier and charges towards him striking the sword he holds then notices one of the blades above him moves up and dives down to stab his face but he grabs it with one hand to the blade, ignoring the cut but then Razziel raise his hand in front of him, sending a blue beam out of his hand and knocking him flying back, smashing through two trees and landing on the ground with a few cuts.

"That all you got?" he starts walking towards him then grabs one of the blades above him to dual wield.

Sebastian gets back up ignoring the burnt marks he's got from the blast, he then rips off his shirt and holds his sword with two hands "It's my turn" His sword lights in bright red flames that wraps around his blade, he then fires it towards him sending the flames off of his blade and towards Razziel.

Razziel swings his sword to block the flames as it swarms around him but it doesn't hurt his body thanks to his armour but he swings down to make the flames vanish, giving Sebastian to stand in front of him to swing down at him, cutting through one of his swords and giving him a cut to his ċhėst. He kicks Razziel back and was going to finish this off with one swing of his sword; it wraps in flames again to hit him with his sword without firing off the flames, making it stronger.

"It's over bitch!" he yells at him to swing but he suddenly ducks underneath and stabs his other sword on his foot then summons five blades above him, sending them down to stab the back of his body five times, some even went through his body.

Razziel gets up as he looks at Sebastian just standing there lowing his sword but still stood there. "You got alot of guts i give you that, you are still able to survive six stabs of my sword but in the end you are not strong enough to take me down."

Razziel grabs his neck and lifts him up off the ground, his blades vanishes out of his body and he starts to walk towards the edge looking down at the ocean, he moves his body off the land and let him float there while holding his neck. "Goodbye Sebastian." He moves his other hand back and then punches through his ċhėst

Sebastian would yell out in pain as he got punched through, he lets go of him and lets him fall into the ocean, he watches Razziel looks down as he falls then it turn to black as he crashed through the water, he would start to sink into the darkness seeing only his blood rising up from the water, slowly closing his eyes as this is the end for him.

"It's over... i failed... i wanted to be strong... but i guess this is the end for me." He said in his mind "They were right about me... i am weak... i do not want to be a slave to the devils anymore... i wanted to fight against them but now i am useless... im nothing but a waste of time..."

"You are chosen." A female voice suddenly appeared in his mind, a soft voice made him open his eyes and he sees a red and black energy coming from a symbol he saw before when the women vanished, it would wrap him up in this energy before he hits the ground. He would close his eyes again as he ran out of oxygen.

Suddenly he would slowly wake up, he was in a room that looks dark as the windows were covered up, he lies on a king size bed, also was dark with darker red and black. He slowly sits up placing his hand at the back of his head looking around the place, knowing he's in a bedroom but doesn't know where he is and even forgot the fact that he just died a while ago.

"Where am i?" he said as his eyes were half open "What am i doing here?" he moves the blanket down noticing he's nȧkėd "Where the hell is my clothes?" he looks around then notices someone was in bed with him but was underneath the quilt cover.

He pulls the cover away and noticed the woman from before, the red haired woman lying there asleep and is completely nȧkėd with him. "What the hell!?" he moves back and falls off the bed, she slowly opens her eyes and sits up, she would yawn before looking at Sebastian.

"You're... your bloody nȧkėd!" He yelled at her then looks away.

She looks down at Sebastian and smiles "Morning."

"Morning? That's all you have to say to me?!"

She would fix her hair and sits to the side of the bed looking at him "Nice to see you in person... I am Rias Gremory... and you Sebastian are my new slave."

Chapter End

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