Which of the people present does not control the life and death of tens of thousands of people, and some people go to find death, they naturally will not stop it.

Anyway, the one who should be reminded has already reminded that if you have to send it to death, then no one else is to blame.

In addition to paying attention to people's feelings and worldliness, there are also grudges and grudges, and those things that fight and kill have long been common.

People in the rivers and lakes, they can't help themselves, this is not just talk.

After the five people discussed these things, Nangong Ruoshui, Liuyun, and Kong Ming all left the Tianji Pavilion one after another.

At this time, Xiaoyaozi looked at Tianjizi and said, "Why didn't you tell the truth just now? "

Tianjizi stroked his beard with one hand and looked at Xiaoyaozi with a smile: "Is it important to say it or not?" "

"Things have happened and are moving in unpredictable directions."

"The worst outcome, we already know! Why bother with the process! "

Xiaoyaozi suddenly had nothing to say, and then sighed.


"Today's rivers and lakes are really eventful!"

Looking at the sad and compassionate Xiaoyaozi, Tianjizi slowly said: "Some things can not be changed if you want to, if you insist on doing so, once you intervene, the end may be even worse, and I am afraid that it will be difficult to protect yourself at that time!" "

"The Dao Sect was established by the Ziyun Daoist people, and it has been nearly a thousand years now."

"It is said that a century-old dynasty, a thousand-year family. The heritage of a family is no worse than those of your thousand-year-old sects. "

"What's more, it's still a family of martial generals! It can coexist with the Great Xia Dynasty for three hundred years, and it is not for nothing in this! "

"After all that, you have to think about it!"

After speaking, Tianjizi closed his eyes.

Xiaoyaozi frowned, not knowing what he was thinking.

Tianjizi made it very clear that if Xiaoyaozi insisted on intervening in the battle between the Ye family and the royal family, even the Taoist family that had been passed down for thousands of years was likely to collapse!

On the one hand, the incense inheritance, on the other hand, it is related to the life and death of countless people, and it is really difficult for him to choose.

Xiaoyaozi, named Xiaoyao, is he really Xiaoyao?

He left the Tianji Pavilion in a daze, and no one knew where he was going.


Time passed like a white horse, and a few days passed in the blink of an eye.

Shenshui Palace, Ethereal Palace and Daozong, these three super forces made a sound, signaling that the people in the rivers and lakes should not get involved in the court battle.

With their voices, some slightly intelligent quacks instantly understood and withdrew from the alliance on the spot.

For a time, the leaf-sweeping alliance formed by countless rivers and lakes forces was loud and rainy small.

This is the horror of those super powers, and a casual word can make countless people in the rivers and lakes follow orders.

Daxia Imperial Palace, inside the palace.

After Emperor Xia received this news, he was so angry that he dropped several cups in a row.

I thought that these people in the rivers and lakes could make a little trouble for the Ye family, but as a result, those super forces actually intervened sideways and disrupted his plan.

Now, no matter what relationship Tianluo Di Net has with the Ye family, anyway, these two are enemies of the royal family.

"Since you jianghu sects have already intervened in it, how can there be any reason to retreat!"

"If you don't shoot, it's because there's not enough blood."

"Since thousands of people have died, please do not move you, then tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands!"

"I don't believe it, when the entire rivers and lakes are bloody and corpses are strewn all over the field, you super forces can still sit still?"

"Since the Ye family has been cowering in Liangzhou, then Xu will call them out!"

"Hmph, by then, I don't know if you so-called leaf sweeping alliances can endure it!"

At this moment, Emperor Xia's eyes radiated a ruthless color.

If the Ye family really went out of Liangzhou, then the sweeping Ye Meng would not dare to make a move, which would be a joke.

Emperor Xia This is a Yang scheme, those people in the rivers and lakes have to make a move, but once they make a move, this is another bloody killing, and the grudge between the Ye family and the rivers and lakes is deeper.

"Coming!" Emperor Xia shouted.

Cao Zhengde hurriedly came to the side of Emperor Xia and bowed: "Your Majesty, the minister is here!" "

Emperor Xia glanced at Cao Zhengde, put his hands behind his back and said: "Emperor Taishang's seventieth birthday is coming, and after seven days, he will put on a banquet and entertain hundreds of officials." You sent invitations to the ministers of the prefectures and counties, especially General Ye, who was once the beloved general of his father and emperor and had made a lot of meritorious achievements for the Great Xia Dynasty, and you must invite him this time, do you remember clearly? "

"Yes, the minister remembered!" Cao Zhengde responded seriously.

"Get down!" Emperor Xia waved his hand.

Cao Zhengde retreated in response and soon went to work.


On the other side, the Ye family.

Old man Ye was as usual, holding a fan in his hand and smoking a cigarette in his mouth.

In the past few days, things have calmed down a little, but he knows in his heart that the royal family must be brewing some conspiracy.

He also learned the news of the destruction of the Rakshasa Hall, which shocked him at that time.

At the same time, he also has a preliminary understanding of the strength of the Tianluo Earth Network, and can overthrow the Rakshasa Hall and even kill two Transcendent Realm killers, which shows that this force has at least four, or even more, Transcendent Realm powerhouses.

As soon as he thought of this, he felt good in his heart, and he was even more curious about where his grandson had found so many super strong people.

"I can't see through Chen'er more and more, and every time it surprises me! I thought it touched his core, but these are the tip of the iceberg that he deliberately revealed! "

"Hey, I wanted to go to his place again, but I couldn't find a suitable reason!"

Thinking about it, Ye Dingtian took a deep breath of his cigarette.

Looking at the superb cigarette in his hand, smoking half of it himself, and half of it in the wind, he was even more depressed.

Meanwhile, Lake Roselle.

Ye Chen was riding a large boat, leaning on the edge of the fence, holding the bait in his hand and feeding the fish.

Although a few days ago, the Arowana was slightly lectured by Ye Chen, but the bloodline power hidden in its body also stimulated a point, and the injuries quickly healed, and the scales that fell also grew, and even the body grew a lot, originally only about three feet, but now it is almost four feet.

Now the Arowana is a lot safer, and sometimes in order to ask for a little more food, he constantly performs Ye Chen's unique skill of spitting bubbles in the water!

Time passes slowly in such leisurely days.

The next day, Cao Zhengde's arrival immediately made the entire Ye family boil.

At this time, Cao Zhengde looked at Ye Dingtian and Ye Wudao's father and son and said: "Old General Ye, the seventieth birthday of the Emperor Taishang is coming after the sixth day, His Majesty has set up a banquet for this and invited hundreds of officials, and the old general used to be the favorite general of the Emperor Taishang, the old general can't not go!" "

Ye Wudao on the side suddenly felt bad, and his heart was full of worry.

And Ye Dingtian was expressionless: "On the birthday of the emperor, the old man will naturally go!" This time, Lord Lao Cao sent an invitation from thousands of miles away! "

"Old General, you are polite, since the invitation has been delivered, the subordinate will go back to resume his life first!" Cao Zhengde said.

"So anxious? Do you want to take a sip of tea before leaving? Ye Dingtian said.

"Thank you for the old general's kindness, but the emperor's order is important, and the subordinate still goes back first!" After speaking, he didn't wait for Ye Dingtian to speak, and then turned around and left Ye Mansion.

Cao Zhengde didn't dare to stay in the Ye family, if it was rumored that he was secretly colluding with the Ye family, then he wouldn't be able to eat and go.

Looking at Cao Zhengde's departing figure, Ye Wudao frowned and said, "Dad, there must be a conspiracy in this!" "

Ye Dingtian glanced at Ye Wudao: "Even you can see it, do you still need to say this?" "

"Seventieth birthday, a banquet, a banquet!"

"Huh! There is no good banquet, and the banquet is also for hundreds of officials, I am afraid that the drunk does not mean to drink! "

"A good move Yang Mou, a good move to lure the snake out of the hole!"

"Daddy, what are we going to do now?" Ye Wudao couldn't make up his mind at this time.

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