Chapter 714: Ancient to High Ancient Demon Civilization

The leader of the dead wood was exposed and killed by Jiang Chen, with blood dripping from his chest. No one dared to kill it. Before it was sad, the needle could be heard.

Jiang Chen stood in the void and walked step by step, everyone was staring at him, but he didn’t dare to stop him, and it was silent.


In the blink of an eye, a splendid divine light shot a hook, and the primordial spirit of the dead wood leader failed to escape in the end, was completely obliterated by Jiang Chen, and dissipated between heaven and earth.


Many people couldn’t help gasping for air, were lethargic, and kept falling behind.

On this day, everyone was shocked. The title of the first person under the Supreme was changed, and the death of the dead wood leader became the foundation of Jiang Chen’s legend.

The name of the dead wood leader will be buried in history with the passage of time.

The strong are always strong, no one will remember the name of the weak, even if someone mentions this name many years later, it will be used as a talking point to set off the myth of Jiang Chen.

In the distance, the little rabbit looked excited, almost jumped up in excitement, and shouted Jiang Chen mighty.

Many senior officials of the Taixuan Sect shouted in unison, and the voice resounded in the nine heavens, shaking ten directions, and the mountains, rivers and the earth were shaking.

“The leader is mighty!”

“The leader is mighty!”

“The leader is mighty!”

These seniors of the Taixuan Sect were basically in the process of being taught by Jiang Chen, and they were extremely in awe of Jiang Chen. Now that Jiang Chen has won a big victory, they are the happiest.

You must know that Taixuan Sect did not develop smoothly in Sandan Prefecture.

Although relying on Jiang Chen’s powerful strength, he quickly narrowed the distance with some great sects, but because Jiang Chen acted too strongly, in three years, several forces were destroyed in a row, and the top forces such as the Kingdom of Heaven and the Temple were destroyed. Hostility, which also hindered the development of Taixuan Sect.

However, now, they believe that more and more people will join the Taixuan Sect before long.

The news spread quickly, crossed the mountains, crossed Wangyang, and spread all over the Trinity State.

Many major forces were silent for a long time, feeling unbelievable.

The Great Demon of Jianzhou Yun, who alone has destroyed several major forces, and killed the dead wood leader who is known as the first person under the Supreme, no one can compete with him!

What will he do next? Will he continue to kill and crusade against the major forces?

Every time I think of the terrible things, everyone shudders, from the scalp to the soles of the feet.

In particular, the forces that are hostile to the bloodline of crime, after hearing the news, are even more uneasy, and they are living like a year, for fear that they will be destroyed by Jiang Chen after they are found.

This news spread all over Sanjuzhou, and the whole world was boiling. All the monks focused on Jianzhou and stared at Taixuan Sect.

Bloody Demon!

Everyone is talking about it, but now a great demon has emerged from the bloodline, shocking the world, shocking everyone, and always paying attention.

“Hee hee, congratulations to the leader!” The little rabbit jumped to Jiang Chen’s side and said, “Now there are rumors outside, you are the first person under the Supreme!”

“There’s nothing to be proud of. The Tong-Supreme, who is honored in Sanju Prefecture, may not even have the qualifications to survive if he is placed on the frontier battlefield.”

Jiang Chen was not proud of defeating the dead wood leader, and said calmly.

Stepping into the Great Sage, his perspective has become wider and wider, not limited to the present, but to the future, which is a wider world.

Without continuing to pay attention to the outside discussion, Jiang Chen began to study the information obtained from the dead wood leader Yuanshen.

According to the realm of this world, he is at the same level as the leader of the dead wood, and the great holy realm is equal to the realm of beheading me.

However, the lifespan of the dead wood leader is obviously coming to an end, and it is almost decayed. How can he fight against Jiang Chen recklessly?

But the last method he used made Jiang Chen very curious. It was a secret method that used external force to sacrifice his life and forcibly enhance his power.

The disadvantage of this kind of secret method is obvious, that is, it does a lot of damage to itself.

Among the secret methods that Jiang Chen mastered, whether it is the word formula or the divine forbidden area, it is far more advanced than this secret method.

What really attracted him was the source of the deadwood leader’s power!


Jiang Chen pondered.

Because when the dead wood sect master launched the last killer, he almost exhausted everything and exhausted all the power of life, so his primordial spirit was also severely damaged, and the memory that he could find was incomplete.

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・

But Jiang Chen still pieced together some clues.

“Sure enough, it penetrated into the power of some original world.”

Jiang Chen got a fragment of a Dao map from the dead wood leader. This corner map seems to be a fragment of a map, and there is a gloomy death atmosphere on it.

“This kind of ghostly power is somewhat similar to dark matter, but it does not pollute the primordial spirit. It only needs to sacrifice the power of life to obtain a steady stream of power. 22

“Map of the Nether Road (Shard 179)

“Introduction: The lord of the highest ancient demon civilization in ancient times, entrusted with the monsters created by the lord of the netherworld, and recorded the civilization of the ancient netherworld, which contains supreme mysteries. Daotu was shattered by the supreme lord at the end of the years.”


Seeing the item information on the traditional panel, Jiang Chen couldn’t help exclaiming, he did not expect that the fragment of this corner map was actually related to the master of the ancient civilization.

That is a civilization that is even longer than the Immortal Ancient Era.

The supreme ruler, that is the supreme existence comparable to the Immortal Emperor!

However, the supreme ancient demon civilization had already been extinct as early as the era of the end of the era, but unexpectedly, Jiang Chen would get the Dao map fragments about the Nether Lord.

It is conceivable that there are many treasures contained in it. If you can get it, I am afraid that you will be able to achieve the position of supreme overlord, and you will be invincible!

“Unfortunately, I don’t know where these nine Dao map fragments are scattered. It is extremely difficult to put them together.” Jiang Chen sighed and put away the fragments.

Withered Wood Religion, everyone trembled with fear, watching Jiang Chen and the high-level officials of Taixuan Religion come to take over the place and evacuated all the roots of the Deadwood Religion.

A dead silence.

No one dared to stop it.

The senior officials of the Deadwood Sect did not dare to speak when they were angry, and could only watch the entire sect being swallowed up.

Because they are so different from each other!

Even their leader was killed by the other side, there is no equal dialogue power, can only be slaughtered.

Jiang Chen still used the divine art to save the gods, and brought the senior members of the dead wood sect into the Taixuan sect. He swept the memories of everyone, and he did not let go of the monks who had participated in the slaughter of sinful blood, and they were all beheaded.

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