Since Ye Xiaoyun returned to Los Angeles, Cangyun City has not been to it again.

In the past, in Cangyun City, it was just to build a home for the people.

Now, the Ye family is not in the court, and these trivial matters naturally do not need him.

Now, when the war comes, it is always the poor people living at the lowest level who suffer, but the Ye family has no way.

In this day and age, life is cheap.

In a world where the law of the jungle, weakness is original sin.

And the Ye family is not a virgin family, where there is a war, they quickly run to stop it.

At their level, many things can be seen very clearly.

If there is no benefit, they will not do it.

Even, without interests, for the development of the family, it is necessary to create interests.

It's not that they are cold-blooded and ruthless, but after too many things, they see away a lot.

They paid so much for Daxia, what did they get in the end? It's just empty! If it weren't for his family's deep heritage, I am afraid that it would be difficult to even survive.

On the other side, Los Angeles, the backyard of the Ye family.

Old man Ye was lying on the recliner, his feet on a stone table, humming a little tune in his mouth, and he seemed to be in a good mood.

At this time, Ye Wudao ran over.

"Daddy, it's a fight! Nanling dispatched nearly a million soldiers and horses this time! Even their elite iron horses and the Golden Hundred Battle Army were all dispatched! "

"Hmm~, the Golden Hundred Battle Army! That's kind of interesting! Ye Dingtian said with his eyes closed.

"Okay, I already know the matter, you go and get busy with your business first!"

"Uh..." Ye Wudao was startled when he heard this, and the enemies had hit the door, feeling that his father seemed to be indifferent.

Although the Ye family is now far away from the affairs of the court, the former Ye family is a fierce general, and many soldiers of the Nanling Dynasty have died in their hands.

Such hatred, just by withdrawing from the court, can you stay out of the matter?

And can the Nanling Dynasty really let go of this?

The answer is clearly impossible!

"Dad, the Ye family has nothing to do today! The two brats of Xiaoyun and Qingfeng have now traveled, and Xiaoxue has been noisy all day to go out, and the Tiger Legion has also been placed. "

"The next way, I really don't know how to go!"

"How about you always show me the way?"

After speaking, Ye Wudao looked at his father with a blank eye, begging for a suggestion.

"Bright road? The road is under your feet, you can walk as you want! Does anyone dare to stop you'? Ye Dingtian said disdainfully.

"Ah, this... That being said, I'm afraid I'm going wrong! For fear of bringing danger to the Ye family. Ye Wudao said weakly.

Ye Wudao's words were even more displeased in the ears of the old man, and he immediately snorted coldly: "Hmph, this is also afraid, that is also afraid, simply don't be the lord of this family, let the virtuous early, so as not to occupy Maoken and not!" "


Ye Wudao still wanted to speak, but was interrupted by Ye Dingtian.

"But what, nothing, get out! Go back to your room, think about the next way, don't come out to eat if you don't figure it out! "

"Still stunned for what, hurry up, save the eyes here in Laozi!"

Seeing that Ye Wudao was still stunned in place, the old man scolded again.

"I'll go, Daddy, don't be angry!" After that, Ye Wudao turned around and left quickly.

Looking at Ye Wudao's figure, Ye Dingtian immediately became angry: "What a pig brain!" "

"They beat them, what is the matter with my Ye family? As long as it doesn't come to provoke us, everything is good to say. "

"If you dare to break into Los Angeles, come an old man to kill one, and come to a pair of old men to kill a pair!"

"If they are not afraid of death, then they will directly kill him as a river of blood, and the sky will be dark, until Los Angeles has become a forbidden place in their hearts from now on!"

"Let them understand, what kind of background does the Ye family have to dare to oppose the imperial dynasty, really think that the knife in Lao Tzu's hand is not good for the rope, and it can't kill people?"

"If the old man initiates a ruthless attack, even he is afraid!"


Roselle House.

At this time, Ye Chen was also like Old Master Ye, lying on the recliner with his eyes closed.

"Young Lord, now the Nanling Imperial Dynasty has really dispatched nearly a million soldiers and horses, as well as tens of thousands of elite iron horses, just the first round of charge, the Liangzhou border can no longer be defended." Tian Yan will know the information in detail. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Hmm!" Ye Chen closed his eyes and snorted, and then continued, "This is all expected, nothing surprising!" "

"If Nanling can't even invade the Liangzhou border, then it's called strange!"

"By the way, have the detailed information of those three disciples of Qianjun been collected?"

Tian Yan nodded: "Luo Yunfei, steady personality, cautious work, although he is young, but the way of using the army, can be described as divine, there are rumors that this person in the art of war, has been better than the blue!" "

"Oh~, so powerful!" Ye Chen was a little surprised, he didn't expect that this Luo Yunfei actually had such a talent in the art of war.

"Go on!"

Tian Yan nodded: "Second disciple, Xue Bing, this person is not a worrier, but a martial artist, although the martial arts qualification is good, if you want to kill him, you can do it at any time!" "

These words made Ye Chen's originally closed eyes open instantly: "Luo Net even infiltrated the Nanling army?" "

Hearing this, Tian Yan smiled slightly: "A long time ago, I said that I would prepare a surprise for you." "

"Today, not only the armies of the Great Xia Dynasty and the Nanling Dynasty, but even the Tianshui Dynasty and the Chiyan Dynasty have our people!"

"I'll go, it's a big surprise! Unexpectedly, you were already laying out a few months ago, and with you, it really saved me a lot of heart! Ye Chen looked a little surprised, and looked at Tian Yan's undisguised praise.

"That's all I should do!" Tian Yan said with a smile.

I saw Tian Yan continue to say: "Qianjun's three disciples, if the first two are positive figures, then this third one is an out-and-out fierce person, who will stop at nothing to achieve his goals!" "

"Oh~! That's kind of interesting, how to say? Ye Chen was even more curious about Qian Jun's third disciple.

"Gu Qing, an orphan since childhood, has a withdrawn personality, but is very intelligent. In order to survive, he once snatched food with the vicious dog, but when he couldn't beat the vicious dog, he bit it with his teeth and killed the vicious dog abruptly, and since then, those who are also displaced people are very afraid of him! "

"Later, by chance, Qian Jun found that Gu Qing was brilliant, so he was named a third disciple."

"Although Gu Qingbai was under the Qianjun Gate, his fierce color was hidden, but those who had offended him were all killed by him one by one!"

"Even, in order to steal a steamed bun, after being discovered by the shopkeeper, he chased a whole street, he held a grudge. After he gained power, everyone in that steamed bun shop died overnight! "

"Moreover, there are countless such things, but Qian Jun does not know anything, which shows that his wisdom and means are extraordinary!"

"This Gu Qing is a ruthless person, I'd rather I bear the world's responsibilities than the world's people to bear me!" Ye Chen gave a pertinent evaluation fork. (of Zhao's)

"This person is not only intelligent, but also rewarded, and can endure pain that ordinary people cannot endure!"

"In this chaotic world, if you want to survive, you must be cruel to others and even more ruthless to yourself!"

"Pay attention to this Gu Qing, at the first opportunity, directly get rid of him, if you don't get rid of him, it will become a big disaster!"

"Such a person is even more terrifying than Xia Wuhe, he is like a poisonous snake hiding in the shadows, ready to give you a fatal blow at any time!"

"Although, we are not afraid, but what about the Ye family? I can't leave such an enemy in the world. "

Tian Yan nodded: "Actually, for this person, I have already issued an assassination mission!" "

In fact, there was no need for Ye Chen to explain, when Tian Yan got Gu Qing's detailed information, he was already on her must-kill list.

"Even so, you still have to be fully prepared, and such a person must be killed with one hit. If he does not succeed, then he will be hidden, dormant in the dark, and it will be difficult to have another chance to start! Ye Chen still reminded.

"I'll arrange some more manpower so that he can't escape!" After speaking, Tian Yan turned and left.

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