Chapter 855 The immortal touches my top and gives longevity! (Please complete the order)

Jiang Tiandi…

This is the supreme existence that covers the universe, the terrifying Lord of Asgard who lived more than 10,000 years!

Countless people watched.

Shu Yixiao, who was in ragged clothes, finally came to the white-robed Heavenly Emperor at this moment, and then bowed his head and knelt down, his eyes full of admiration and awe.

Endless Thunder Sea.

The figure in white is independent.

Shu Yi smiled and knelt like this, without caring about face, dignity, and praise from the soul.

“The place of origin will eventually usher in the return of all worlds. Once you are ready, I will preach to you.”

“Thank God!”

“You are a disciple of the Immortal Palace, there is no problem in spreading your Taoism, just follow your heart.

“However, you have to remember that this world has already been shaken by wind and rain, and in the future, all worlds will come, you need to remember today’s answer and shoulder your mission.

Jiang Tiandi looked at the young man in front of him with deep eyes.

Although Shu Yixiao’s strength is not enough to cope with the fate in the future, Jiang Chen is still willing to pass on the Taoism. He has already understood the character of this person.

Although he is greedy for money, he does not lose blood in his heart.

Perhaps Blue Star needs such a successor in the future, and he is naturally willing to cultivate this seed.

After all… the only people in the real world who can make him use it with ease are those who laugh and kill.




13 Blur

But he saw a trace of the future from the long river of time and space. The arrival of the heavens and the unification of all laws is an opportunity for the creatures of this world.


Also his chance.

“Put your head out. 93

The emperor in white whispered softly.

At this moment, countless players from all over the world are jealous and jealous.

Humans can’t be compared!

The luck of this cheap knife is too good!

God preaching!

Asgard Inheritance!

This f*ck is the style of Son of Luck!

How can you be a child of luck?

Rely on?

Or by Yin?

In an instant.

The holy and stalwart Xianhui spread out from Jiang Chen’s fingers, completely wrapping Shu Yixiao’s whole person.


Everyone was dumbfounded and felt incredible.

This is a Heavenly Emperor who has lived for thousands of years, and it is said that he may be expected to impact the legendary immortal realm.

That’s a fairy!

It is truly immortal existence!

Standing high above the nine heavens, overlooking all living beings, looking at it for a long time, enjoying the world.

Countless people who saw this scene across the screen could hardly control their breathing, and all felt their scalps go numb.

This is definitely a historic moment!

Enough to enter the annals of human history!

Shu Yixiao, who had been knocked down to the Quasi-Emperor Realm, at this moment the aura on his body began to rise continuously and quickly recovered to the Quasi-Emperor Realm. The immortal brilliance transformed by the thunder tribulation was absorbed by him, and the terrifying blood permeated his body like a sky. Column, extremely magnificent.

It was clearly visible that the face of this twenty-six-year-old youth seemed to have changed. Even the hair strands changed from black to pale gold, the neck became deeper and deeper, and the aura on his body became elusive.

Shu Yi’s father was stunned, staring at his son who was receiving the teachings from the Heavenly Emperor in the sky.

“Is this…is it really my son?

He still can’t believe it.

The Divine Sword Emperor, the powerhouse in the game, who has overwhelmed hundreds of millions of players, turned out to be his son who used to have both legs disabled.

“The immortal strokes my top and bears longevity.”

For some reason, this sentence suddenly appeared in his mind.


Apart from shock, he could hardly find any words to describe his mood at the moment.

Not only him, but countless people who saw this scene, have long been scolding mother in their hearts.

Jealous to the point of vomiting blood!

Red eyes!

Heart is bleeding!

Why can’t such a lucky thing fall on me, they are also players, how can the gap be so big.

In particular, some players at the peak of the Great Sacred Realm are only one step away from hitting the Quasi-Emperor Realm.

Their jaws would drop in shock. They had never encountered such a situation in the game, let alone in the real world. This was equivalent to helping Dao Jianxiao reshape the foundation, wash the marrow and cut the hair, and completely transform it. his physique.

Even those Dao Lineages, Holy Lands, and World Statues inherited by the Great Emperor cannot have such means.

After all… it is to reshape a quasi emperor, without the realm of the supreme emperor, it is impossible to do it.

This… worthy of being the unparalleled Heavenly Emperor.

Although he has not yet become an immortal, he has the means of immortality.


Everyone was inexplicably jealous and laughed at this guy.

Looking at the real world, who can have such an honor, can have the Heavenly Emperor teach the Dharma, and get the inheritance of the Asgard.

This is the inheritance of fairy tales.

Today, who does not know that the in-game landscape has undergone major changes.

The Immortal Palace rules the heavens and the world, and all races in the universe must worship.

According to legend, in the Immortal Palace, there are as many quasi emperors as there are difficult people, and there are countless strong people in the Great Sacred Realm.

Especially after the rise of the younger generation of Asgard, the names of Ye Hei, Tang Shan and others spread all over the universe, and their prestige among players is also very high. After Jiang Chen, they are game characters recognized by players.

After all, they all came here with Jiang Tiandi, so I still have to give some face…

Inside the Beijing Research Institute.

-The eyes of all scientists are going to fall off in shock.

Several scientists in the sage realm were heartbroken, and designated the screen to scold the mother, “Too special luck, we have almost collected the national think tank and have gone to this point, this guy has completely surpassed us without spending any energy. ”

It really can’t be blamed on them.

Even Wang Cheng had the urge to rush up and beat Shu Shu with a smile.

It’s a good deal.

The same is Gao Wan, the sword is laughing all the way, crushing Gao Wan in the same period, and walking to the peak of life…

He has never been treated like this. After three lives, he can reach the Great Sacred Realm. He doesn’t know when he will be able to reach the quasi-emperor realm. Maybe this life has no hope, and he has to wait for the next life.


“This is… the real Huadi realm?!”

At this moment, his mind was blank.

Although there has been speculation before, this game is not only able to bring power back to the real world, but the real world.

At this moment, he recalled the words of Tiandi just around the river in 253.


All in One…

All heavens and all worlds are about to come, and the impact this brings to him is too great.

This means that in the future, what Bluestar will face will not only be the powerhouses from the game, but the existence of higher-dimensional beings, perhaps more powerful than the ancient supreme, the ancient emperor, the ancient emperor, or even… than the heavenly emperor. fear.

This is the catastrophe of the future!

own destiny…

Blue Star’s future…

Where will it go?!

He clenched his fists silently, as if trying to grasp the rope of fate.

This kind of pressure is undoubtedly huge, like a sharp sword hanging above his head, it will fall and chop off his head at any time, destroying Blue Star.

It seemed…it was dark in front of me.

“The life of an ordinary person has a few short decades, a hundred years of great power, a king can listen to it, a great sage counts hard years, and an emperor can live for eight rough years… My life is full of wonderful gaps, from a mediocre mortal, to Now, I am well aware of the Quasi-Emperor on Earth who opened the extraordinary era.


“The future may be a tragic fate that cannot be escaped, but as long as I am alive, no matter what lies ahead, I will face it! 22

Jiang Chen smiled and was very relieved, but Shu Yi smiled and did not live up to his expectations.

“Thank you God!”

Shu Yixiao’s temperament at this moment is completely different from before, her skin is as crystal clear as glazed glass, carved like white jade, and it is flawless.

“I’m looking forward to your future…”

Jiang Chen smiled and walked away, his figure gradually blurred, until he asked again at the end of the world and disappeared into the boundless starry sky.

The eight hundred and fifty-sixth chapters of the six-mouth immortal energy bearing law, hundreds of millions of miles of immortal gates, the decline of the gods scare the arrogant! (Please complete the order) Ten thousand years have passed. In reality, only half a month has passed, but the rough years have passed in this world. Jiang Chen is already thirteen years old, and his blood is still strong. Over the years, the years have not left traces on him. It seems that he is immortal and immortal, his youth is eternal, and he maintains a surging vitality! This is undoubtedly incredible. Since time immemorial, no one of every great emperor and ancient emperor could maintain such a vigorous blood energy at this age. If he were a general emperor, he had already entered his twilight years and no longer had his heyday. But Jiang Tiandi has become more and more unfathomable. Although he has not done anything for many years, the universe is full of legends about him. There have been generations of people in the country, and in the hard years, I don’t know how many geniuses have risen, how many outstanding people have passed away, how many geniuses can be remembered by the world, and most of them will be forgotten and buried in the long river of time. It’s cruel, but it’s true. Only the name of Emperor Jiang Tian can last forever and be praised by the world. The temples about Emperor Jiang Tian in the universe are like stars, almost every ancient star of life has them, and countless creatures kneel and worship in front of the stone statue of Emperor Jiang Tian. Because his merits and strengths deserve such honor. Every day, Jiang Chen can feel the endless power of faith gathering in Asgard. He carried the power of these beliefs with the Chaos Clock, and now he has condensed a sea of ​​beliefs. In addition to laying out the real world, he no longer does anything, because there is no one in the world who is his opponent. Whether it is the powerhouse of the older generation or the powerhouse of the younger generation, he has never been able to shake his position. This is an irrefutable fact. Emperor Jiang Tian covers the world, and hundreds of millions of creatures in the universe must worship. With the power of faith and experience, Jiang Chen’s refining of the origin of the Dao of Heaven is getting faster and faster, and he feels that it may take another 100,000 years to completely refine the origin of this world. Over the years, Jiang Chen has been sitting cross-legged in chaos, the energy of chaos intertwined with the power of the source, and turned into the purest real fire of chaos. Each of his cells has been tempered by this chaotic real fire, which contains terrifying chaotic power. The human body has 60 trillion cells. According to the follow-up deduction of the Chaos Immortal Sutra, if these 60 trillion cells can be turned into small worlds, and then turned into universes, they may eventually be able to create a rhyme covering all kinds of things. The multiverse of the sky. Boom! In the next few hundred years, Jiang Chen’s breath has undergone earth-shaking changes every day. Even his breath can cause the heaven and earth to roar, endless stars move with him, and the sun and moon are not as dazzling as his. At the end of the universe, the Heavenly Emperor in white is walking. The vast galaxy was ups and downs under his feet. His Taoism became more and more terrifying, almost reaching the peak that a half-immortal could accommodate. Wherever his eyes swept, all Dao and reason would be parsed out, without any secrets, just like a master of the universe. With a wave of his hand, he can lose a planet, his eyes can open the picture, he can shatter the endless territory, and a single drop of blood can slaughter a supreme being. The pinnacle of the semi-immortal has transcended the realm of humanity and stood above the real fairyland. Although he has not yet proved the true immortal, he has cultivated three breaths of immortal energy and has the charm of a true immortal. However, Jiang Chen felt that it was not enough. These three mouths of immortal energy could not make him prove the most perfect true immortal, which greatly hindered his plan to break the immortal and become a king. He comprehends six laws, and needs to nurture six immortal qi, which are divided into six laws, so that he can prove the Tao without any shortage. Since the recent rough years, Jiang Chen has felt the shackles of this world, and the peak of the semi-fairyland is already the absolute peak, and it will be difficult to take half a step after that. Even if it takes a long time to cultivate, it will not help.

This is also because Jiang Chen is just an example. He is too enchanting. He had an immortal life before the Emperor Zhengdao, so he doesn’t need to worry about the erosion of time.

For other people, there is no such patience to polish the law, and even life cannot be continued. What is the use of polishing the law?

Therefore, the great emperor and the ancient emperor continue to want to become immortal, enter the path of immortality, and continue to be immortal and go further.

“With my current strength, to attack Qi Otherworld, if I can get in, but I don’t have a good rhyme, I might be swallowed in it like the Great Emperor of Beginning.”

You must know that the Great Emperor Wushi, the Undying Emperor, and the local monk in the strange Otherworld are likely to have reached the realm of the Red Dust Immortal.

Without full certainty, Jiang Chen was reluctant to get involved easily.

Although the Black Emperor begged him to go there several times, he did not respond, but silently refined the origin of the universe.

Over the years, the black emperor has come here less and less often. After all, this big black dog is getting old, no longer shouting all day long to be favored, and it is much quieter.

This made Jiang Chen quiet.

On this day, Immortal Palace recruited immortal soldiers from outside, and all those who came to apply were the arrogance of the world, and some even had a reputation on the ancient road of the starry sky, but now they are only willing to become a soldier of the Immortal Palace.

“It took decades to finally arrive from the ancient road of the starry sky, it’s really great, I haven’t started the application yet.

At this time, many geniuses had gathered in front of Asgard.

Most of them came from the universe, and even if they got the news, they still spent a lot of time.

“Is this the legendary Asgard? It’s really magnificent!”

“Jiang Tiandi covers the world, but he hasn’t done it for a long time. I don’t know if I can see the true face of Tiandi this time?”

“If I can see the true face of the Emperor of Heaven, I would be willing to give up my life for a hundred years.”

Many Tianjiao looked up at the Immortal Palace. They saw a majestic Immortal Gate standing at the end of the void. It was vast and magnificent. It was high into the clouds and could not see the top.

Asgard is incomparably vast. In the past, Jiang Chen used his methods to open up a kingdom of gods in chaos. Therefore, the area of ​​Asgard expanded hundreds of times, and it was almost endless.

At the same time, some Tianjiao are still guessing how powerful the Tiandi is, and whether it is as terrible as the legend.

If the Heavenly Emperor was in his twilight years, Asgard would no longer have the conditions to attract them, so it would be better to continue to fight on the ancient road of the starry sky and fight against the arrogance of all races.

“Land of Asgard, no noise is allowed. 99

At this moment, a cold voice (Xiao Li Hao) came out from within Xianmen, which made their scalps feel numb, and even their souls seemed to be trembling. Almost suffocated.

A group of Tianjiao looked over and found an old man in white, who did not know when to appear in front of them, his eyes were deep, his breath was long and unfathomable, and everyone was terrified.

“Dare to ask the senior?”

Tianjiao dared to ask.

“Be careful, don’t get close to him, this is the famous God of Sorrow ten thousand years ago, the great sage Huntuo of the ancient clan, I didn’t expect him to join the fairy palace, you must not get too close to him, this person is the best at persuading Dead man, if you offend him, you may not know how he died. 99

A Tianjiao with quite a background said, hiding far away at the moment, for fear of being missed by the Great Sage Huntuo.

“Is the old man so scary?”

Hun Tuo, who doesn’t know why, is now a powerhouse of the Quasi-Emperor Realm, and he is a little confused at the moment, and he seems to be no different today…

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