The eight hundred and seventieth chapter of the empress pose, ignite the fire, the old god falls! (Please complete the order)

In the universe, some quasi-emperors have pale faces, such a strong person will lose to Zi Ma?

As for the monks of all ethnic groups, almost all looked at this scene in disbelief.

A quasi-emperor peak was killed by Zi Ma and swallowed it in one bite. It was all in an uproar. It wasn’t that she didn’t know that Zi Ma was terrible, but it was too outrageous to be so evil.

The starry sky is boiling, and the mountains and tsunamis are roaring.

However, Zi Ma was also affected by a trace, and the dragon claw tore a hole.

“She is injured, and is not as strong as we imagined. Just following the killing of Ku Rong’s ancestor, he paid a huge price!”

Someone shouted that it was shocking to see the blood on Zi Yan’s dragon claws, which was also stained with the blood of a quasi-emperor peak powerhouse.

“Let’s do it together and fight her again!”

These people are already crazy, and they don’t care about using any means, as long as they can defeat the sub-proposal and make her a big defeat, it will all have the same effect.

In this way, this turmoil can be calmed down, and the morale of the demons can be boosted!

Only by suppressing Zi Ma can the demons breathe a sigh of relief, instead of being so aggrieved and resentful.

“You’re just at the end of the shot, what else is there to be brave?” A quasi emperor asked coldly, with a cold glow in his eyes.

“Sometimes the weak are really sad, maybe only when they die, they will understand these truths.

Zi Yan sneered, the huge dragon body was like a steel city, stretching across the sky.

“I’ll kill you!

At this moment, a loud shout came, and a Protoss quasi emperor came, wearing a golden armor and blazing all over.

“It’s the god of the gods who ignited the fire!

Some people were startled and said that it felt incredible that there was an old god who ignited the divine fire in this family.

This is not an ordinary creature, it has ignited the divine fire in the body, it is a sign of the transformation of the clan, and it has endless mighty power.

Looking at the ancient times, this clan was extremely brilliant, but in the end it fell, leaving only a few weak clansmen.

In the past, this clan had gone through two superpowers, and had divided police officers to compete with two ancient emperors, but unfortunately, in the end, these two peerless figures both failed, one died in the depths of the starry sky, and the other did not know where to go.

Since that time, the clan has kept a low profile for a long time, and there are few strong people who ask the world.

“You have something.”

Zi Ma’s eyes narrowed slightly, looking at the old god.

“Not much to say, let’s do it directly, let me experience the means under the Emperor! 33

The old god stepped into the starry sky one step, and the dazzling divine light shrouded his whole body, as if it was burning.

This is an old man. He doesn’t know how many years he has lived. He looks like he is in his 80s or 90s. His white hair exudes a touch of gold, and even his pupils are shining.


When the two faced off, the old god threw out a divine sword, which was full of ten thousand feet, spewing endless killing intent, beheading Zi Ma.

Zi Ma spewed out a dragon’s breath, which contained endless thunder, and the lightning clashed, each of which collided with the sword light.


The sound shook for nine days, and the sword glow intertwined with the thunder, causing the place to vibrate violently.

Zi Ma reincarnated as a human body, surrounded by a terrifying Chaos Qi.

“Are you finally serious?

someone exclaimed.

This kind of confrontation is so terrifying that it almost makes the universe collapse. I don’t know how many stars are shattered, and they all turn into powder and dissipate in the universe.

It is hard to imagine that this is just the power of the explosive hooks of the two quasi emperors.

It is as if the ancient emperors are fighting each other.

Both of them stood on the top of the quasi-emperor, and both wanted to find a way to break through the emperor.

To be able to compete with the opponents of the same level of police officers is the way to attack the emperor at the peak of the emperor.

This is the collision of Tao and Tao.

Whoever has the last laugh will be qualified to compete for the Emperor Road.


In the universe, thunder sounded one after another, extremely terrifying, and you could see terrifying rays of light fighting and colliding there.

“Both of them are horrible!

When they saw this scene, some people were dumbfounded. If it were them, they would have turned into ashes early.

This is not a collision that they can intervene in. Once they get close, there is a danger of falling.

“I hope the old god can suppress this woman! 99

Someone expects.

“Dream, after fighting for so long, you still haven’t seen that the old god has fallen into a disadvantage?”

“How is this possible!? 99

“Is this purple-clothed woman so powerful?!

It is undeniable that the old god is indeed very strong, but Zi Yan is also terrifyingly strong and can obtain the inheritance of Ancestral Dragon. After all, after refining it, Zi Ma has reached a very terrifying state.

Although he has not yet become an emperor, he is not far from this realm.

As for the old god, after endless years of drying, his blood qi disintegrated, his fleshly body was already rotten, and he fought against Zi Ma with the danger of falling.


Following the collision, the old god, who had fallen into the lower winds, felt uneasy, because his fleshly body began to crack, and he was shaken by Zi Ma.

He felt that his blood was constantly draining, and there were signs of decay.


The old god shouted, the white hair on his head was scattered, he coughed up blood, and he was about to die.


He roared loudly, activating the divine fire in his body, which was originally his divine soul, the 253 essence of the source of life, at this moment it was equivalent to the ultimate sublimation, and he had to use the last resort to fight Zi Ma to the death.


The terrifying sword qi surged, and the sword light slashed like a thunderbolt, and a sword qi nearly slashed into Zi Ma and rubbed off a corner of her clothes.

This is already Chaoyu Lao God’s own power.

“How long can you hold on?

Zi Ma was somewhat dejected, this old god has reached the end of his life, and there is only an empty body left, and it is meaningless to fight again.

“Is my life coming to an end?”

There was a trace of unwillingness and helplessness in the old god’s eyes.

How many years of years, how many years of waiting, in exchange for only a lifetime of emptiness, will eventually perish between heaven and earth.


The old god rotted and died.

“It’s really cruel, how many people are fighting for the emperor’s road, and the final result is the same, but I am different, I am destined to go on the road of the goddess!

Zi Ma’s eyes were deep and determined, and she looked at the remaining few quasi emperors with a smile.

“Next, it’s your turn!”

In an instant, a brilliant red light quickly bloomed on her body, visible to the naked eye, and the torn gap quickly healed.

This is the true phoenix technique that Jiang Chen passed on to her, which can heal her injuries in an instant.

War is imminent!

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