Chapter five hundred and seventy-eight of the final death, the death of the original lake! (two more subscriptions!)

“How is this possible, I am the bloodline of the Yuan Emperor, why is this happening!?”

Yuan Gu’s face was extremely ugly, and he roared up to the sky.

The divine brilliance on Jiang Chen became more and more dazzling. The phantom of the Immortal King behind him was like a real existence. Looking down on everything, he felt that the secret method recorded in the Unbeginning Sutra was undergoing transformation, which was extremely terrifying.

This seems to be related to the blood of the Demon Lord he absorbed before.

“Could it be the influence of the blood of the Demon Lord on the Secret Law of the Beginning of the Origin?”

But at this moment, he did not explore the mystery too much, but waved his hand at will, and with a bang, Yuan Gu’s body exploded, and his body almost burst.

He is like a god!

“I’m not reconciled!”

Yuan Gu flew back, and most of his body was destroyed. Jiang Chen’s secret method was too terrifying, and the time was frozen, making him unable to resist.

“What exactly happened at that moment! “Zero Eighty”?

“Yuan Gu seems to be imprisoned in mid-air, what kind of secret method is this?!”

“Emperor Wu Beginning’s method is so terrifying that it has never been recorded in ancient books, but now it has been used again by Jiang Chen and reappears in the world!

The human monks cheered, while the ancient creatures were all silent.

Especially the powerhouses of Primitive Lake are all silent at this moment, and they are all stunned.

Yuan Gu has the bloodline of the Emperor Yuan, although he is not the father and son of the Emperor Yuan, but after several generations, he still has the blood of the Emperor Emperor flowing through him, and his talent is extraordinary, but he was suppressed by Jiang Chen.

“The Emperor Yuan is immortal!

Yuan Gu left the domain that imprisoned him, roared, and black light bloomed in his body, covering him and repairing his damaged body.

In the distance, the people in Primitive Lake all changed color, Yuanhuang’s immortal body is similar to Huang’s immortal robbery body, it can recover from serious injuries and continue to fight.

However, doing so is not without cost.

This is a kind of secret method that is cast by consuming the source. Who has so many sources that can stand the consumption?!

Jiang Chen’s strength is beyond everyone’s imagination, and he even forced Yuan Gu to the point of consuming his source, which made many powerhouses in Primitive Lake have a bad feeling in their hearts.


Primordial Gu recovered, his body glowing with divine light, intact, he swooped in, causing the entire platform of life and death to shake.

Jiang Chen stood on the spot, without any dodge, the golden wings behind him covered the sky, forming an incomparably dazzling splendor, protecting himself.

“The ancient emperor’s secret method is indeed powerful, but you haven’t set foot in the holy realm, and it is impossible to beat me at the same level!” Jiang Chen said.

Yuan Gu angered his crown and roared. Such words would be humiliating to him. The ancient emperor’s bloodline would not be defeated, nor could he be defeated. He came across the void, and the mountains collapsed, and the void trembled.

He is from the blood of the ancient emperor, who was born earlier than the emperor, and became a king, ahead of many ancient princes.

“Consume the source to prolong life. I have killed people who used this method before. I want to see how much of the source can be consumed.”

Jiang Chen stepped forward, he now has the belief of Wu, especially after absorbing the blood of the devil, he feels that his essence has changed, and he is stronger than ever.

As soon as these words came out, all directions were shocked. From the battle between the two sides to the present, Jiang Chen’s strength was unparalleled, and it was terrifying.

Yuan Gu is so powerful, he is regarded as one of the creatures with the most hope of proving the ancient emperor’s way, overwhelmed by the arrogance of the human race, but now he is completely suppressed by Jiang Chen!

“I admit that I underestimated your strength, but don’t think that you can kill me like this!”

Yuan Gu shouted, rushed to kill, his black hair danced wildly, killing intent permeated, and he sacrificed the Yuan Emperor Sword in his hand, which suddenly turned into a chain of order, the laws of the heavens were screaming softly, enough to smash all the laws of the world, cut cut off all life.

“What kind of weapon is this?”

“Like a handed down holy soldier? Or an ancient emperor’s soldier?!

This sword beam is extremely strange, smashing mountain peaks, and everything touched by it turns into ashes, and wherever it passes, it turns into desolation.

“This is not a weapon, but an extremely terrifying type of the Emperor Yuan’s secret law, the Yuan Emperor Dao Sword, which can evolve into a chain of Dao rules and destroy all life. A powerhouse from the original lake sneered.

“Even if the descendants of Wu Beginning are strong, they will not be able to escape the destruction of the Yuanhuang Dao Sword. An ancient creature said confidently.


There was a scream in the void, and there was nothing to stop it, and the sword light fell into the void, and if it was affected by the sword light, the physical body decayed, and its vitality was destroyed.

Everyone retreated, daring not to touch its edge.


Jiang Chen mobilized the blood-red golden bell of the phoenix, and the splendid radiance fell. This divine bell has been tempered many times by Jiang Chen, and it can be regarded as a top-quality weapon even among the soldiers of the king. , suppressing forward…

at the same time.

He triggered the Jie Zi Jue and blessed it on the Phoenix Blood Scarlet Golden Bell. The Ji Zi Jue could not only increase his own combat power, but also his weapons.


The sword beam slashed above the bell, but it was unable to penetrate the bell body, leaving only a sword mark on it, and then disappeared into the void.

“What a powerful weapon, could this be Jiang’s preaching soldier?!”

“That ancient bell was used by Cult Master Jiang to defend against the enemy from a long time ago, and now it’s even more terrifying, the weapons made by the Immortal Materials of Imperial Armament are really terrifying!

“In the past, there was a Holy Land diligent who wanted to capture this weapon in the hands of Cult Master Jiang, but was ruthlessly killed, and now who would dare to take this weapon!”

Some of the powerhouses of the human race were amazed. When Jiang Chen first entered the cultivation world, he was attacked by some holy places because of the immortal material of imperial soldiers, and even the battle in the holy city was because of this divine bell.

Now, when Jiang Chen beheaded Dao and became king, all the holy places have to be polite to him, who would dare to play the idea of ​​this divine bell?!


On the stage of life and death, the battle between Jiang Chen and Yuan Gu has entered the final stage.

In the distance, everyone held their breath and stared at the platform of life and death, for fear of missing something.


Both sides fought to the top, cast the supreme secret method of hook, rumbling in the void, and the resulting storm made the sky tremble.

Yuan Huang Dao 3.2 sword was shattered by Huang Xue Chi Jin Zhong, Yuan Gu used many secret techniques to no avail, his body was smashed six times by Jiang Chen, his face was pale, his body was shaking violently, like a weed in the wind and clouds, it would be at any time sky.

Everyone knows that Yuan Gu will most likely fall into the hands of Jiang Chen if Yuan Gu is defeated.

“Emperor Yuan… is immortal!

Yuan Gu is already weak and has consumed the source many times. His source is almost exhausted, and there are cracks in his body. He is burning the last source and wants to fight Jiang Chen to the death.

However, Jiang Chen didn’t give him a chance, cast the hook without beginning secret technique, blocked time, interrupted his secret technique, and pressed away with the blood red golden bell.

When this last shot fell, Yuangu roared in the sky and tried all his strength to resist, but he was unable to return to the sky after all.

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