Fanfiction Collection + EPub Links

Chapter 86 - SI+OC Fanfiction Mega Link

There is about 600ish Self Insert and Original Character Fanfictions.

Take note that most of them are OC, just because not many people write and complete an SI fanfiction ...

I'll make sure to update the folder every once in a while when I stumble upon more SI + OC novels in the future.

Also, some people are asking for Fan-fic recommendations for other fandoms such as JoJo and MHA, however I haven't seen/read these before. So I will just stick to the fandoms I have read/watched.

Anyways, enjoy! :P

SI+OC Fanfics (~600):

P.s. I know that tend to censor some words and web links, message/comment if any of my links cannot be seen or is censored out.

-Pink Bunny

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