Chapter 576 Fight against the ancient prince! (For two more subscriptions!)

Primordial Ten Thousand Races have recovered, and the human race is weak, although Jiang Chen knows that there is probably a Human Race Great Emperor in the ancient forbidden area, and he is the most terrifying one.

However, the Great Emperor may not take action until the human race is destroyed.

not to mention.

Jiang Chen is also not sure if the emperor is sober from the chaotic state.

In his memory, there were some problems in the practice of the Great Emperor, the Dao Fruit was separated from the main body, and the main body was sleeping in the forbidden area.

The Ten Thousand Races Conference is still going on.

There are constant voices of arguments between the human race and the ancient race, and the two sides are deadlocked. The ancient race wants to divide the territory of the human race, but the human race does not agree.

“Emperor Wu Beginning is still alive, how dare the ancient people be so arrogant?!”

An old emperor of the immortal dynasty spoke.

“Even the ancient emperor can’t live for hundreds of thousands of years, how can the great emperor of the human race survive? I have been in Zishan for countless years, and although it was hazy at that time, I still feel that about 60,000 years ago, the great emperor without beginning has already passed away. Sitting, completely disappearing into this world.33

The emperor’s eyes flickered, and his body was shrouded in layers of divine light, and when he asked about Yun in such a scene, he immediately shocked everyone.

“Is that so?”

The hearts of countless ancestors were different, and they wanted to find the answer to this question. 080

If the Great Emperor Wushi dies, the human race will lose the capital that can finally negotiate with the ancient race.

“It’s hard to be sure!” The Emperor was determined.

“Humans don’t want to make mysteries again, there is no Beginning Great Emperor, there is no Great Emperor in the Human Race!

“Even gods like the undead emperor are buried in the long river of time, there is no way that the great emperor without beginning is still alive!

Hearing this, the immemorial kings became increasingly unkind, and began to intimidate the human race.

“Emperor Wushi is undefeated in his life, how can his power be guessed by you, don’t use your ignorant skills to read the majesty of my great emperor of the human race.

Jiang Chen, who hadn’t spoken for a long time, spoke up, making people excited.


The human race seems to regard Jiang Chen as the backbone. After all, if the Great Emperor Wushi is alive, the young leader of Taixuan will be the spokesman for the Great Emperor Wushi in the world.

No one dares to ignore it!

Suddenly, a loud noise came from outside the Jade Pond, and an ancient clan strode into the hall, looking at the ancient kings and saying a shocking news.

“The Conferred God List appeared in… The Great Emperor Wu Shi… is not dead!”

This news was like a thunderbolt, causing everyone present to fall into incomparable shock.

Fengshen Bang, that is the imperial treasure branded with the imprint of the Great Emperor Wushi, which contains immortal divinity, and it is impossible to manifest without the urging of the ancient emperor.


This ancient divine scroll traverses the Northern Territory, like immortal gold.

“The Beginning Emperor has shown a miracle!”

The human race cultivator was so excited that he cried, tears welling up in his eyes, and he couldn’t help kneeling in the direction where the Conferred God List appeared.

Not only the Yaochi Holy Land, but all the monks who saw this miracle in the Northern Territory worshiped it, while the ancient people were silent, all petrified, and their hearts were terrified.

The Emperor’s face was extremely ugly, as if someone had slapped him, making him look dazed.

“Hahaha, who was so sure that the Great Emperor Wubei was dead just now, and now his face is really hurting. If it is not for the gods and the world, I am afraid that he will continue to read the majesty of the Great Emperor.” Fatty Duan was very unkind, staring at the emperor. Black face laughed and almost fell to the ground.

Xiao Xuan, Tang Shan and the others all nodded, this time the emperor really hit the gun himself, and every time he spoke, he was slapped in the face, it was really unfortunate.

“It seems that Gai Jiuyou and Gu Tianshu started.

Jiang Chen knew about the plan of the two human race powerhouses a long time ago, and he also participated in it. He asked the Black Emperor to teach the two how to control the Fengshenbang, so that the two could take the Fengshenbang from the holy cliff.

“You must be cheating!” The emperor gritted his teeth and stared at Jiang Chen.

The only person he could think of with such means was Jiang Chen.

“Humans, only make these intrigues? 99

Although the ancients no longer believed in the Emperor’s words, Yuangu of Primordial Lake always stood on the same front (bddc) with the Emperor.

At this moment, he stood up to fish and questioned Jiang Chen.

“Aah, can the ancients also call instruments? I can’t get any evidence, so I just scream here, and I have the ability to fight the life and death of Yaochi.” Jiang Chen sneered.


As soon as these words came out, the audience suddenly burst into a commotion.

The place of life and death in Yaochi is the arena where the two sides who have a mortal feud will go to the arena. Once they step on the place of life and death, only one side will die in battle and the succession will stop.


Jiang Chen even diligently wanted to fight Yuan Gu for life and death.

“You’re so brave, then let me experience the greatness of the descendants of the Beginning Great Emperor!

Yuangu Changxiao, imposing manner, he was born earlier than the emperor, he has already taken the step of slashing the Tao, and has gone far in the realm of kings.

He has black hair and a shawl and is tall, very similar to the barbarians in Nanzhou.

“Will the descendants of the beginningless have a life-and-death confrontation with the blood of the ancient emperor of our clan?

“There is no doubt that he will die, the bloodline of the ancient emperor of our family is earlier than his, and he is stronger than him in terms of secret techniques and realms, he is dead!

The powerhouses of the younger generation of Yuanhu are shouting for the ancients, trying to weaken Jiang Chen’s morale and influence Jiang Chen’s Taoism.

“It’s really noisy!

Suddenly, a fierce light flashed, killing these ancient powerhouses like chopping melons and vegetables.

This is Ye Hei’s shot, ruthlessly killing these people, making the young generation of Primal Lake shut up.

“Please prove that no one can intervene in the life-and-death battle between me and the Primordial Lake Successor today. Jiang Chen’s voice penetrated the entire Jade Pool, and the powerhouses in Blood Phoenix Mountain and Huolin Cave all nodded. , has no effect on them.

“The battle of the same level, I have no reason to refuse.

The strong man behind Yuan Gu spoke up and agreed to this duel.


In an instant, the two rhymes are now on the stage of life and death in Yaochi, and the arena that has been sealed for many years has been opened again.

The platform of life and death is located on the top of the ancient mountain of Wanzhang, and Yuangu stands on it, the killing intent in his eyes is almost transformed into reality, and it is about to destroy a void.

“Jiang Chen, die!”

Yuan Gu said indifferently, staring at Jiang Chen with icy eyes.

He shouted loudly and killed with a halberd in hand, tearing apart the void, making an ear-piercing sound of breaking the void, the void shattered like a spider web, and black gaps spread to all directions.


Jiang Chen took a step and turned into a light and shadow. The golden wings behind him spread out like a fly. He used the Yinpeng method to attack him.


The two sides collided with each other, and both of them shot with all their strength. The two figures like gods and demons competed against each other. The mountain peaks beside them were shaking, and the stone walls below were shattered.

In the Jade Lake, everyone was shocked and marveled at the powerful strength of the two. Fortunately, they were fighting fiercely on the top of the ancient mountain, otherwise the entire Jade Lake would be unbearable.

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