Chapter 775: Fighting across the long river of time! (Seeking full order)

“I knew you would come. 99

The fairy sound of the dart yarn came, accompanied by a bright light, very soft and real, making Jiang Chen feel familiar.

“How did you know I would come?” Jiang Chen asked.

“I have walked in the long river of time and have explored the traces of the past and the future. I foresee that you may come…

The golden willow tree was glowing, reflecting a woman in white, with three rough hair that seemed to contain infinite principles.

“The traces of the past and the future?

Jiang Chen’s will fluctuated a little, and before stepping, he came to Liu’s side.

He knows that the current Liu Xian is likely to have recovered to the level of the Immortal King, and his strength has been further improved, otherwise he will not be able to take root in the long river of time.

“You also see the world of the future?”

“I saw the future of that world and was buried for a period of time… However, you don’t have to worry too much, there are countless tributaries in the long river, and each tributary indicates a future, and any change will lead to destiny. The flow of the long river deviates from its original trajectory

– Generate a different future. ”

“The information imprinted on the paper boats that have flown down the river for a long time is just one of countless futures, perhaps a future without your rhyme.” Liu Xian said, and glanced at Jiang Chen.

“I can now confirm that you are indeed a variable, an important factor affecting the past and the future.”

Jiang Chen knew it in his heart, he understood why he left behind so many hands in the world that covered the sky and the sun, and the future generations will still encounter dark catastrophe. The future of the empress folding the paper boat may not be due to his participation. There are traces of him.

The long river of time is all-encompassing, even if the existence of the quasi-immortal emperor series cannot fully understand the mystery, Jiang Chen is more and more sure that the ancient key contains great secrets, implicated in more than two worlds, time and space, causality, destiny, reincarnation…etc. Manifested on this key.

“This key is very strange, can you lend me to see it?” Liu Xian asked.


Jiang Chen did not refuse, handed out the key of Xiangu, and wanted to borrow Liu Xian’s hand to explore the secret of the key.

“It’s very mysterious. I can’t see it through. It seems to be shrouded in a layer of fog, which involves too many causes and effects.” Liu Xian’s voice was not calm.


At this moment, the long river of time suddenly began to boil, setting off a huge wave!

Over the long river of time, a palm that covered the sky suddenly appeared.

In a trance, there are billions of gods and demons roaring, the waves of the years are surging, and the huge palms come from the sky, trying to shatter everything!

This kind of power is too terrifying, it has caused waves in the long river of time, disturbed the order of Xiaotiandi, the life and death of Yin and Yang are reversed, and the balance of the world will be broken.

“It’s the Immortal Emperor…” Liu Xian’s expression was solemn, her eyes were shining brightly, piercing the long river of time and looking at the source in the distance.

It is an unpredictable place, the palm of the sky is hooked from there, and the long river is collapsing,

It’s like piercing the door of time!


That palm crossed the river of time, with a dull, vicissitudes of life, as if there were billions of years in the universe.

The rolling waves of time are boiling and turbulent, time and space are trembling, and the cover is pressed over at once!

He is an unknown quasi-immortal emperor who, separated by endless time and space, used some kind of sky-defying means to make a sensation in the past or in the future to kill Jiang Chen in the long river of time.

For such a method, even a quasi-immortal emperor would have to pay a heavy price.

However, the other party even disregarded the long-term backlash, and also wanted to do something to him.

“The quasi-immortal emperor will do anything to you, how will you change the future?

Liu Xian’s figure is so wonderful, looming in the long river of time, the existence of the quasi-immortal emperor level, even her will be shocked.

Who would have guessed that the opponent’s hand was so decisive without any hesitation, that terrifying aura locked on Jiang Chen who was standing beside her, and the murderous aura shocked Time Changhe.


She didn’t step back, but raised her slender hand like a willow branch and slammed her hand forward.

Two palms from different time and space met on the long river of time, and immediately set off a huge wave.

Countless space fields began to annihilate in an instant, turned into animal powder, swallowed by the long river of time, and disappeared into the void of fate, representing that the future belonging to that time and space no longer exists.

Such destruction is irreversible, and only waiting for time to repair itself.

However, the future belonging to that time and space no longer exists, and a new future will replace it.

…for flowers

“How is it possible that you are just the Immortal King?! The quasi-immortal emperor at the other end of the river of time was shocked.

Liu Xian’s body is proud of the world, and the spleen has been removed from the ages. The stalwart aura of the immortal king who killed the immortal king in the foreign land in the past reappears, standing there, like the empress of the world!

This kind of change shocked the quasi-immortal emperor on the other side of the river.

However, the fact is right in front of him. The sky-defying method he launched at a heavy price was resolved by the opponent, and it didn’t seem to cause any harm.

“I will not hesitate to pay such a heavy price, it is impossible for you to leave safely!


The cold voice drifted in the long river of time, and this cold voice can be heard in the time and space of these years.

To honor the Immortal Emperor, to enter the long river of time? To come through endless years?


The long river of time boils, and the gate of time emerges.

The time tunnel opened, and a stalwart figure appeared from it, standing above the long river of time, majestic and vast, incomparably vast.

Jiang Chen can be sure that he has never seen the person’s appearance, and the clothing on the other side does not belong to any era he knows.

“It’s impossible to let you go!”

A cold and calm voice sounded, and the figure slammed the backlash of the long river, crossed the gate of time, and rushed forward to Jiang Chen.


In the long river of time, there are dazzling divine chains of order lingering around, just like the arrival of three rough worlds, and the order chains of time and space emerge, preventing the figure from coming.

“Immortal King? You can’t stop me? Hand over the Lord of the Immortal Court, you and I belong to different years, fight in the long river of time, the long river of time will riot, and you will suffer unpredictable consequences. The power of a half-step quasi-immortal emperor cannot bear such a backlash! 99

These are the words of the quasi-immortal emperor, said to Liu Xianting, very calm, as if he was talking about something that had nothing to do with him.

“Whether it can be stopped, you will see if you try.

Liu Xian’s beauty is like a god, standing proudly, holding the ancient key, the boundless Tao is linked with the god of order, she did not back down, she wanted to fight the quasi-immortal emperor,

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