Chapter 833 The living myth, the invincible in the world, ends an era! (Seeking full set)


The Heavenly Palace seemed to be cracked, the vast aura enveloped the heavens and the earth, battleships sailed into the Immortal Palace, and the world showed the terrifying heritage of the Immortal Palace.

“What the hell happened?”

“Asgard is going to attack the restricted area!!”

Everyone was trembling, unable to remain calm, and all looked at the fairy palace in shock.

Each battleship made of divine gold radiates golden brilliance, and each battleship has several quasi emperors side by side.

“Are you really going to pacify the restricted area?!

In the universe, many strong people are staring at this place and uttering such sighs.

You must know that if the forbidden area is concealed in advance, the chaos is endless, and it is impossible to speculate, even if it is difficult for the emperor to calculate their position.

“Jiang Tiandi!

“A living myth!

“Killing more than a dozen peak venerables, suppressing the universe, and being invincible in the world, only such a character can open up a new era!”

By now, people all know how terrible Jiang Chen is. The Lord of Asgard, who is just over 100 years old, has the terrifying strength of the spleen and the world, and the ancient emperors could not hide his light.

No one dares to question the title of Heavenly Emperor.

Hundreds of millions of living beings witnessed the battle not long ago, and I am afraid that they will never forget it all their lives, and are imprinted in the deepest part of their souls.

“Want to hide…

Jiang Chen’s eyes were deep, and when he entered the beach, there were countless fragments of divine light.

These forbidden areas of life have always been mysterious, and some supreme beings have been in them for a long time, dating back to the age of mythology millions of years ago.

However, with Jiang Chen’s current state, he can deduce some clues.

“Please God’s orders!

The overwhelming voices came from the heaven and the earth, not only the powerhouses of the Immortal Palace Quasi-Emperor Realm, but also the great sages, holy kings, and sages, all of whom have hot eyes at this moment.

They know very well that an era of palaces is coming!

“What a terrifying background. It can really command the world. It is worthy of being called the emperor of heaven, but it can be compared to the emperor and the immortal emperor. Is this the meaning of the golden age?”

In the universe, all races are terrifying and tumultuous, and no one dares to look directly at such a living myth, the word Heavenly Emperor, as if there is a magical power that makes all those who recite it want to pay homage.

Jiang Chen’s record is so brilliant that it is astounding. It can be said that it is invincible in the world, and hundreds of millions of people will sing its praises.

“You step back!”

Jiang Chen said, let the quasi-emperor powerhouses in Asgard not intervene, the Supreme Being is not something they can compete with.


Jiang Chen stepped out, hundreds of millions of gods marched forward, and countless fragments of Tao flew around him.


Suddenly, the void seemed to be shattered, opening a striking gap, and then the gap continued to expand until a vague outline appeared.

“It’s Xianling!”

A quasi-di exclaimed.

Everyone felt terrified, and the forbidden area of ​​life hidden in nothingness was directly hooked by Jiang Chen!

“Jiang Chen, do you really want to kill them all?!

At this moment, the mausoleum trembled, and a terrifying breath flowed out, collapsing the mountains, making the sun and the moon dim.

In front, three figures shrouded in chaotic energy walked around, each of them exuding a terrifying aura, they were supreme, their faces were covered with wrinkles of years, and they lived for a long time.

The youngest one is a figure from hundreds of thousands of years ago, hiding in the restricted area, so that they are not eroded by the years.

At this moment, the faces of the three supreme beings are ugly. They saw Jiang Chen’s terrifying means earlier, so they hid the restricted area, no longer rhyme, and just wanted to pass the era of Jiang Chen’s rule, but they were directly inquired by Jiang Chen. coming!

“Jiang Chen, we are no longer inquiring about the world, why are you still taking action against us!” A Supreme said.

Jiang Chen sneered, disdain (bddc) to answer such a question, these people have a dark breath, obviously they have participated in the dark turmoil, no need to talk nonsense, only to kill!

“I really didn’t expect that a character like you could be born in this era. Are you an immortal?” A supreme squinted his eyes.

They were a little hard to judge and wanted to know if Jiang Chen had really become an immortal.

“Have you finished speaking, you can go on your way!”

Jiang Chen’s green clothes fluttered and only said the word “hook”.

The next moment, his fist burst into a terrifying divine glow, causing the void to twist up. He used the six-path reincarnation fist, and the fist glow broke through the void!

In the dark, it seems that there are really six reincarnations coming, and although each layer of the world is blurred, it exudes a heart-pounding aura.


This fist is unparalleled in the world and unparalleled in the world. The six rounds of true meaning are integrated into it by Jiang Chen, reaching an incredible level, as if through time and space, nothing can resist!


One of them made a move, sacrificed to the King of Fishing, and smashed his fist with a bent fist.

This is almost a helpless choice. They have been cornered by Jiang Chen and have to take action. If they have a choice, they would prefer to hide in the restricted area of ​​life and wait for Jiang Chen’s life to end.

In the void, a strong collision broke out between the two, which was extremely terrifying. Yesterday, the ancient emperor’s soldiers were smashed, and the fragments were scattered, which made the Supreme Being stunned, and blood spurted out of his mouth!

“How can it be?!

The opponent was able to smash his ancient imperial soldiers with one punch!

This punch makes people’s heart tremble, destroying a pole weapon with his bare hands, so powerful, only the existence standing at the top of the world can do it!

Just one punch!

You must know that every pole weapon is made of the rarest divine gold in the world, imprinted with the Dao rules of the ancient emperor, and it was shattered like this!


He shouted loudly, and dazzling rays of light erupted all over his body, his blood was like a rainbow, and he rushed into the sky.

Ascension as far as possible, this is his last resort, otherwise, he has no confidence to fight against Jiang Chen at all.

However, he was destined to be disappointed, Jiang Chen’s realm completely surpassed him, even if he returned to the state of his youth, he still couldn’t compete with him!


Jiang Chen shattered the void with one foot, his black hair fluttered, and his eyes were as sharp as a heavenly knife, “Not bad, but I’m still going to die!”

“You…” The Supreme’s face was gloomy, he knew that this was the most dangerous moment in his life, and he couldn’t hesitate any longer.

The three supreme beings, Lu Qin, were shocked. The young man in front of him was several hundred years old. How could he have reached such a state? Completely subverted his cognition!

I have never heard of anyone who became an emperor at such an age, and even said that he was a true immortal. It is simply appalling and unbelievable!

“Is our era really going to… come to an end?

A supreme being lost and unwilling to believe such a thing, but no matter how firm his Dao heart is, he will be shaken at this moment. The young man in front of him is so terrifying, just the breath of the hook makes their hearts tremble.

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