Chapter 809 The terrifying change that has never been seen in ages!

Several Supremes joined forces to enter the road to immortality and completely disappeared into the universe.

No one in the outside world could sense their aura, even if they were as strong as the Emperor, or the Supreme Being of the restricted area without Diao Shi.

The end of the road to immortality is a chaos, which is too strange, it isolates everything, and the consciousness cannot perceive it, it is like another world.

At this moment, the entire universe fell silent.

For a long time, everyone waited nervously, their hearts were stretched to the extreme, and they wanted to know the result.

However, one day, ten days, a month passed…

The road to becoming immortal is still chaotic, there is no movement at all, but the crack is expanding and it is more terrifying.

“Are they immortals?”

“Is the road to immortality in this life real?”

By the third month of “Two Two Three”, people gradually believed that these Supremes had successfully entered the Immortal Path, and it ended like this.

Several great Supremes joined forces, what immortals were in front of them, and could not stop their footsteps at all.

It’s just that this kind of success seems to be lacking in people’s eyes, and they always feel that all this is too calm, and there is no grandeur of immortality.

Especially in the eyes of those players, this is definitely an unprecedented event, how could it be so peaceful, there should be an earth-shattering vision, which will make people yearn and yearn.

“No one has ever seen a real ‘immortal’, maybe that’s how it is.

Perhaps “…really become an immortal, and a miracle is born from a dull hook.

Some big men muttered to themselves, but they were still uneasy in their hearts, hesitating whether to follow in.

After all, such an opportunity is hard to come by, so when will the next road to becoming an immortal appear?

However, they still hesitated.

And some older generations with short lifespans have already jumped into it, because their lives have come to an end, and they have no worries, they are going to give it a try.


Suddenly, a long and pitiful whistle passed through the hook, it was the ancient roar of the Supreme Being, and the sound was shrill, resounding throughout the universe, making people feel a sense of sadness!

At this moment, the quasi-emperor in the universe was shocked, and in a trance, he seemed to see the great terror at the end of the fairy road!

“This life is wrong, it turned out to be like this, the eternal Tao has become empty!”

This ancient supreme roared, his words were full of desolation, the waiting of the ages, turned out to be such a result!

“The end of the fairy road… what happened?”

In the universe, the quasi emperors were all tense, and the divine power in their bodies seemed to be sealed, and they felt unbelievable.

A pitiful scream made their souls tremble. Although it was only a momentary throbbing, it still shocked them for no reason.

Whether it is the ancient emperor, the great emperor, or even those ancient powers of the mythical years, they all feel that the water on the road to immortality is too deep!

What is the end of the road to becoming immortal?

For a time, many quasi emperors felt a chill to the bones, and the level involved was really terrifying.

Several supreme hookers, who can compete in this universe.

But in fact it encountered such a result and ended in tragedy.

There is no one in the world who can not die, and in the end, they will all return to dust and decay.

The ancient emperor cut himself off the fruit of the Dao, gave up everything, fled into the forbidden area, and was able to survive and continue his life.

However, this comes at a great price.

“It’s so weird, it’s a little scary, the road to immortality has existed for a long time, but now it’s like a dead end, it’s too scary!

Some quasi emperors trembled, they thought too much.

“The collapse of the immortal way means that the road to immortality is false, and the dream that the ancient emperor has been pursuing is empty?”

People couldn’t believe that there was someone on the road to immortality who took the lead and left a line in blood, like a warning, like a warning.

The water on Chengxian Road is too deep, and people gradually understand why the ancient emperor has been in awe of Chengxian Road from ancient times to the present.

It seems to be shrouded in a layer of fog, making it impossible to see the truth.

“I have been pursuing the Tao of my life, and it is absolutely impossible to deny it. No matter who you are, you can’t stop me!”

There was the voice of the Supreme Being, and the laughter was a little crazy, and its vicissitudes of life echoed through the immortal mist in the vast immortal mist.

“Life is short, but I don’t want to die, this life, I shouldn’t end the curtain!

“Are you going to start a dark upheaval?”

Start “Well, it’s not the first time, I hope this time I can sleep until the next time the road to becoming immortal opens… 99

The Supreme from Daoling opened his mouth, and the earth cracked, causing the entire sky to explode, making the quasi emperors feel dull in their chests and almost vomit blood.

“Through the ages, who in the world can resist me?

The Taoist of Xianling had black hair flying all over his head. He was very domineering and incomparably powerful.

“It’s him! 19

Seeing this scene, Emperor Zhun exclaimed, even if the figure was shrouded in immortal light, he recognized who it was at a glance.

“It turned out to be him, the Immortal Venerable before the Age of Myths!” The quasi emperor couldn’t help shouting.

“Old Ancestor, who do you know him?”

The junior of the quasi-emperor asked, the impression of the Taoist priest from Xianling was too terrifying, with fragments of the Great Dao flowing all over his body.

“The Lord of Immortal Tombs, the Heavenly Venerate in the Age of Mythology, has launched more than one dark turmoil.” That Zhundi stared at the road to becoming immortal.

“The road to becoming immortal has failed, these ancient supreme beings are going to launch a dark turmoil, and the blood of the universe will be stained!”

“It’s him!

In the restricted area, Jiang Chen stood side by side with the Holy Body of Dacheng, looking at the road to immortality.

Dacheng Sacrament’s eyes shine with cold killing intent, he once had a grudge with Changsheng Tianzun!

“No one can stop me from waiting!”

“Yes! Launching the dark turmoil, this life, I will not wait for the curtain to end!

Several supreme shot, this is a 3.2 expedition, the blood-colored spear, the dazzling emperor sword, and the dark halberd, etc., all broke out, to launch the most terrifying dark turmoil in history!

Dacheng Eucharist stood behind Jiang Chen, with awe-inspiring fighting intent in his eyes.

In the past, he fought against the Supreme Being in the forbidden area, and blood stained the sky. It can be said that he was in a state of immortality. The curse of the underworld caused him to suffer ominous in his later years, and his mind was unclear.


With the help of Jiang Chen, he completely solved the problem of the curse. He is in a state of extremes. He wants to fight against the master of the penalty area and understand the grievances of the year!

Jiang Chen didn’t stop him. Although the Holy Body of Dacheng is a different kind of enlightenment, its combat power is astonishing. It is comparable to the Great Emperor, and it is not much different from the Supreme Being of the restricted area.

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