Chapter 852 Step into the long river of time and space, the place of origin, and take charge of the calamity! (Seeking full order)

“One hundred and ninety-nine thousand difficult to honor the devil?! 9

Nightshade’s delicate face trembled slightly, and some couldn’t believe it.

What is this concept?

This is not only a phantom of the 129,000 statues, but a real existence, beyond the outer universe, the 120,000 Great Emperor Realm Chaos Demon God!

In the chaotic universe, the vast chaotic aura is rampant, and it seems to tear the sky apart.

Jiang Chen stood quietly, the terrifying torrent of chaos swept past him like a breeze, but only lifted a corner of his clothes.

This is the universe he is in charge of, no matter the sun, moon, stars, weather, clouds and rain, all things and spirits, everything is in his mind.

Live or die!

Over the years, he has continued to comprehend the laws of heaven, and with the blessing of hundreds of millions of experiences, the power of vast faith has increased, and finally he has realized the fifth law—the law of destruction!

So far, he has mastered five laws!

Time, space, life, destruction, fire!

This is the fundamental law that makes up the universe.

The chaotic universe has expanded more than ten times than before!

“My lord…”

The 120,000-year-old chaotic demon god, lingering in the universe, made a loud sacrificial sound, like a big Lu Huangzhong.

They are all worshipping, praising, and singing the creator of this world!

The supreme master of the universe!

The only will in the world!

It is a god, a leader, a heavenly way, a reincarnation, an immortal existence!

“My Lord God. 59

Solanum nigrum and Chaos Bell both went down to worship, and their eyes were full of fanatical beliefs.

“It’s a pity that there is not enough time for 237, otherwise, I can comprehend and inquire about more laws.”

Jiang Chen has some regrets.

Hundreds of years are still too little time, compared to the hundreds of thousands of years when a true immortal or immortal king retreats, hundreds of years are like quicksand in the Ganges River.

“I seem to see the barriers between the world and the world…”

Jiang Chen’s eyes were deep, and he stepped to the end of the chaotic universe, above the river of time.

This is after the external source of heaven has been refined, resulting in a great creation, which is difficult to describe in words.

Flowing like a sea of ​​​​boundary, every drop of water is a world, and when a wave is photographed, countless worlds will be destroyed.

Fortunately, this is not the long river that really flows in the chaotic universe, but the projection of this stalwart, indescribable thing.

“The truth of the world…”

With Jiang Chen’s current state, Rao is unable to peep into this supreme river, and can only vaguely see the stalwart of its projection.

This long river is all-encompassing, including the past, present, future, and even the heavens and the myriad worlds, all of which are in it.

“If one day, I can step on this long river, I can surpass the heavens and the world, reach the highest dimension, and a single thought can determine the life and death of a world. 3)

“There seems to be an aura of the real world here… The origin, the origin, is the source of everything, the destination of all beings?”

“Can my divine sense pass through this projection and map it to the real world…”

This is a bold guess.

If he can do it, he can almost lead the changes in the real world by himself.

“It seems…really feasible.

Even Jiang Chen was a little unbelievable.

When he sent out a spiritual sense to touch the projection of the long river of time and space, he actually came to the other side.

Jiang Chen’s eyes fell, this is a still world, full of chaos and hazy.

It is faintly visible that the lines of the avenues are circulating, and endless dazzling runes are lingering.

Countless information poured into his mind at this moment, and he didn’t need to explore. All of this information was immediately known to him, and it seemed to have reached a state of omniscience and omnipotence.

“In charge of… the world?

Jiang Chen’s eyes showed diligence, and he pointed it casually, and a thunderstorm appeared in the void, and then fell, a mountain in the real world suddenly turned into powder.

“The Supreme Will…”

“It seems to have found something interesting.” Jiang Chen’s mouth curved into an arc.

The rules of the real world are different from the game world, but there is some connection between the two.

In the past, players brought the power in the game back to the real world. If it is through other hands, it may allow players to transcend this rule and show real combat power.

There is no void.

Jiang Chen’s eyes were deep, looking at the sky, he just stood quietly, surrounded by rotten radiance, his blue clothes fluttered.

As his chess pieces in the real world, high games such as Daojianxiao and Slaughter are his tools to influence reality.

These people can represent his will and radiate to the real universe.

Especially after he discovered the extraordinaryness of this universe, the importance of these chess pieces became stronger.

An idea hooked in Jiang Chen’s mind.


Make rules like heaven and make you feel awe in all games, which is more effective than manipulating games like life and death.

Being in a high position for thousands of years does not directly dominate life and death, but is often the source of fear.

From now on, players need to transcend calamity to realize the power in the game, to realize the sage realm, to be promoted to the holy king realm, and to be promoted to the great holy realm.

To be promoted to the quasi-emperor realm, there must be three disasters and six calamities (bddc), six tribulations of thunder, and three calamities of heaven and man.

This is the first time Jiang Chen has made rules for the real universe.

In this way, he can radiate his influence into the real universe. He follows the concept of the Heavenly Tribulation of the Zhetian universe. If there is an extraordinary talent, it will attract the humanoid heavenly tribulation, the ancient emperor and so on.

Of course, these things are what Jiang Chen said.

This is equivalent to helping Dao Jianxiao and others manage the order of the real universe. After all, the deterrence of Dao Jianxiao and others is not enough to make all players shudder.

If it can show the combat power of the quasi-emperor realm, it is conceivable that it is enough to change the pattern of the real universe.

In the future, the real universe will be the place where all the heavens and the world come together, the place of origin and the place of end.

“Let’s try the results first…”

Jiang Chen showed a smile, and his divine sense locked the breath of Daojianxiao.


Yanling City, in a villa.

Shu Yixiao, who was cultivating, suddenly felt uneasy.

He looked up abruptly, and saw that at some point in time, thunder was rolling in the sky, like a catastrophe.

“This scene…how is it a bit familiar.

He was stunned at the moment, completely confused about what was going on.

He has clearly survived the catastrophe in the game, what kind of joke is this, does he have to do it again.

“Damn, Laozi is provoking who!?

Shu smiled and wanted to cry without tears.

This is to kill him.

You must know that when he was transcending the calamity, he was almost dead.

Can dying in the game be the same as dying in reality?!


Before he could pass through the gods, a thunderstorm fell. Fortunately, he was the only one in the police villa at the moment. If there were other people, this thunderstorm would be enough to turn you under the Emperor Zhun into ashes.

He never thought that his talent was so diligent, it was just that luck was better than other players.

If he wants to let him go through the catastrophe again, he really has no idea in his heart, maybe he will really fall under the catastrophe.

Why did the catastrophe appear in the real world? Not only a special smile, but you don’t know all the games in Yanling City.

At this moment, they all looked at the rolling thunder in the sky, filled with awe and fear.

Most players in the game have felt the horror of the catastrophe, and they never thought that one day, they would see such a terrifying vision in the real world.

They all dared not approach here, for fear of being affected.

This is no ordinary thunder and lightning. After all, the news has reported several incidents of ordinary people being struck by lightning without hindrance.

But the thunder in front of him was no ordinary lightning at all.

All players with mana in their bodies can feel the terrifying Taoism contained in the thunder.

This is a trembling from the soul, and just watching from a distance makes them extremely terrified.

It is conceivable that at this moment, Shu Yi, who was standing under the calamity, had a bad expression.

This is still the result of Jiang Chen only showing part of the power of the catastrophe.

If it really caused a catastrophe in the fantasy world, the entire Yanling City would be turned into ruins.

Not to mention, he can end the game in person and turn it into a catastrophe. As a result, there is no hope for any player to survive.

However, Jiang Chen naturally wouldn’t do it when he was full, and it would be too outrageous to end the game in person.

It’s better to stand behind the scenes and control it all.

The catastrophe that Shu Yixiao faced was not a mortal situation, and this was not what Jiang Chen wanted to see.

Generally, players who do not have heavy karma will open one eye and close one eye,

Chapter 853 Crazy brain supplement, the last era was a cultivation civilization that subverted human cognition! Countless players made a sensation, setting off turbulent waves in the real world, but they still affected the minds of all players. Looking at the screenshots, countless people were a little horrified. All netizens exploded instantly. This wave of operations is so perverted! Are the times really going to change?! In the game world, even if you die, after all, even if you die, for players in the real world, at best, they are weak for a few days. . But if in reality, the calamity is dead, it is really dead, and the kind that can’t die any more will turn into ashes-you. But the question is, why is there such a thing as a calamity in the real world? Could it be that the world already has a practice law, but we haven’t discovered it before? At this moment, players all over the world are brainstorming. Could it be that before the civilization of science and technology, Blue Star gave birth to a cultivation civilization, but later, for some reason, this civilization became extinct, just like the extinction of dinosaurs, but the era was too long, and human beings have not discovered anything about that era. Creation left behind. Cultivation of civilization! This completely subverts human cognition! If the civilization of the previous era is really a cultivation civilization, it is not difficult to explain why the catastrophe occurred. “Damn it, Daojianxiao is too scary, it’s definitely the first game that triggers the calamity! I’ve become a fan!” Daojianxiao fans were established today, I want to quit black fans, black fans, you mouse tail juice !” “Who dares to hack my divine sword, Zhundi, with a knife of 999, I will send you to see the king of hell!” “The police upstairs, fans return to fans, but you didn’t realize that the sword is going to be cold! This robbery thunder strikes down, I’m afraid The whole city of Yanling is going to be turned into ruins!” “Is this to make money again? Heaven and earth will be reversed, returning to the era of the most suitable practice!” “It’s so exciting! Ah, as long as the swordsman can successfully survive the calamity, it means that the era of cultivation has really opened, and all of us are expected to become gods!” The players in the discussion room are all analyzing, desperately trying to make up for it. Jiang Chen can’t help shaking his head. The comments of this group of sand sculpture players are really interesting. They are all followed by others. They have first-class brains. , Gou to this day, it was all about cheating people back then, and now it’s hot, and I’m going to be struck by lightning! (Funny) 99 I beg you to follow up in police uniform: “The killing god said, isn’t it difficult for me? The first place in the game was robbed, and the first player in the real world may not know your name! (Funny) US server player: “Please warn me, the masters are all yours, can you? Let one give us!” European server player: “Please add one!!» Big stick player: “According to the research of our census team, knife laughing and killing belong to our country, we have applied for a patent, you Don’t mistake it! *** Player: “The blood book of the whole people!! I am waiting to invite the Divine Sword Emperor Zhundi to go to the big stick to transcend the calamity!! Big stick player:??? Dao Jianxiao ran to the big stick country to cross the calamity, fearing that he would directly destroy half of the country. Immediately, all the big stick players on the topic shut up and dared not talk nonsense any more, so they could only sit in front of the computer with a small stool and start eating melons. “But the question is how to get over the calamity now? It’s easy, I don’t know how many strong people died in the game. “By the way, you can use a lightning rod,

“The upstairs is awesome!

“This wave of operation magic show!”

“Ask Yanling City players to quickly make a large lightning rod!!!”

“Ahhh! Hurry up, if you don’t hurry up, the sword will turn into ashes!”

“I’m afraid one lightning rod is not enough. Get some more. It’s better to cover the entire Yanling City with lightning rods. All the people of Yanling City immediately leave and leave this place for the sword to pass the calamity! (High Fighting Spirit.jpg)

Director of the Yanling City Players Association (official certification): “I am the director of the Yanling City Players Association. The reality calls players in Yanling City to immediately assist the people to escape from Yanling City, and we will arrange the needs as soon as possible. lightning rod.”

“Also, thank you again for the player who gave valuable advice, please leave your address and we will send you the pennant.”

An official certification agency came forward, which instantly reassured the players, especially the players in Yanling City, who all spontaneously organized to evacuate the people at this moment.

Just as Jiang Chen thought, in the face of such a catastrophe, players are bound together like never before.

Although the nature of the sand sculpture has not changed, Jiang Chen is indeed amazed to think about such an operation.

“The brain hole of this group of sand sculptures can’t be underestimated…”

Emperor Jiang Tian stood in the void, speechless.

However, he still finds it very interesting for the magical brain holes of the sand sculpture players.

Lightning Rod Crossing Tribulation!

This is so showy…


This process of brainstorming with almost all members made everyone put their hearts in their throats. Next, it depends on the execution of the Yanling City Players Association, and seize the time to make enough lightning rods to help Daojianxiao through the sky. robbery.

This is a very important thing.

It is about the prelude to the change of the times!

If it is really successful, it means that this day will really change!

They clearly know what it means to be able to transcend tribulation in the real world, and what it means to successfully transcend tribulation.

Just look at how awesome Daojianxiao is in the game.

These sand sculptures are very complicated in their hearts, and their brains are filled with all possibilities. Now they seem to be personally participating in major events that change the course of the times. There is a solemnity to witness the times!

Yanling City.

Players Association.

This is a player organization officially certified by Yanling City. It is said to be an official certification, but it is actually an organization of private players, but it has obtained the official acquiescence and can handle some things on the bright side.


conference room.

Wang Fucheng, the director of the association with the ID name Qiu Mingshan old driver, was sitting in a precarious position, instructing the players to make lightning rods.

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・

“Don’t have any scruples, let go of your arms and do it for me! If something goes wrong, I will use the best materials, otherwise I will not be able to withstand the bombardment of thunder tribulation!

The number of registered players in the Yanling City Players Association is only more than 600. After all, a large number of players are unwilling to be controlled by others and prefer to be free, and the official cannot force them to register.

After all, once the identity is registered, it means that the real information in reality has been leaked. If there is any entanglement in the game, it is likely to cause a lot of riots.

In reality, who has no relatives, who has no friends, is silent in the game, and only promises in reality, and strikes hard on the Internet, naturally it is not a problem.

This also caused the players’ association’s play image to not go up all the time.

“Boss, what you said is light, in such a hurry, where can we find so many materials, and they have to be top-notch materials, no one can do anything without money.” Some players complained.

“Jingle Bell”

The call was connected to the Yanling City Players Association Headquarters, and Wang Fucheng answered the call, showing a look of shock.

*News came from the player headquarters that the top domestic materials will be transported into Yanling City within three days!

This news immediately caused a sensation in everyone.

**This is going to work!

They all know, **This is to really put you in the foreground!

“Great! 3

Everyone cheered.

Yanling City.

In a blink of an eye, three days passed, and Shu Yi smiled and sat cross-legged under the robbery cloud, and the breath became more and more terrifying, like a volcano about to erupt.

He forcibly suppressed the Dao in his body to prevent the calamity from coming, but now he can’t suppress it any more, the terrifying blood oozes through his body, making the square where he is constantly trembling, as if it is about to burst.

“is coming.”

Shu smiled in a low voice.

Probably no one could have imagined that the first real quasi-emperor realm would appear in this world.

Shu Yi smiled and knew that he was afraid that he would not be able to escape this catastrophe. He forcibly suppressed the Dao in his body just to give the ordinary people of Yanling City time to evacuate.

Unlike Tribulation in the game, this time Shu Yixiao was really clueless, and it was impossible to get advice from the Heavenly Emperor again…

He knew it was just an extravagant hope.

Just when he was about to be unable to suppress the Dao rules in his body, Wang Fucheng finally arrived with 600 players.

“God of cheap swords, I will make a lightning rod for you, and you can rest assured to survive the calamity!

lightning rod?

For robbery?

Shu’s smile was instantly stunned, the style of the painting changed a bit quickly, and he almost didn’t react.

next moment.

He grinned.

God Knife Cut Hook!

The fissures of the sky were split, and the splendid light broke through the darkness.

The knife light flashed, and it looked just a touch of bright color, indifferent and cold.

But it made everyone tremble, their scalps were numb, and their bodies were going to be paralyzed, including the two holy kings who were high and low,

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