Chapter 866 Only the weak Peng thinks that he can win! The terrifying body of a real dragon! (Please complete the order)

Ye Hei agreed with Tangshan’s words.

In the past, this girl had fought against him, and after being defeated by him, she went into seclusion for ten years, and sought revenge for him as soon as possible after the hook.

How terrible is Zi Ma who has the inheritance of the ancestors.

He is improving his strength almost every day, even walking and sleeping without stopping. Generally, Tianjiao cannot compare with him.

Only a son of luck like Ye Hei could overwhelm Zi Ma.

The police said that Ye Hei, Tangshan and Xiaoyan were challenged a lot.

Especially Xiao Yu.

After all, among the three, Xiao Yan was the weakest, and most asked Shi Zi’s mother to use as a sharpening stone.

Xiao Bag said he was in pain.

Obviously he has worked hard, but he can’t catch up with Ye Hei and Tang Shan, the two monsters.

Now add a purple mom.

This day is simply over.

To be honest, Zi Ma’s current strength is indeed amazing, even Ye Hei and Tang Shan, who have reached the pinnacle of the quasi-emperor, are shocked.

Unarmed to take imperial soldiers.

They can do the same.

But it can’t be as easy and freehand as Zi Ma.

At first, they all thought that Zi Ma was instructed by the open-air emperor. After all, Zi Ma didn’t seem to be a special police officer except to eat a little.

Not even the bunny’s identity is amazing.

After all, the little rabbit came from the fairyland.

The force is obviously a head higher than Zi Yan.

But what about the result?

Not to mention that Zi Ma took over the imperial soldiers with her bare hands, but now she wants to annihilate the entire Demon Race, just for the sake of hard work.

I have to say, this girl is really domineering.

But none of them would feel anything wrong, and they would all stand on Zi Ma’s side.

Who made you Mozu not open your eyes to provoke the Emperor?

All right now.

Although the Emperor of Heaven doesn’t take you seriously, this little aunt is not someone to mess with.


Demon ancestor star.

At this moment, the old Zhun Emperor of the Demon Race was about to cry but had no tears, and he already had the heart to die.

The only imperial weapon of the demon clan is the Mo Yu sword left by the demon emperor in the past, and now it has been suppressed by Zi Ma.

This is equivalent to stripping away the last means of the demons, and there is no resistance at all, and it is almost a closed fish, which will be slaughtered by Zi Ma.

“It’s really terrifying, what a terrible power is required to take over the imperial soldiers with bare hands!”

“Hey, Mozu, this is really bad luck, the emblem has arrived, this woman seems to be a person from Asgard!”

“I remember, this woman is Fairy Zi Yan from Asgard in the past. She once fought on the ancient road of the stars with the Holy Body and others, and now she has reached the pinnacle of the Emperor! 17

“Xiangong is the number one force in the universe today, and one can imagine how terrifying its background is. Any woman who walks out of the sky is an existence at the peak of the quasi-emperor. Who else in the world can stand out under the suppression of Xiangong? !”

Many people sighed when they saw this scene.

The heritage of Asgard is already beyond everyone’s expectations.

If it is said that the Heavenly Emperor is the Heavenly Pillar of Asgard, then these Quasi-Emperors are the mainstay of Asgard and the benchmark for measuring Asgard’s heritage.

If there is only God of Heaven.

No matter how strong Asgard is, after the fall of the Heavenly Emperor, Asgard will also become lonely.

In the past, the heavenly court was at its peak. When the emperor was on the throne, he sat down and worshipped the emperor, but with the fall of the emperor, the heavenly court finally declined, leaving only a few lonely ghosts left in the world.

In the universe, the eyes of countless people are full of envy for Asgard.

The Emperor of Heaven is at its peak, with blood and energy like Wang Yang, dazzling the heavens and the earth, covering the universe, and terrifying.

What is even more terrifying is that the people of Asgard’s generation are extremely terrifying.

The Eucharist Ye Hei, the demon body Tangshan, the fire spirit body gastritis, the purple mother, the bear child, etc. are the existences of the quasi emperor.

Zi Ma has always admired Jiang Chen.

Even when she saw Ye Hei and others, she wanted to teach her a lesson.

At this moment, the eyes of the ancestors of the quasi-emperor of the demon race were cold, and the killing intent rushed to the sky.

“My family can’t be humiliated, even if you can beat the imperial soldiers with your bare hands, I will not give in.”

“Let’s do it together!”

Following the move of the demon clan ancestors, the rest of the sleeping quasi emperors on the entire demon clan ancient star made a move.

What face, what dignity, can’t care about now, suppressing this woman is the most important.

One by one, it is definitely impossible to defeat this purple-clothed woman.

The only thing to rely on is the number of people.

There are six quasi-emperors on the entire Demon Race Ancestral Star.

“The weak are the weak, do you think you can win by hugging?”

Looking at the six demon quasi emperors who rushed out of Zuxing, Zi Ma showed a light smile.

If there are hundreds of quasi-emperor powerhouses, it may bring her a little trouble.

But the six quasi emperors in front of them went together, and for Zi Ma, there were no district police.

“The devil dyes the heavens!”

An ancestor of the demon race used a magical power to condense an endless black mist on top of his head, and a phantom of the demons appeared in it.

The shadows cover the sky, and the endless stars crumble.

“Tips for carving bugs.”

Zi Yan sneered, and when she raised her hand, the terrifying dragon energy surged out, turning into a real dragon traversing the sky, bigger than the ghost shadow, comparable to an ancient star.

“Fight! 19

The six quasi-emperor ancestors roared, and the supreme divine energy erupted, and the demonic energy surged into the sky, shaking the boundless territory.

This scene shocked everyone.

The quasi-emperor is aloof, and each one can suppress a star field.

Who has ever seen it, six quasi emperors joined forces to kill one person.

Simply appalling.

“Even if this woman loses, she is honored enough.” Someone sighed.

“Yes, even if she loses this time, it will be enough to move the world, and the six quasi emperors will be able to suppress her.

Everyone felt that Zi Ma was already very scary. She was able to kill herself on the ancestors of the demon clan and beat the imperial soldiers with her bare hands.

In the end, even if he lost, he was proud of himself.

However, the next scene completely subverted everyone’s cognition.

Zi Maman and Miao’s figure (Zong Li Hao) gently shook, turned into the body of a real dragon, and directly swallowed all these magical powers in one bite.

The demon ancestor who was closest to her didn’t react at once, and was directly swallowed by Zi Yan.

“Guru… it’s really unpalatable.

Zi Ma opened her mouth and spat out a pile of bones.


Everyone was stunned.

This scene was completed beyond their imagination.


It’s not over yet.

The terrifying blood vibrated, the huge real dragon body covered the starry sky, and the brilliance of the sun, moon and stars was taken away.


Zi Ma waved her dragon claws and directly smashed a demon ancestor to pieces.

Seeing that something was wrong, the other several ancestors of the demon race turned around and left, but they were still a step late, and they were all beheaded by Zi Ma.

PS: It’s been a long time since I talked about it. Happy New Year everyone, I wish Daxiang a healthy new year and a smooth career!

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