Chapter 880 The black hand with the layout of eternity, Xian Ding, and annihilation of the universe! (Subscribe)

A creature in the Immortal Dao Domain, even if it is a remnant soul, no one dares to regard him as an ant. It is still powerful and unmatched!

The reason why Jiang Chen said this is entirely because he knows everything and has known the existence of this person from time to time.

Ancient and modern years, eternal and endless!

No one expected that the truth of this world would be like this, even crazier than the undead emperor.

Xianmen Yong is fishing for black blood and wants to infect the whole world.

“If you honestly hide behind the fairy gate, I really can’t deal with you, but you will send it to the door to find death!”

Jiang Chen stepped over the hook in one step, tearing apart the void.

He punched through the endless blood mist, chasing and killing the vague figure.

Although he still didn’t know whether this figure was from the Immortal Realm or the Exotic Realm, the result would not change.

“Boom! 99

The endless void trembled, Jiang Chen chased and killed most of the starry sky, the dazzling runes beating, sacred and stalwart.

Of course, this is only for other people.

To that figure, this is simply an abyss, an area that is difficult to escape.

However, the remnant soul is very accomplished in the way of space, and has avoided Jiang Chen’s beheading several times.

“Could you be a fairy king during your lifetime?”

Jiang Chen frowned, his eyes were deep, and he looked at the front of the hook and shot two gods, piercing the void, to make the other party appear.


Jiang Chen dropped his palm forward, annihilating the void there, not giving the black shadow fans a chance to enter the void.

This palm is extremely terrifying. With a single blow, the stars are destroyed within a radius of millions of miles, creating a doomsday scene.

The road ahead was blocked, and the black shadow could only turn around to resist, and received the slap firmly.


He coughed up blood and roared, and the so-called immortal brand became dim.

Despite this, he still did not fall, spanning most of the starry sky, continuing to deepen.

“Do you want to lead me somewhere?” Jiang Chen chased the black shadow endless starry sky, sensing that the other party seemed to have a purpose to flee towards a police officer.

“No matter what means you have, you will die today!” This world will be his strategic location in the future, and planners like Sombra will all be killed.

Soon, the two came to a special area.

There are incomplete stars everywhere, but the rules between heaven and earth are very ancient, which resonates with the Great Dao.

“Have you chosen a graveyard for yourself?”

Jiang Chen sneered, as if he didn’t care.

At this moment, his head hangs the chaotic clock, holding the sword of the immortal, and his whole body is enveloped by the chaotic air, and the aura is so powerful that it makes the heavens and the world tremble.

Although he can feel that the rules of heaven and earth here are more broken than the outside world, it seems that it has been handed down from the ancient times and does not belong to this world.

“This is the junction between the Immortal Realm and this Realm. There are cracks in time and space, and even a true immortal can be buried. Today, I will take your fleshly body and annihilate your primordial spirit!

The black shadow recovered his blood, and the hazy figure revealed endless coldness.

He played one after another of seals, and cast a terrifying and ancient secret technique, hundreds of millions of immortal lights, surging like Wang Yang, blooming with endless brilliance.

Jiang Chen sighed faintly, and billions of divine chains of order were intertwined, turning into a heavenly spirit.

– Vaporize all souls!

The supernatural power born from the female emperor’s method, summoning all spirits in an instant, enveloped the entire universe, and the black shadow tick mark was immediately annihilated.

The black hair fluttered, the Heavenly Emperor’s demeanor was unparalleled, and the entire universe trembled as his eyes widened.

“It’s so terrifying, the Emperor of Heaven can actually suppress the creature that was hooked from the Immortal Gate!”

“Unbelievable, how is the realm of immortality divided, and whose realm is higher? 99

“What is the origin of the creature?”

After a brief silence, everyone was incomparably shocked and guessed the identity of the creature.


At this moment, the void vibrated again, the Chaos Bell trembled, the endless Chaos Qi filled the air, and the world changed color!

“not good!

The immortal imprint of the shadow trembled, and then stepped back, sacrificing an ancient cauldron, surging with immortal light.

This is a mouthful of Xian Ding!

This cauldron is suspended above his head, rushing out of the endless fairy light, it seems to drown the entire universe.

“I didn’t expect you to hide a mouthful of Xian Ding in this area. Could it be that you brought the rhyme from Xian Yu?

Jiang Chen stared at the cauldron, although it was incomplete, he was sure that it definitely did not belong to this world.

Because the cauldron contains the origin of immortality, and there are all kinds of mysterious runes flowing, as if there are ancient gods who want to make money again and reopen the world in the world.

“This is the immortal cauldron bred by our ancestors, who has been contaminated with the blood of an unknown number of true immortals!

The black shadow looked horrified, a blow tore through the void, star after star exploded, and there was an aura of annihilation surging forward!

This is very terrifying, at the cost of destroying a domain, to stimulate the brand in this tripod.

At this moment, the immortal cauldron broke through the sky, and the endless fairy light filled the air, as if a god was opening the sky.

The whole mouth of the cauldron reflects the heavens, destroys the rules of the universe, evolves the Great Way of the Immortal Realm, and opens up eternity in reincarnation!


The void is annihilated, unable to withstand the power of the Immortal Realm, and the void collapses!

This kind of fluctuation is so terrifying, it is enough to make the Immortal King tremble, and it is incredibly powerful.

“Incomplete Immortal King Soldier, do you want to sacrifice your remnant soul?”

Jiang Chen sighed slightly, but his subordinates showed no mercy at all, and the six-path reincarnation punched, instantly shrouding the shadow into his inner universe.

Arriving in the red dust wonderland, Jiang Chen has been able to reflect the world in his body into reality.

Now, he is using this method to drag the shadow into his inner world.

“.This…inner world! You actually gave birth to this kind of thing!!”

The shadow roared in shock, struggling desperately.

However, although he is strong, he is only a remnant soul. At this moment, he is trapped in Jiang Chen’s inner world, and the immortal imprint is obliterated by the laws of the inner world.

At this moment, the whole world returned to peace again, leaving only the devastated planet, the stars and the rules turned into powder.

Millions of miles around have turned into nothingness, and nothing remains!

Only the broken cauldron remained.

“The current strength of the Emperor of Heaven is really incomprehensible, and it is difficult to find an opponent in the world, but where did this creature come from to have such strength…”

This “war if there is no Heavenly Emperor, I can’t imagine it…”

“Black blood invades the universe, more terrifying than the dark turmoil, it is the blood scourge of hundreds of millions of beings, the ancient race, the human race, and the beasts will all be annihilated, and it is impossible to compete with it!

“That creature…”

In the restricted area (of Zhao’s), the empress frowned slightly, her whole body was full of divine light, and her beautiful face showed a hint of doubt.

In this battle, she never made a move from beginning to end.

Because she believed Jiang Chen.

But the years of existence of the black shadow are too long, and since the long river of time groping, I can spy on a trace.

He has many methods, and even she doesn’t know that the shadow is left in the immortal cauldron in that area of ​​the universe.

Although it is only a broken soldier, it is also very extraordinary.

The queen looked worriedly into the depths of the universe, where the figure of Yun Jiang Chen appeared.

Tsing Yi is peerless, Feng Shen is like jade, and although the breath fluctuates a bit, it is still like a banished immortal.

The rules there were completely shattered, the years were broken and turned into pieces of nothingness, which was enough to show the horror of this battle.

However, with the cultivation base of the shadow, it is impossible to refine a celestial cauldron like Yun.

“That cauldron is weird…”

In the middle of the empress’ eyebrows, a terrifying golden figure walked around, stepping into the universe one step at a time, knowing everything.

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