Many young people on the flying boat seemed to have great confidence in the young man named Mu Bai.

Even the division commander who was the head escort turned around and smiled: "Mu Bai doesn't need to be anxious, you have achieved quasi-sainthood in a hundred years, and you have become a half-step king in four hundred years, even the old dean has said, as long as you go to the battlefield to complete the experience, you are expected to achieve the supreme position within a thousand years!" You are the first day of our Chiyan Star. "

The half-step king is equivalent to the peak quasi-saint realm where Zhurong and the others are.

And because the Terrans here have abundant resources and a favorable environment, even if ordinary people are born, it won't be long before they can achieve a fairyland!

It can be said that the creatures in the god world are generally immortal, even if a hundred years old is still equivalent to the growth period of childhood, and when it reaches a thousand years old, it can be regarded as young and strong.

Of course, immortality is immortality, and immortality are two concepts.

Because of the competition of ten thousand races in the God Realm, whether it is to compete for resources or resist invasions, even if everyone lives forever, the people here are still active and enterprising, which is also the reason why the Terrans can occupy a place in the God Realm.

In the affirmation of everyone, the man named Mu Bai nodded quite seriously, and then continued to look outward in the direction Chen Su left.

"Can you become a Dao Saint in a thousand years..."

In the distance, Chen Su heard their conversation before leaving, and his heart moved slightly.

This place is really amazing, any genius on the stars can become a Dao Saint for a thousand years!

You must know that in the flood wilderness, many people can't even do Da Luo Golden Immortal for a thousand years....

That's a big gap.

"The Great Dao Saint only needs a thousand years?"

Luo Xiao and Tong Tian and the others were stunned.

They had not been able to take this step in the Flood Desolation for endless years, and any person here was so strong, which made their only advantage disappear in an instant.

The expressions of each saint became a little heavy.

You must know that they are the pinnacle of talent and talent in the entire flood waste!

Life is not weaker than others, except for Chen Su.

But Chen Su is a demon! How can ordinary people compare?

If you really want to calculate it, Chen Su's time to become a Dao Saint is less than when the genius became a quasi-saint just now...

So the gap they felt in Chen Su was completely accustomed to it.

But there are so many geniuses here who are all so good, it is very shocking.

"Don't worry about it."

Chen Su saw the thoughts of several people and smiled and said, "They have special cultivation methods, and with your talents, they will not be weaker than anyone else if they obtain their cultivation methods in the future."

He was telling the truth, the talents of Tongtian, Nuwa, and Renwang did not need to be doubted at all, no matter where they were placed, they were also first-class geniuses.

If there are equal resources and cultivation methods, the achievement will not be low.

"Cultivation method..."

everyone's expressions moved, Chen Su had said before when he became a Dao Saint, that is, the Supreme, that he had obtained the cultivation method, and they didn't believe it at that time...

Of course, now I definitely believe it.

"Chen Su, what's going on with this cultivation method? Can it really make us grow by leaps and bounds? Tong Tian said hesitantly, a little unsure of such a good thing.

After countless years of hardship in the flood wilderness, when they came to the God Realm, someone suddenly told them that they could leap to the realm they had dreamed of before, which was really a little apprehensive.

Chen Su nodded: "The cultivation method here should be similar to my cultivation method, it is a method that points directly to the origin, if they can do it, you can do the same, after going to the Eternal God Dynasty this time, you can start looking for the cultivation method." "

He's the same.

As long as he had a place to stay, it was time for him to look for the next stage of his cultivation path.

After all, Daozang only recorded the path of the Great Avenue of Power to achieve the Great Avenue, and then the Dao Nine Heavens behind it was gone.

He still didn't know what kind of situation the Dao Nine Heavens was.

"Well, if there really is this cultivation method, I will definitely be able to go to the next level!"

Luo Xiao, and even the people who raised their eyebrows showed excitement.

If a small doll here can become a Dao Saint, then with their talents, they can't become a God Realm powerhouse comparable to the Lord of the God Dynasty?

For a while, everyone was looking forward to going to the Eternal God Dynasty, and even the dark starry sky on the road felt more magnificent and beautiful.

Chen Su smiled and hurried away.

Originally, he planned to inquire about the direction of the Eternal God while moving forward, but now that he had the flying boat behind, he would save trouble.

He walked not fast or slowly, always one step faster than the flying boat behind, seemingly walking together, but in fact following the flying boat.

Because he had just heard that the destination of this group of people was the Eternal God Dynasty.

Time passes.

The journey was very long, even at Chen Su's speed, he could not see his destination for three whole days.

Listening to the small talk of the people on the flying boat, it will take three days to arrive.

Although this road is relatively boring, listening to the conversation of the young people on the flying boat is not boring, but very rewarding.

For example, ascenders like Chen Su!

That is, the characters who have crossed from the small world are called ascenders.

Although there are not many ascenders in this world, there are not a few!

And people like them are extremely popular!

There is no such thing as hostility and contempt.

Because every small world was originally a talent reserve for the God Realm! Actually, it's one.

Moreover, the conditions in the small world are difficult, and those who can soar in the small world are the best talents even in the god world!

What's more, all those who can soar to the top, at least have peak kings and kings, which can be said to be very high-quality new forces.

The most important thing is that the Ascension is a person who is innocent and has no connection with any forces in the God Realm! There is no doubt about it!

Strength, clean identity, zero network!

This is simply a powerful boost that every force craves.

So much so that all the ascended people would receive a warm invitation after coming to the Divine Realm.

Therefore, Chen Su knew that his initial caution was actually completely unnecessary, and the identities of their group could be revealed at will.

This also dispelled his last doubts.

Day 4.

Chen Su, who was walking in front, could not only see the trajectory of the flying boat clearly, but also ensure that he would not be discovered by the other party, suddenly stopped his footsteps and looked back at the rear.

Under his perception, behind Chiyan Xing's flying boat, a void was suddenly torn open!

Then an incomparably large black figure crawled out of the void crack.

This figure is like a black gold pouring throughout, shining with a metallic luster, with six blood-red eyes on its face, six arms on its back, and a unicorn with spiral patterns, like a troll!


With a suffocating roar, the troll stepped out of the air, and six eyes looked at the flying boat sharply and coldly: "Very good, the Terran Mu Bai is really here." "

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